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Posts posted by mom4cem

  1. I don't think you are crazy. We all share some simliar symptoms and then some not. I get the warm feeling from wine and then it makes me feel very heavy, but then it passes.

    I can feel my heartbeat sometimes most anywhere!

    I do'nt feel like I am getting tiny, but I do feel sometimes like body parts are swelling, usually one of my feet will start or one hand.

    Hope you can find someone to help you soon.

  2. I am sorry you are feeling so bad :unsure: Once we get into that funk, it is a rough road back out.

    I do the same, I feel guilty when I get so involved in how I am feeling and I know others who have it worse and I'm sure they would gladly go through what I am rather than what they are going through. Besides that, it is tough. No one knows how one deals with their pain, feelings etc., unless you can put yourself in their shoes.

    You are trying the best you can to help, give yourself that much. Keep up with your poetry/journaling!

    If the chest pains do not get better, check in with your doc.... I do remember reading where some people when they have chest pain, the lay down and put their legs up agains the wall, and it helps them. Maybe worth a try :angry:

    Keep your chin up :rolleyes:

  3. Hi all, hope the 4th was enjoyable!

    Unfortunately I had another tachy attack, 120's lying down and lasted about an hour or so. Of course, the ekg reading was sinus tachy. It is good and bad. Good that it is just sinus tachy,,bad that we don't know hot stop it. That is where the ssri is coming in.

    A question. When you wake from sleep or even from a nap, do you ever wake and notice your heart is beating fast? Does this happen like a startle reflex? Our brain kicking out excess adrenaline? I took an extra beta blocker and it wiped me out this afternoon. I napped for about 20min and when I woke my heart was beating fast. It calmed down in a few minutes. This stuff is so annoying!!

    Is this just part of our nervous system being off kilter? Arrgh, I have to try to ride out these lexapro headaches and see if an ssri will work!

  4. Hi,

    I started with a 10mg pill that he told me to split and then split again to start 2.5. I feel very disconnected the next day too, and I had a nice surge this a.m. with high heartrate then I also had a HUGE panic/anxiety attack today. Something I have not had in years! I am willing to try other ones and if none are the better then I will just really try to stick the one with least side effects out.

    I'm also going to break into my klonopin stash.

    Keeping fingers and toes crossed that something will work.

    Thanks for the support :)

  5. Hi,

    I started lexapro, again. I tried one time before but the side effects made me stop. So I decided to give it another whirl since the cardio felt that an ssri would help with the tachy surges. I can handle the dilated pupils,(no pain with that), but WOW,,,what a headache I have been having 3days in a row, the same time each night about 4-5 hours after taking the dose. It really knocks me out that headache. I finally got to sleep, get the funky dreams, but I awoke this a.m. with goosebumps and feeling pressure in my chest/esophagus area. Not pain but tight feeling. Burping every once in a while. Guessing anxiety since the cardio ekgs etc. I've been worked over and over in that dept.

    Just don't know if I can ride out the side effects. :) And this is supposed to be the ssri with the least side effects! :)

  6. Thank you all so much. You all really lifted my spirits by understanding :D Unbelievable the friends you can make and never actually see them. That truly is the way to make a relationship right? The exterior does not matter, we know what is on the inside just be reading what we all write.

    Today has been a bit better. The body is behaving a little. Maybe it knows I am 40 today....(no 40 jokes....I've had so many of those today already...lol :D

    Hugs to you all and hoping you are having a good day. :)

  7. Hi Jacquie,

    I feel like that also. Chills w/goosebumps then get hot. I thought allergies also. This weather though has been horrible. Between the rain and humidity, there has been no relief. It is hard to be comfortable at night and I can't afford to have the ac going all day nor do I really like it on all day either.

    Today is better here, the humidity has broken a bit. Will see how long that lasts.

    Feel better. :)

  8. Hi,

    I've had sharp, stabbing pains in my nose and eye. Throbbing at times too. I've had that off and on for years. Ear fullness, sometimes feel like I am underwater. I have ringing of the ears also. Sometimes they say I have fluid sometimes not. My sinuses are usually swollen but not necessarily infected. The weather affects it greatly. The more rain and humidity,the more pain I have.

    I also have gotten the referred pain from it. My writsts, ankle and get the chills sometimes too. I'll use a saline rinse sometimes just to try to get any swelling that there may be in the sinuses down. I had a deviated septum fixed years ago thinking that would help but it the symptoms came back.

    Hope you are feeling better. :)

  9. Hi,

    I'm sorry if this starts to sound like a pity party. I am just soooo tired of this. Yes, I certainly don't have dysautonomia as bad as others, but nonetheless I can't handle the symptoms that I have anymore. I'm starting to feel like I will never get better or at least reach some manageable level. That my kids, hubby and all are paying the price too. I can't make plans to go out, I just never know when the tachy is going to hit and I am miserable when it does until it levels out.

    I've been told over and over from the cardio to the er that it is sinus tachy. Nothing ominous about it but they don't know why it just goes up slowly and slowly goes down. What once occured once a month or so has now been happening almost every day. Not for long, but an hour is long enough. :) Every endocrine angle with blood work has been tested and that has been negative yet my doc feels there is some type of excess catecholamine syndrome...big fancy not a real syndrome, but the best he can come up with to describe it. I just seem to shoot out adrenaline at all different times. I do have hours where I am o.k, but these seem to get pushed away by the episodes. These events have been captured on monitors also.

    Just tired of waking up in the morning with a surge, and then waiting for the big surge to happen. Just stinks!!! B/p is all over, from low. to normal to high. Reflux kicking in big time too now. Appetite next to none. Yes, I've been to therapy for years now and this time I am going to try hypnosis to see if I can learn to better handle these events.

    I am also going to give lexapro another shot just to see if the nuerochemical imbalance thing could be it. I just hate the effects.. think I will bite of a tiny bit and work up from there.

    I wanted to go and get re-tested TTT wise and the center in Ala where I was diagnosed with dysautonmia years ago, I just don't think I can make the trip with the uncertainity of these attacks. Its a long trip. I don't even know if I would be a candidate to see Dr. Grubb, since I don't seem to fit into the POTS category exactly though I have most of the symptoms. And that too would be quite a trip at this time.It just seems hard to believe that your body can turn on you like this and there not be something seriously wrong.

    I just find myself lately crying over what normal was, and crying that I can't seem to be there for my kids like I once was and what the future will bring, will I see them grow up(I know getting depressing). Even doing simple walking yesterday pulled the life right out of me, something I had no problem doing a few months back. To look o.k, and have others tell you, oh you just need to go out and have fun...uh, yeah if I could I would,,that bugs me. I don't choose to feel like this. :(

    I've got to pull out of this funk. Someone send a rope down this hole! Thanks for letting me vent. You all are so good. ;)

  10. I've been there several times. I had the ttt test done, vagal manuevers and exercise test to check how I utilize oxygen. I found out I tend to they hyperadrenergic dysautonomia. I went there back in 92 and have been back there a few times since. I live in NY so it is a trek...I drive down there, make a trip out of it. My dr. who I had seen back then left a year ago. I've heard great things about Dr. Moore.

    They don't make you feel like your crazy. They understand it is your nervous system. They explain whatever they can to you. They tell you about lifestyle modifications, such as no caffiene, exercise more, the importance of fluids to keep the b/p up etc.,for some that is all they need to do, but they do rx meds for you. I've been on beta blocker and they also recommended an ssri,.

    It was the only place I found where someone understood when I told the symptoms I was having. I have mvp dysautonomia. They never made me feel silly with the questions I asked, they are available to talk to by phone, I e-mail the nurse and they are always prompt to respond.

    I have only positive things to say about the center, but that was/has been my experienced. The reassurance they gave me is priceless.

    If you have any questions..I'd be happy to answer them.


  11. Welcome! It sounds like your hubby is really starting to understand and that helps!...

    I feel guilty at how much my husband does when I can't. He does not complain and I feel bad when we have to leave early from somewhere because the tachy sets in or we don't even go because I feel sick.

    Anytime, someone is here. :(

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