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  1. Hello there, I am also in the same boat as you. I’ve a long list of medical conditions including Pots syndrome which makes daily life ever the more challenging as you know. Recently I’ve been on prednisone 1) for the bulging disc in my back and 2) I had a surgery in February which caused so much swelling I wasn’t able to walk for 4 months. So my doctors gave me 10 mg of Prednisone and a couple dose paks. Was feeling pretty good, it got me back on my feet within a month. HELPS WITH THE POTS!!!! Doc wanted me off of it now that I’m back on my feet but my Pots flared up and I almost passed out in the grocery store, thank goodness I had a great friend with me! She practically caught me during a dizzy spell. Now, I'm 25, so the cardiologist advises against medication all except Metropolol. I’ve been doing exercises and salt intake and 2Liters water some days more and yet nothing except the prednisone fixes me. I’m doing as much research as possible to see if there’s another option for me but it’s crazy how well the prednisone works and I wonder which one is more risky? Prednisone effects of long term or being alone in a parking lot and passing out? The doctors say it’s not “life threatening” but passing out anywhere you are because you moved too abruptly is disturbing! I feel like there isn’t enough discovered on this syndrome for us yet. I research constantly trying to understand why I have this and how to cure it. I’m open to any suggestions or research others have.
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