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Everything posted by futurehope

  1. Thanks for the update Emily. Melissa, I pray you have a speedy and uneventful recovery. I'm grateful that the doctor's have found the culprit. We all want you back on the forum and look forward to hearing from you.
  2. Kim, My mother's depression crept up on her also without her realizing what was happening. It's slow and insidious. Katherine, I couldn't agree with you more. The sunlight definitely has a biochemical effect on us. If you cannot get outside, there are lights you can purchase. The light tricks your body into thinking you're outdoors. My sleep doctor recommended it for helping me get up in the morning. I haven't purchased it yet. But if you're interested, it's 'Apollo Light Systems" 1-800-545-9667. I can't afford it right now. Since I'm not supposed to be pushing one compnay over another on this forum, I am not promoting this light system over any other.
  3. I find that the the toughest thing of all is to deal with medicines and/or supplements. When I take something to help one of my medical conditions, another worsens. Regarding beta blockers, I have a lot of anger towards the fact that people are not TOLD that they can cause depression, and therefore, people do not even associate the pill with the beginning of their problem. My mother certainly had no idea that the reason she was acutely depressed was because of a pill she had to take for high blood pressure. What a lot of expense and mental anguish she had to go through - - because of a pill, no less. She was actually getting suicidal! BTW, she's fine now and it never happened again, though she knows to watch out for the depression. On that note, I urge anyone who is ingesting a new medicine or supplement, to monitor MENTAL as well as physical side effects. I can't stress this enough. The prescribing doctor cannot be aware of all the side effects that can affect each person. It is up to you to keep track of any changes to your well-being. POTS is difficult enough to deal with without adding a beta blocker that is causing depression. If you suspect the beta blockers are causing your depression, don't wait to report this to your physician. The longer you're on them, the worse it gets. Who knows what it is doing to you biochemically? Maybe there is something else you could take. I hope I've helped someone today. And I hope I haven't offended anyone. I do not like to see people suffer when there may be something they can do about it.
  4. I don't know what caused what, but my endocrinologist said that my adrenals do NOT respond to stress appropriately. When given an insulin tolerance test in which my blood sugar was deliberately forced (by insulin) to a low amount, my adrenals reacted poorly. The normal adrenal response is to have higher levels of cortisol when you have low blood sugar, and to get "shaky". I did not. My doctor said "interesting" but had no idea whether POTS caused it, or it was there before or what. If I wanted (he left it up to me), I could take additional hydrocortisone when sick (which I do on occasion), or if I wanted I could take a bit extra on a daily basis. I chose not to take extra on a daily basis as the hydrococrtisone caused excessive heartburn. Peace.
  5. Do not underestimate the potential for beta blockers to make you depressed. My mother landed in the hospital with depression and didn't find out until later that the beta blockers set her off. I can't take them either. They cause depression in me. That being said, have you been on BB's for long? Have you increased the dose. Were you all right before (not depressed)? I pray you find the strength to handle your problems and the wisdom to choose the best course of action.
  6. I would ask to be layed down and see if that keeps your blood from pooling in the "middle". I would suspect it's a POTS thing. Obviously, we're all different, but in your case, you need to try reclining. I have a similar thing happen when I've been upright too long. The usual "automatic" blood pressure cuffs cannot find a pulse in my arm.
  7. There is now help for RLS. My sleep doctor did an iron panel on me and wants my serum ferritin above 60 - 70. Low iron contributes to RLS. They also have medication if supplemental iron is not helping. If your doctor prescribes supplemental iron, you need to be monitored via bloodwork every 3 - 4 months or more if you are told. There's no need to suffer if you can be helped.
  8. I'm truly sorry for all your difficulties. I only had one thought. Have you had your adrenal output tested? I'm not giving medical advice and maybe you've already had this done. Usually endocrinologists do this test. Hugs and blessings. I hope something changes for you soon.
  9. If you indeed have IC, then cranberry juice may very well make you feel worse. Most of us on the IC forum avoid it, though that is the usual way for "normal" people to avoid bladder infections. My urologist did recommend cranberry pills.
  10. Sounds like what I have. It is called interstitial cystitis. There is a website you might want to investigate: Interstitial Cystitis Handbook Only certain urologists are well-versed in this. You might be able to find a urologist on the website. PM me if you have any questions. Also, some people have spasms down there and it can be caused by "pelvic floor dysfunction". I'm not super familiar with that, but there are urologists who can diagnose and help you with that. The website might refer to it as PFD.
  11. My arm was sore for a few days. That was it. I got a booster this year.
  12. Which of the two girls are you? Are you on the first part, second part or third part? Who are the other people? Do they have POTS also? Thanks.
  13. Gee, Shannon, you're a natural on camera. Thanks for being so open and sharing.
  14. Jacquie, I know this will seem like I'm trying to scare you and I'm truly sorry, but I must tell you. When I was 20 yo, my thyroid "tests" were normal, but I had thyroid cancer. No one else in my family had it, but my mom and grandmother had goiters. My symptom was "lumps" or swollen glands in my neck because it had metastisized. If I had not had the "swollen glands", the primary lump in the thyroid was difficult if not impossible to know about. You may have a goiter. You may have nothing. I pray it is nothing. But I'm telling you this because in the case of any mass, it must be evaluated by a good doctor. Do you have an endocrinologist? If I remember correctly, I swallowed I 131 (radioactive iodine), and then they used a scanner machine to scan my neck region. After seeing something on the scan, I had a needle biopsy of one of the lumps, and a surgical biopsy of another. It was under a microscope that they could see that they were dealing with cancer. I truly pray it is nothing but I want everyone to know that a mass must be evaluated.
  15. I understand that you have a lump in the roof of your mouth, but I am not understanding where else you mean? (You say on one side.) From my own personal experience, any unusual "mass" is something to be checked out. Let us know what you decide to do.
  16. Dizzy, Are you taking 500 mg/zithromycin a day? I believe that is higher than what I took for my recent throat infection. I took 500 mg the FIRST day, and then 250 mg/day. Is it possible that ALL your meds TOGETHER cause the side effects? I pray today is a better day for you.
  17. Welcome to this forum. My heartrate and my blood pressure both tend to go up with sitting or standing. In my case, I've already had a tilt table test during which blood was drawn to measure catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine). My NE goes above 600 when vertical which some specialists describe as "hyperadrenergic" type POTS. In this form both blood pressure and heartrate can increase. There are also many other symptoms that can be associated with dysautonomia. Have you read the some other info on the DINET website?
  18. My faith in Christ is what sustains me. I know He is the only one who understands me inside and out. I know He loves me more than I can comprehend and that He is always with me. I know He will never leave me or forsake me. Even if I feel useless, I know I cannot earn my way into His graces because He already loves me more than I know. I can talk to Him whenever and wherever I am and He listens. I know this life isn't all there is, so I "press toward the mark of the high-calling in Christ Jesus". What more can I say?
  19. Ithomas521, You reminded me of something that slipped my mind. Immediately after exertion, I can barely stay awake sometimes. This happened to me before I knew I had POTS. I always thought it was a strange reaction to exercising and the reverse of the normal response which is that exercising gives more energy. I'd come back from the fitness center at work and "pass out" for 10 minutes or I could not stay awake the rest of the afternoon. The problem is, the immediate sleepiness does not prevent the insomnia later.
  20. I'm a slow learner sometimes and it's taken me quite a while to realize that exercising for me is an orthostatic "stress" that begins a chain reaction that finally contributes to insomnia. How do I know? On the days I haven't exercised (or been vertical for too long), I sleep fine. On the days I've exercised or been vertical too long, voila....... Difficult to get to sleep. The exact opposite of normal people, of course. They sleep better if they exercise during the day. Okay. I need to exercise to keep my osteopenia at bay and to allow me to keep whatever health I have. So, all you hyperadrenergic types, how do you exercise and then sleep at night? What meds are you on? Has anyone else noticed what I've said - the relationship between exercising and insomnia? Thanks.
  21. Now that we're on this subject..... I'm about 5'8 1/2" Once when I went to the doctor and weighed 128lbs, she gave me a song and dance about being underweight and how I was at risk for infections. Now, I'm about 132 lbs. After seeing all of your weights, I feel normal. I consider 132 normal and average for me. I think the problem lies in that I'm 55 years old. Doctors and other people do NOT expect people to be normal weight unless they are highly paid celebrities. Frankly, I get tired of people telling me I look thin or skinny (including my mother). I feel I'm the correct weight. And comparing myself to you all, I am. Thanks for making me feel normal. As for the "tall/thin" profile. I fit that to a tee growing up.
  22. Hi, I hope you're feeling better soon. Have you looked up possible side effects on the internet? I had two separate courses of zithromax - 5 days each- a few weeks ago. I took two pills the first day, then one pill for the next four days. I'm trying to remember how I handled it. I think you can eat food with the medication, right? Actually, one pharmacist told me I could eat with the med, the other told me it didn't matter. I ate with the med in order to handle it better. I think I felt poorly for the first 2 -3 days, felt kind of sick. Then I felt better. I don't remember problems urinating, though I do get that from decongestants. I also took acidolphilus with it to prevent diarrhea or yeast. Are you still doing poorly? Are you still having problems urinating? Since it's Friday, and it feels uncomfortable calling a doctor on the weekend, I guess you're trying to evaluate what to do. Obviously, you are reacting to something. For how long are you supposed to be on this med? Maybe you could talk to a fellow "lymie" on the internet and find out if this is typical? Wouldn't it be great if surviving all these problems now leads you to a healthier place? I wish you better days ahead.
  23. Jacquie, How are you doing? I've noticed unusual fatigue lately;some days are better than others but, in general, much more difficult to get moving. My husband who does not have POTS or any other ailment that could cause fatigue has also been laying around more after dinner and acting very tired as well. In my case, I think it may be the change to the colder weather. I was told by an endocrinologist that I respond poorly to stress, and I consider the change a stress. If my adrenals are putting out less cortisol than they should when there is a stress, I believe less cortisol mean feeling weak and extremely tired. Have you ever felt so tired that talking felt like a burden or walking to the bedroom to get to bed or even laying in bed and keeping your eyes open is too much? I had that two days ago. It's scary to feel that tired, kinda like you're a walking dead person. I've lived through these sensations before so I suppose I'll live through them now. I attribute them to a combination of things such as being on a new antibiotic, change in outdoor temperature, possibly fighting an infection, recovering from the prior day which required being "vertical" longer than usual for me. In any event, it's scary to feel so debilitated. I can relate. Wishing you more energy-filled days ahead!
  24. I suspect your self-esteem and depression were present BEFORE the encounter with this person. You stated: today he wasnt calling like usual so i saw him online while he is at work and mentioned that was acting differnt,,, then jokingly i said "what im not hot anymore" If you were more confident feeling, you would not have been looking for him online. Also, if you were more confident, you would not be looking for him to give you a reason for his rejection by asking, "what im not hot anymore?" Instead of wasting time commenting on a person who doesn't even hear us (the guy you were with), I lovingly suggest that you get some counseling and help in dealing with your changed life and image. I want you to feel good enough about yourself and I want you to get help in adjusting to your health situation. Once you feel better, you will not say things like "what I'm not hot anymore?" You will know you are hot and you will ignore people who are rejecting you. You will not give somebody power over you by taking their words to heart. I hope you do not get upset by what I am suggesting. I want you to feel better about yourself. Hugs.
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