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Posts posted by mom4cem

  1. Hi,

    I have 20mg of k-dur that I was rx after a blood test that was taken the same day I had an epiosde. Other blood tests prior over the course of the year was good.

    I noticed when I took the k-dur after about an hour or so I felt agitated,,anxious. The next day the same thing. I stopped taking it then. I was going to try again tomorrow since I can better manage on the weekends then when I am at work with kids.

    Anyone experience side effects from potassium or maybe this was just an incidental that happened.?

    Thanks. :D

  2. Hi,

    I can tell you that my echos show suggestive of but not meeting strict criteria of mvp. Do I have it or not? I don't know... :) I take antibitotics before cleanings and dental work. I also show the same trace/trivial regurgitation on the same three valves. I've read those can be findings seen in normals.

    It does not answer the question whether you should take antibiotics or not but I believe that depends on the dr. and how they read the echo. They say the odds of getting endocarditis is low with routine cleaning or work.

    If you are very concerned call and ask for something just to be sure.

    Feel better B)

  3. Hi Tearose,

    I am from NY, on Long Island. I would be interested in meeting others, would be fun to put faces with cyber friends.:P

    If it is too much for some to handle the city, maybe outside of the city, Queens perhaps. I guess seeing how many who are interested and where they are coming from would be a good start. I know one of the members I believe Stacie915 has a Dr. here who seem knowledgable in dysautonomia, perhaps he would speak. I was going to pm her to see how she is doing anyway and will ask her also.

  4. Mr dr. just prescribed it the other day. I was in for a follow up and he did bloodwork and they told me it came back low normal so he wanted me to go on for 30 days. I did have a high stress morning, had to go for mammo. was nervous and my high rate must have been up in the 115-120range if not more at times for quite a while so I am guessing it was from that.

    All previous bloods my potassium has been around the 4.1 mark. Not to say that it just might going down for another reason but I think it was quickly depleted from the stress. ;)

  5. Welcome Willows,

    That is a long time to deal with issues without any diagnosis but you are proof that one can deal with it for years, live life the best they can and still have a sense of humor.!

    Reynauds, I have had that since I was about 9-10, hurts like the dickens in the winter for me. I cry being outside for more than a 1/2 hr,,even with layers of gloves, socks,,my fingers and toes hurt, turn blue and purple,,my nose too. I feel one step shy of frostbite in the winter, even in the house. In the summer if they are not cold then the heat makes my hands and feet swell and get white dots on the palms of my hands.

    Once again welcome B)

  6. Hi Pooh,

    Hope you are doing better today. I love going on vacation but also dread it. I map out the Hospitals just in case...sad..I know..lol.

    Over the past year I have become more anxious about traveling, just the not knowing if an episode will flare. The everyday stuff I can handle on a trip, but the episodes..not good when you are in the car, stuck in traffic, out at a restaurant, far from home. At least at home I feel safe. BUT, we all try not to let this stop us from doing things we enjoy and that keeps us going I think.

    Hope you ride back goes well......Let us know!

  7. Hi,

    My cardio office clld and said he wants me to take some potassium. Blood showed low normal. Wants me to take it for 30 days, 20 mg of K-dur. Of course I worry about having too much potassium too. My last bloods in Feb. were normal. :lol: I had just had a episode in the morning yesterday and had the appt. in the late afternoon, wonder if that had anything to do with the potassium showing low normal.

    What is the difference between a vitamin store supplement of 99mg to a rx prescribed 20mg? Wondering if anyone has used the supplement instead?

    Do you take it in the a.m. or p.m.?

    Anyone take potassium only after episodes?

    How long have you used potassium?

    I would like to think that maybe when I have the episodes it is on the low normal side and that is why the episodes start and if I take more potassium that I will have longer bouts of major tachy/arrhythmia free days.

    Just a wee bit nervous about taking it. I am very sensitive to meds, like many of us are.

    Any info is appreciated. ;)

  8. Hi,

    I can understand a bit of what you are going through. I have dysautonomia but I don't fit neatly into any category. You almost forget what it was like to feel "normal", what it was like before the symptoms started. I could cry because I have seem to forgetten. ;)

    I'm sure all will go well with your MRI and I hope this neruologist can give you some insight and point you in the right direction with treatment. :)

  9. I know many have times when their heart rate is nice while sitting and then times when it is high at rest.

    Is that a dysautonomia symptom?

    How much should ones pulse increase upon standing,,is there a normal amount? If at rest you are 75 is 10bpm normal on standing?

    Is ones heart rate variable throughout the day? What I mean is if you are sitting all day would you still expect to see it change from the 70's to the 80's etc...to change during the day?

    Anyone know? I tried searching on the www, but really found nothing that pointed to what a normal increase is.

    I tend to either be in the mid 70's then jump up to 90's on standing or sitting in 90s and jump into the 100's on standing and that is with a beta blocker.

    Curious in NY..... :)

  10. Hi Blondie,

    First, Happy Birthday and I am sure you will have many, many more and healthy ones!!!

    Though last night was not so good for you, you did say you had a pretty good month, which I see as a plus! Hopefully that means more to come. Do you remember doing anything differently, more strenous, food changes,,anything that may have triggered it to start back up?

    I try to journal every day how I feel and then search for a pattern. I know I am very affected by my monthly cycle, etc. It may help. ;)

  11. Sorry about your hubby. I hope everything goes well. My hubby had something similiar years ago and it wound up being pericarditis, an inflammation of the sac around the heart. That can happen from a virus. It clears up on its own with advil to help the inflammation. Not saying that he has that, but just to show you that though it may present with the same symptoms it may not be a heart attack at all.

    I hope all goes well this a.m. with his Dr. :)

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