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Everything posted by dizzygirl

  1. Corina.. I love Olives too.. the green ones!! YUMMY!!!!!!!! ITs is my cure all method for treating apotsy moment... hey gotta try something right.. when nothing else seems to help! Emily Hi.. so you are still having insomnia huh? that really bites... I can totally relate there..I have been wide awakr for over 24 hours now.. and bot am i feeling the effect of not having any sleep.. I tried laying down through out the day today.. but no sleep for me.. well I am still waiting on hearing from the insurance company about my scooter it has been 3-4 weeks now.. I should hopefully hear something soon.. about moving.. HMMM... I am still very IMpatiently waiting for an apartment to come available.. and can not wait for one to open up for me.. hopefully that too will be sooner then later.. and school.. my goodness.. what a pain in the rump!!! Nobody has gotten back to me from any department of that school.. and I have tried several times to reach somebody..school starts the 29th.. time is ticking away for that.. I am beginning to think its gods way of teling me not to go back yet.. I'm not to sure... I have been searching around though for online.. do it at home kinda schooling.. i think that for right now that might be my best option as far a an education is concerned.. now trying to find a good one is going to be fun! Where there is a will there is a wat right? ok guys.. I am off..darn potsy is making me be able to see straight! OH Must sleep! I need to join the land of sleepy time.. come on Mr. Sandman I am ready for you!! dizzygirl...
  2. yes... i wanted to add.. that I too have a tendenacy to forget to type in whole words or sentences.. or even paragraphs! one morning in keyboarding (theres half the problem it was AM!) anyways i was trying to do a skilled speed typing 5 minute drill.. we had to have 2 errors or less.. well I kept doing it over and over again.. i couldnt figure out why I was flunking the whole assignement that day.. I was having a major POTSY brain fog.. and I could coordinate the skill of looking from the book to the screen.. I would loose my place.. not realize it and start typing from another point.. my teacher kindly pointed out that I left out whole paragraphs.. gotta love those brain fogs.. and inability to think clearly.. does cognitive impairments with pots ever gets any beter? or do they tend to stay the same or get worse??
  3. Hi corina.. well.. i was in schoool.. and I had to take many many typing classes..(i was going to school to be a medical secretary).. well anyways.. i had a very hard time rememebering which keys were which.. and constantly had to "look" which is a big NO NO! Part of the reason I stopped going to school was because I could no concentrate worth a hill of bean.. and I could not remmeber simple things...I had to leave class early more then one occasion.. because i got ill sitting in front of the screen.. and having to concentrate on all those little letter in my book.. stress me out! the dean at my school.. told me to type with my eyes closed... well I tried that.. but I would for get the sentenece that i just read to type! anyways I just wanted to add a "me too!" on that crazy typing bussiness! good luck corina!
  4. Hi all.. I have an other question for you.. i was talking to my mom.. about my tachycardia.. and she told me that I have had a high heart rate since i was born.. (alittle side note.. I was born 3 1/2 months premature.. and had heart surgery at less then 10 days old..) anyways my mom said that the cardiologist told her that my heart beats much faster because I have extra heart muscle.. from my surgery.. How do you get extra heart muscle?? I dont know ...it just adds to my belief that i have had pots/ ans probs. since birth..looking back on how sick I was as a child and teeneager.. and now as a adult.. i can see where things that were just "ignored" very well could have been pots.. but I was curious if any of you have ever been told that you have extra heart muscle.. dizzy girl
  5. hi.. my resting HR is generally 120-ish.. and limbs up there pretty quickly even with beta blockers.. (anywhere from 120-180) my Hr generally does not get much lower then the 88-100 range..
  6. Yeah I'm not the only one! Evie.. I wish by body didnt :crave chocoalte" so much either!! but it is so good! I have to agree with carmen.. that its our bodies telling us what we need.. or are lacking.. I honestly have never thought if it was linked to syncope episodes during tha day or days to follow.. I never thought of that actually..something to think about! thanks for letting me know I'm not "nutty"!
  7. hi all... I was wondering.. I wake up in the middle of the night sometimes and am craving salt and water in the worst kind of way...so I get up and stuff green olives in my mouth.. and chug down ice water.. this typical happens around 3-4 am... I can remeber back a few years ago.. when I was about 17.. way before i was diagnosed with pots.. that i would wake up this way.. and heaven forbid there are no olives in the house!! LOL so I was just curious if any of you have these crazy water/salt cravings.. that wake you up in the middle of the night... and why? maybe I am little nutty what do you think?? dizzygirl
  8. oh and I drink lots of water and gatorade.. and wear compression hose.. up the salt intake.. and my personal favorite.. green olives or dill pickles... the have alot of salt in then.. if I eat Like half the jar (HAHAHA) it makes me feel alittle better..
  9. hello.. i take Mestinon 120mg 3x's aday Propranolol 60mg 3x's a day trazadone 200mg bedtime ambien 10mg bed time prevacid 20mg(?) 2 times a day zyrtec once a day lactaid -- when ever I have milk products Imitrex PRN darvacet PRN tigan PRN
  10. hi.. i would have to say that nausea is one of my main symptoms.. I too get bed bound from it.. sometimes it feels like when you have a bad case of the flu.. and even if you move or open your eyes you get nauseated.. and feel like up chucking..I get nausea along with the vomitting and severe tummy pain sometimes daily.. the jury is still out on the cause of my tummy pain... I take a lot of pepto Bismol... and tigan for the nausea.. I only take the tigan when absolutely needed.. good luck to you
  11. hello alll well I am alittle discouraged in the staff at this school..I called my old advisor.. academic director.. plus financial aide office and nobody has called me back!!! Its been 2 days! infuriates me! I am going to try and get ahold of somebody again.. this afternoon.. I really do wan to try and get back into school.. I realize that my health issues are worse now then they have been in along time.. but I am still willing to try.. I also have an appointment scheduled for thursday at a school that is more disability friendly..so hopefully all goes well there.. however it is a much longer commute to and from school.. I will keep you updated... and thank you so much for all the support and suggestions.. thanks! Linda
  12. I have a few questions actually since we are talking about the subject of parents and pots and kids.. I myself have pots.. and strongly believe that both of my parents are also affected my POts or some type of dysautonomia as well.. I have a brother and sister and they are both perfectly healthy.. I feel so badly for my parents.. my father is unable to work due to health related issues, and has been denied for SSD, and my mother god bless her.. she works in a very HOT kitchen as a cook.. well they do not have insurance.. and cannot afford to go to the doctor to be checked out or tested for POTS. BUt anyways.. my father suffers from episodes were he feels like he is going to passout.. He gets so white, and his skinn gets very cold..and he breaks out in a severe sweat sometimes.. and his heart rate get quite low.. and he suffers from chest pain..he has said that his heart feels like it stops sometimes.. and probably feels more.. but does not divulge alot of info.. my mom.. her symptoms are more like mine.. she is terribly heat intolerant.. she gets bad nausea, and dizziness.. and has had syncope spells in the past.. and more recently has come very close to passing out.. she has digestive problems, and sufffers from sever complex migraines.. her heart beats very fast.. she says that if she is laying in bed that she can see her shirt moving up and down.. her heart beats so fast... both of my parents have issues with low BP.. my dad has a combo of high and low BP.. my father also has some kind of muscle?joint disease.. but I cannot think of the name of it.. he was born with it.. and as a youngster had to wear braces on his legs... his knees would lock up.. my mom has been diagnosed woith fibromyalgia In my situation I have to wonder if there isnt some kind of genetic component involved in my diagnosis of POTS. We believe that I have had POTS since birth.. only it has gotten more progressive over the past 3 yrs or so. Does what I have described of my parents sound like it could be pots?? or dysautonomia or some sort?? I think that it does.. my mom thinks that she has POTS..but like I said they cant afford treatment or testing.. I have given my parents information on non medical treatments for dysautonomia..they have increased there salt of fluid intake.. but I am wondering if any of you have an other suggestion.. thanks a bunch..
  13. thanks for the info melissa..I have a urologist..but he is in need of much improvements! SO I may search for another one..
  14. oh yeah.. sorry if i posted on a topic allready discussed.. Ooopsie!
  15. wow.. ok..thanks for the input.. to bladder problems..what I notice is..I have to pee alot..and it often feels like I have a UTI, I always have that feeling of having to pee, even after peeing.. I have been checked for UTI's and such and I dont have one.. also I do have aproblem with urinanry incontince too... (GROSS!) Just chalk it up to a pots thing... my my the lovely world of pots..
  16. hey.. I was just wondering.. is it normal for a potsy person to pass out while having a BM.. weather it be due to constipation or diarrhea?? I more often then not have passed out and gotten very sick and potsy feeling while being on the pot...sorry i dont mean to be gross or anyhting..but do others suffer from this? Is this a normal part of pots?? also, do you guys have problems with urinary and bowl control/incontitnence? I have tried to address this subject several times with the medical "people" but am brushed off..and not taken seriously.. HMMMMM?????
  17. just wanted to add a "me too" in the bunch.. I wear the 30-40 comprression hose..Jobst.. But I am really bad at wearing them in the summer heat.. and yes Nina.. i like your comment about the gym.. HAHAHA! that is soo funny.. yet true!
  18. Hi all.. thanks for your support and suggestions...I have thought about online classes at home.. and I may very well look into it. I am remaining hopefull about school and an education. maybe now isnt the best time to go.. but in life there is always going to a not the best time.. I am going to call the school tomorrow.. I will let you know how it goes..
  19. Hi all.. I have really been thinking about returning to school to finish up my associated degree, at he local bussiness school. classes will start up again Aug.29th. i was thinking that if I go back that I would go nights.. and only go part time. and see how it goes. But here are my concerns.. 1. i have been really sick over the past couple of months.. I have gone from bad to worse to OMG!.. and I am concerned about.. not being able to hold onto the committment that I make..just getting to class every night will be interesting.. and the having to sit for 2 hours.. then ride the bus 2 and from school.. 2. and I am concerned about.. my finacial future.. and abilities to be able to pay back students loans.. I have been told many times that I am permantlely disabled due to my POTS.. as well as other health problems. I know that nobody has a magic ball and can look in to it and see there future.. but I just cant accept the fact that I am being and have been told that I will never be able to work again.. considering that I am only 23.. i think that it stinks.. and am hoping that "they" are wrong. then again my own stubbornness does get in the way. my family doc does not support me going to school..she admires the fact that i was even going inspite of everything.. she has her reasons I guess. 3. the school is not handicapped accessable.. there is no ramp or elevator to use inside the buildings.. so I would be in a pinch there.. But all in all I want an education very badly..even if I am never able to use it. or if it is another 5-10yrs.. before i can use it. I feel that by not finishing what i started that i am letting the pots rob me of a shot at a future. and at a shot ot having some kind of normal-ness in my life..that pots like is my whole like.( in some ways it is.. it effects everything I do or try to do..). or that is how it feels sometimes.. like I am consumed by that pots hole and cant digg out! Last October.. after a week long hospital stay.. I had to finish the last 2 months of school from home.. and generally speaking.. the classes are not set up for indepenedent study.. they are hands on..be there kind thing So I have been out of school since December 04..I really want to go back.. and am wondering if maybe i should wait alittle longer or just say to **** with it and go. How do all of you do it going to school and having POTS?? any suggestions would be appreciated! thanks linda
  20. madwife.. hi.. I notice that I get very "POTSY" too between 1-4am.. I dont know why.. but boy it makes it much harder to try and get to sleep..UGH!
  21. persephone.. wow you have alot going on right now.. I hope your papa will be allright..and yes I agree that the treatment he is getting is horrible.. just horrible.. as far as your docs are concerned.. i totally understand what you are going through on that front.. yes Dr. Grubb is in toledo Ohio.. there is a bit of wait to get into see see him..about 8-9 months.. could possibly your cardiologist call Dr. Grubb and speak with him about your treatment.. and what else you could do or try? I understand your concernes of money and such.. i wish I had some better advice for you.. I wanted to let you I understand!! please take care dizzygirl..
  22. well low and behold it is 3 am.. and I am still awake..!!! this really stinks! Even with medication in my system i am awake.. how freakin' frustrating.. all I want to do is sleep a nice long 12 hour sleep!!!!!!!! ok well i just thought that I would pop in and see if any of you other insomniacs were awake too.. dizzygirl
  23. carmen.. sorry to hear about you daughter.. I hope that all goes well for her with the cardiologist..
  24. LOL!! I like to buzz around and do Virtual" shopping.. and spend money that I dont have!! LOL Insomnia can break the bank!! I took ativan like 3 yrs ago for anxiety/panic attacks.. or what I was told were "anxiety attacks" .... but later found out from Dr. grubb that I was having "potsy moments"... and I honestly do not remeber how i reacted to the ativan.. I am so hesitant to tkae anyhting having to do with mental health... with all the rigamorol that i have dealt with in the mental health field.. SIGH!!!!!!!!!! hopefully no fuzzy heads or grogginess with this med...
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