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Everything posted by dizzygirl

  1. Hi Lisa.. first thing that I thought when I saw your title is.. do you have a pinched nerve somewhere?? I know that (as the rest of you do too) emotion upset and stress can cause your symptoms to be worse.. I am sorry about your grandma...HUgs to you..my dear.. I am not sure if this is a normal symptom... I experience some weird tingly "sleepy" (yet there not sleppy feelings in my hands and in my legs and feet.. No idea why.. that is why I mentioned if you could maybe have a pinched nerve somewhere.. they can cause tingly feelings... When in doubt cll or go to the doc.. hope your finger feels better soon..
  2. Hi ya amy.. I wish you well in cleveland.. the doc you are seeing she is good and she is thurough too..tell her everything.. about prior testing.. medical history.. symptoms.. the whole kitten caboodle... She may want to repeat some test that you have already had done.. just so she can get accurate results... I know that she did this to me..(she repeated my Tilt test) I hope that you get the answers that you are looking for.. good luck to you.. Linda
  3. Hi Lauren.. I totally understand your wanting it to be something that is treatable.. and with proper treatment will heal and go away... I hope that al goes well for you at the docs.. and that he can shed some light onto things with you.. Linda
  4. Hi Lauren.. I dont have ulcers.. but I do get the stomach pains that you speak of.. Now I am assuming that since you have this in a restaruant.. that you had just got done eating? POTS can cause pain in your stomach and guts... I'm not sure of the proper name of it though...Um Dr. Grubb told me last week that peoplew/pots and who have BP issues tend to have alot of bowel problems.. Anyways.. ontop of having pots ..I have GERD and IBS.. I also have the POTS related stomach trouble too.. Um if you have an ulcer or some kind of GERD(acid reflux) it will cause pain.. I tkae prevacid 30mg 2x's aday and I also take Levsin every 4 hours as needed when I get nausea, tummy pain.. and stuff.. also I seem to take alot of pepto bismol too for heart burn... I'm sorry If i 'm not directly answering your question... In regards to taking antacids..talk to your doctor about it.. explain your concerns... I hope that the tummy starts to feel better soon! HUGS Linda
  5. Hi.. sorry that you arent feeling well...I hope that the doc can tweek your doseage to help w/ you Bp to.. I know when you BP goes higher then the norm that you are used to.. that it can make you not feel to good (or if it drops lower too) HUgs to you hang in there Dizz
  6. hello my fellow potsy pals! I thought that i would share some good news with you... I called about that apartment that i am waiting to get into.. and I am #1 on the waiting list!! WAHOO! I'm first in line for the next handicapped apartment..! I am praying that one will open up sooner thenlater! this makes a dizzygirl very HAPPY!! Since the significant "other " in my life isnt so significant after all... I absolutely cannot wiat to move! and actually be able to use my wheelchair and get it in and out of the house (or apartment).. and go to the mall..YEAH! The manager lady of the apartment building said that she cant say exactly when I will be able to move in.. that it could me next week or next month but that something should be open soon!! YIPPEE!! It will be so nice to live by myself again.. and some what easier in a sense too.. NO stairs.. there is an elevator..and best of all I will have my peace of mind, sanity,Independence, and most important maybe I will gain some confidence back in myself! So I thought I'd share my Happy news with you all... Linda
  7. PERSEPHONE!! Girl I am so happy for you!! you got some wheels to!! that is cool... now did you decorate your scooter yet? Give it that Persephone look to it? HAHAHAHA! My fellow potsy freind said she is going to buy me a mini license plate once I get my wheelchair.. LOL Also very glad that you have some cool flatmates who are helping you HUGS Linda
  8. Hi... Yes I will keep you guys updated on how this "deep muscle ralaxation" goes.. I saw my regular counselor the day after I seen the Psychologist and I told her about the Bio-feedback thing... she also did not see how bio-feedback is going to help me sleep.. But though that it cant hurt to learn... as we all can always use a few pointers to chill out.. Melissa so sorry that you are still in insomnia land.. wish you where in the land of sweet dreams...Here's hoping that the sand man will grace your doorstep tonight!!!
  9. Hi ariella! good to see you on board! I hope that you are feeling alittle better and are getting to the bottom of things. HUGS Linda
  10. Hi Ariella.. Um.. I dont know if therre is a connection w/ear infection and pots or not.. but good question. I just wanted to say that since I was an infant I have gotten frequent severe ear infections. When I was alittle girl I lost alot of my hearing due to ear infection. I have regained most of my hearing since then.. but still am plaqued by ear infections. And since I have had pots ANS problems my whole life.. who knows!
  11. Hi folks-- Just thought I'd let you all know that I went to see that psychologist about the bio-feedback. She was actually very nice. She said that she as seen and treated a few other POTS patients.. to help them.. which caught me by surprise.. I would like to meet some of these fellow potsies here in the ERIE area! But she asked alot of question about my symptoms.. and stufff about my past.. and so on.. I was very honest with her.. I told her that I really dont like this pots business.. and that I want my life back.. I want to live like a normal 23 yrs old.. and work and finish college.. and on and on i blabbed. I hope she doesnt think I am a nut case. I was sick the morning I had to go in and see her.. I was getting very tachy and extremely over heated and nauseous..probably not the best time to go to a head doc. but I thought what is the worst she is going to do tell me I am a crazy?? been there done that...so what can it hurt. But she was real good.. she turned off the cieling lights, and brought me some ice water... that was nice of her I point blank asked her if she thought my "problems" where ones of a psychological nature.. and she said No I dont believe they are, she said you have a very real illness" How about that a psychologist who gets it!!" She wants me to come back for 4-10 sesssion to teach me "deep relaxation" so that maybe I canmmangae pain and stuff alittle better. Worth a shot.. Just thought i'd share with you Linda
  12. Hi I can add a "ME TOO" here.. I have a wicked time with migraines.. especially around menstrual time.. I have immitrex on hand if I can catch the migraine early..but as it goes with nigraines they can hit you full force at times.. and nothing short of an ER visit will help with it. I have found that w/the real bad migraines that Torodol injection along with compazine and IV fluids help my migraines. SO does Demerol, w/compazine and IV fluids.. but as somebody mentioned you have to careful of those powerful meds b/c they do cause a rebound effect.. I hope that you head feels better soon. and good lcuk with the neuro doc. Best wishes Linda
  13. WOw.. thank you for letting us know how Morgan is doing.. I am sorry that she is going through so much.. and i wish her all the best... I just want to add that when Morgan is feeling better that we are all here for her and that we love and miss her being around.. Godbless morgan you and your family linda
  14. Happy Birthday baby Boy!! Hope that you'r 21st b-day is a blast!! dizzygirl:)
  15. Hi folks.. Thanks for the info!! I have to agree w/ the comment about so many of us having GB problems! its amazing! Well I called my doc's office today.. and requested an appoint.. and they stuff back to the rude grumpy.. witchy nurse.. who I dont like by the way!! can you tell?? LOL Anyways I tld her that I am in alot of pain.. and am puking..and haivng diarrhea... and so on.. Well she goes.. This sint a new problem for you is it?? I'm like no.. its not... its an on going on.. but I dont feel good and am in pain and considering that I am calling you office for an appointment for today or tomorrow.. should tell you that! She said well we cant get you in till Next wednesday.. and if you are indeed having pain then you should go to the ER.. I just am very annoyed... SO sick of WITCHY medical personel! Ok mini rant over... thnaks guys
  16. Um sorry about the title.. Imeant to say GALLBLADDER!! not ballbladder.. LOL.. oh the life of a potsy person..
  17. Hi my potsy friends.. I relaize tht this isnt exactly a pots related question.. but I am having alot of gallbladder pain.. and hav been now for quite some time.. well it is getting worse.. today is particularlly (sp???).. alot of pain.. and nausea/vomitting.. and in my gallbladder region it gets like rock hard.. and the pain is going into my back... I just feel yucky!! SO I am wondering how do you have you gb checked for how it is functioning? I had a ultrasound in June.. and at that time there were no gallstones... but at that time I was not having a whole lot of GB issues.. they did the ultrasound because my labs were all wacky.. (in regards to liver functiong and High liver enzymes) I must say that I feel miserable.. and would like to be able to eat again without being in pain.. or ending up w/ severe tummy pain& Gb pain...vommitting and diarrhea... YUCKY thanks guys Linda
  18. Hi Julie I took klonopin for a while.. but I honestly dont remeber how it worked for me.. I just rember taking it for a while.. and that I had ot stop taking it.. It did help me sleep.. I am glad your apointment went well w/Dr. Grubb..
  19. from one dizzy to another dizzy... I understand your experience of having symptoms even when you are sleeping... I often dream about passing out cold in my dreams... and when I wake up my body will feel like I passed out.. I hope that you are feeling better today... and please feel free to email me anytime you want to talk.. I'll PM you my info.. hang in there... and pray that you get a functional good day or night where you can feel alittle bit better.. thye do come however far and few between they come.. I truly cherish my good days... they give you hope.. Hgs to you Linda
  20. Oh Ling !!!!!!! I am so very happy for you!! I wish you all the best in the world.. this is fantastic news... it made me cry.. ina good way !! God bless you and your new Bundle(s) of joy that are on there way... Linda
  21. WOW that is alot of loot to shell out...!! Maybe you should put alittle bit of time inbetween you dental work and you up and coming appointment in cleveland... as you know.. you never know how your body is going to react to things... better to be on the cautious side... you want to be able to tavel to cleveland to see these docs... and traveling is better when you are not having a potsy crash... Sorry that you are having teeth problems that *****! Hugs Linda
  22. Hi..my cardio's have told me that my chest pain comes from my heart beating too fast... and that it aggrivates the muscles and stuff in the chest wall...but it can be painfull and scary at times.. especially if it is more intense the ususal... last week or the week before I was having very bad and high tachycardia.. for days ata times.. and my chest hurt so bad..it actually hurt to have clothing rubbing on the skin.. and my eyeballs hurt badly too.. it did go away a few days later once my heart rate settled down.. I agree.. its always good to double check with the doc... hope your feeling better soon :)LInda
  23. Poohbear... wow I am so sorry for what you are going through right now...i wish that there were something that I could say or do to make you feel better... I am glad that you grandfather is able to have family around him.. My grandmother died 3yrs ago.. right when I was getting very isck with pots... I had the oppertunity to be with her for most of the last week of life.. and I am very greatful that I got to spend that time with her... But it was a great stressor on my allready weak body.. and at one point I flipped out very badly...I started to cry like a crazy person... and my legs gave out from underneath me.. and I had to be taken from the room.. and my Hr was way to high.. the nurse caring for my grandmother checked on me.. and asked me if I was allright.. and if I needed to go to the ER..b/c my HR was so high.. and I was so white... and hysterical too.. anyways getting to the point.... I think that everything happens for a resaon... and maybe you could find or do something to honor and remeber you grandfather that will help you heal in your greieving process..light a candle for him.. pray meditiate..um plant a tree or flowers... wish that I lived closer to you pooh b/c I would be there helping you and supporting you right now.. please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers... hang in there linda
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