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Posts posted by mom4cem

  1. Welcome Amby,

    Glad to hear the toprol is helping with the headaches and I hate to see you have to stop due to ins. Maybe you could give the dr. a call and get samples or call the drug company and see if you are eligible for some assistance in getting the drug.

    Good to hear you are up and about and doing well with dealing with POTS.


  2. Welcome and I am glad to read that you are living life well with POTS and CFS. That certainly is a good thing!

    Brain fog,,yuck, just never know when it is going to hit. Sometimes getting the right words out is so difficult. Sometimes I just feel like my body is here and my head is floating up in the clouds, can't think straight, talk straight, remember everything that has just happened, what i am supposed to be doing...sound familiar?lol....

  3. I wish I could offer some other helpful suggestions but outside of what the others said, I don't know. It has to be hard to make that trip on your own. When I have gone to the Autonomic Center in Ala., I drive, but that is also with my husband and that is about 14hrs but we stop, stay overnight etc., and I have him to fall back on.

    Keep the fluids up and if you can take something to help you through the trip,(if that is at all possible)like xanax,klonpin etc.,,just a little to help keep you relaxed.

    I wish you luck and a safe trip. :(

  4. I have mvps. I think both pots and mvps have overlapping symptoms. The actual prolapse of the valve does not cause the symptoms. It is just a marker like was said in an earlier reply. It just seems that many with the prolapse have dysautonomic symptoms. There is a theory that while the the nervous system is being formed that there is a glitch and it may or may not come out at some point in life. If you ever bounce over to a mvps support board you would see how many posts are simliar to those here, but here there a more extreme symptoms like the very, very low or high bp. Mvp seems to fall somewhere in between.

    Maybe it is that those who go to a dr. and have dysautonomic symptoms but upon echo have a prolapse they get termed MVP/MVPS but if not, and hopefully it is a knowledgable dr., they get a pots diagnosis. It is tough to find any dr. who believes or treats MVPS outside of the Autonomic Center in Ala and one in Fla.

  5. Hi,

    I would second the suggestion of moist heat to try to see if that helps. Do you take anything for stomach problems? Maybe you could try some otc meds first, gavisicon, and if that does not help move to a ppi med like prilosec or even to an h2 blocker zantac/pepcid. I have some upper left back pain and sometimes right and mine seems to be due to my stomach. I take a pepcid in the a.m. and a nexium in the p.m. and it has much better. I even use gaviscon in between(all with o.k. from my dr of course)

    Hope you feel better soon. B)

  6. Hi Faith,

    I'm sorry that you all are going through this but I hope by your son knowing what is going on now, that they can help give him the right treatment.

    Your daughter will be fine with the lap procedure. Usually those are not as long as regular surgery and good that they are aware and will be montioring her closely.

    I hear ya on the sinus infection. I have a kicking head cold that is in my sinuses and I can't hear too boot also. This bites!!!!

    Feel better. :D

  7. Hi Janine,

    After a few weeks of feeling pretty decent, I have it too. :) The kids were home last week for the president week break and they were all sick. It would figure they go back to school, me to work, and I get it!

    I like the slippery elm as well as Zicam zinc lozenges and it even comes in gumballs. I find it does help me to lessen the amount of time I actually have the whole cold/flu thing. Lots of tea w/honey and even ginger. Water too of course. I take robutussin but all in all, the cough stuff usually does not do much to quell my coughing fits. That darn tickle that comes with it just does not quit.

    My hr stays up when I am sick and stays like that for days until the virus starts to go. I have trouble keeping warm, I feel cold no matter what. I use a heating pad for a while or the electric blanket.

    Hope you are feeling better. :lol:

  8. I don't know exactly if that is what I have, but I certainly have what everyone has listed with it. Fight of flight, surges throughout the body with teeth chatters and chills. My b/p usually goes up as well as hr. Feel like I will crawl out of my skin.

    When I tried lexapro my h/r did not go up that much but all the other symptoms were intensified and added a few more like insomnia and crawling feelings.

  9. who have been affected by this?

    Yeeeeew, I don't like it at all. I need to move. If it would all be gone by tomorrow I would be happy B) but not likely.

    Here in NY we got plopped on. The warmer weather we had was enjoyable but I guess this plop of snow was inevetabile.(sp?).

    Hope you all had someone to shovel you out. My hubby did most and I did the porch. Certainly gives the ole ticker a workout. As it was my rate was higher than normal resting today. Guess that was the exercise part of the day!

    Here's to looking forward to Spring!

  10. HI,

    I've tried both. Many dr's prescribe them both. The klonpin helps to reduce any side effects one may have while starting or stopping the ssri.

    Personally I could not tolerate the lexapro well with side effects. I am going to give it another try during the time when I am off from work for a week.

    I find the klonopin works well. Good luck!

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