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Posts posted by mom4cem

  1. Welcome.

    Even though he was not very sympathetic to you I hope that these tests that he ordered will help in a diagnosis for you and then you can always switch to someone else to manage your care. No one likes to dr. shop but it is very important to have one that tries to understand what you are going through and is willing to do whatever they can to help. :)

    I hope everything works out. :D

  2. Hi,

    I hope things are turning around for you. I can relate to feeling totally one edge with the nerves. The slightest movement can set another episode off sometimes. There are times when I am so sensitive that taking off my shoes and feeling the back of the shoe hit the bottom of my foot as it is coming off sets the nerves off. It sounds silly but it does <_<

    Hope you are feeling better. :lol:

  3. No accomplishments? Everything you have done has been an accomplishment. I don't define accomplishments by what type of job someone has etc. If you keep going every day, doing the best you can, giving it whatever your all is at the time, that is a daily accomplishment. It brings you one step ahead.

    What about online courses to work at your own pace?

    Don't give up :)

  4. Wish I could say more than sorry you are feeling so bad. On top of the rush,rush of moving and now maybe coming down with something...blah. :) Maybe some virus that is also affecting inner ear..hence the rocking/moving feeling?

    Keep getting the rest and fluids. Two things you do already do with POTS but need to do with a virus too.

    Hugs to you and hope this passes soon.

  5. I twitch also. There is always something twitching. I sneeze my eye twitches. Hand,legs,back,,all over. Stress brings it on more so for me and over exercising. Plenty of fluids and mag. seems to help a bit and gentle chiropractic adjustments help me also.

  6. That's very frustrating indeed. I would suggest another ENT also. It could well be a combination of dysautonomia and allergies or sinus issues. This weather has done it for me and things have not yet bloomed and I have stuffy nose, dry throat, burning eyes, feel like I can't swallow and chest tightness. I think they are a combo of dys. and seasonal changes.

    Hope you are doing better today. :)

  7. Hi,

    I've had a few rhythms show up on the event monitor also. Nothing that they told me to go to the e.r. with but all different types showed up. My cardio had told me to stay away from the e.r. unless he tells me to go. He feels they would give me things that I would not do well with because they don't know me. So, so far I have not had to go.

    Hope you are feeling well. :D

  8. Welcome Barbara,

    It certainly could be. Have you had a tilt table test done, or at least the "poor mans test"? The last is where the dr. takes your b/p and hrate while sitting then does it while standing to see the change.

    Many people experience the increase in heartrate outside of the norm, upon standing. I know I do, not always but definately in the morning and it takes quite a while before my heart settles down. There are times when moving around increases it from 80 to 130.


  9. A massage would be nice as long as you get the o.k. It just may be that it is all baby causing the problem. If they lie a certain way the pressure can be unbearable,,puts pressure on the nerves, like constant sciatica.

    I put tons of pillows under my knees just to try to get comfortable It worked quite often. :D

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