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  1. I'm a bit of both. Very first thing in the morning is rough. I'm usually stiff and in a lot of pain and parched. But usually within 30 minutes to an hour I feel fine. The next 3 to 4 hours are my best most productive and least symptomatic time. Then fatigue sets in and pain and symptoms start setting in until by 9 or 10 pm I'm almost like I have the flu complete with slightly elevated temperature (99.3 - 99.7). My neuropathy symptoms are at their most extreme. Still in the process of being diagnosed. Not sure exactly what is going on with me. This all started October 1st 2023. Been to a cardiologist and full battery of test to determine that my heart is healthy other than a very minor leaky mitral valve and unexplained tachycardia. I've had 2 MRI and lumbar puncture and a bunch of blood test. So far no answers. But since spring the severity of my symptoms has gotten better but the number of symptoms and number of areas affected has increased. I don't know what to think.
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