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Posts posted by calla006

  1. I am currenlty 31 weeks pregnant and was diagnosed with POTS over three years ago. I sought pre-natal counselling and saw my cardiologist before I got pregnant. I am followed by a great high risk OB group who advised me not to go off of my beta blockers that both me and the baby would do better if my POTS was under control. So far this pregnancy has been pretty good. We have had to increase my medications and the last few weeks have been a little bit harder, but it is worth it. We have had ultrasounds of the baby every four weeks and he is doing very well. I am a little bit nervous about delivery as the docs have said that they are not sure how I will do or how I will handle anesthesia. I am trying to be positive, but I am glad that I didn't go off my meds since I have done that before and it was awful!! I would encourage you to see a high risk OB before getting pregnant. It took us four months to get pregnant which is very normal. They told us not to worry until it had been a year of trying.

    I hope this helps,

    Good luck :)

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