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  1. Unless already diagnosed with POTS before Ed symptoms occurred, I think people with eating disorders can have SOME of the symptoms of POTS due to lack of nutrition, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, but don’t actually have the syndrome, which is a diagnosis unrelated to an eating disorder. It just so happens that some of the symptoms overlap, blood pressure drop, postural tachycardia. But for most these improve as recovery occurs, although I think the longer you’ve had your eating disorder the longer it takes your body/heart to heal. But I do not think the symptoms we are seeing in Ed’s (unless prior diagnosed) are POTS. Some of symptoms mimic some of the symptoms of pots, but these usually improve with recovery (for most), unlike POTS there is no “cure”. so basically so many people with Ed’s are being diagnosed with pots when in actual fact they just have postural orthostatic tachycardia due to malnutrition, they don’t have the actual syndrome, which is usually genetic
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