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  1. Hi all, long-time lurker and first-time poster here. My doctor is putting me on propranolol. (This is the first medication I’m being put on after developing a currently unknown dysautonomia about a year and a half ago. I’m on salt tablets though.) He wants me on the extended release form, but the lowest it comes is 60 mg, so he’s told me to take it every other day. From what I was able to find online, the extended release effects last about 24-27 hours. It also seems like most people here take much smaller doses of regular propranolol. Has anyone done something like this with extended release? Was it helpful for you? I’m a bit worried about the “yo-yo-ing” between days… But then again normal propranolol would just give me yo-yo-ing between doses since it’s so quick. I don’t have a horribly high heart rate on standing (usually 105-115 or so, sometimes will even settle back down to not-technically-tachycardia-just-high-for-me). My blood pressure goes up or down on standing in ways I haven’t yet found a pattern for, but I’m usually around 105/75 sitting or lying down. That’s another worry, that propranolol might tank my blood pressure at a high dose, but if it can reduce the spikes that would be nice.
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