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Everything posted by dizzygirl

  1. Ok em.. i really hope that this mmed helps you.. and am glad that your dad is going to be around for your first dose.. now have some snacks around in case you get the "munchies" LOL.. just kidding!! I hope that you are able to get some sleep tonight... sweet dreams emily..
  2. Jan.. we all deserve a break.. a day to lounge around in our favorite PJ's.... shoot if seen me you'd think that I was alwasy taking abreak!! I LOVE my pj's.. they are so much more comfy then regualr clothing.. that is most of the time too warm or constricting.. la..da.dee.la dada.. so my secret is out!! if I am house bound and dont have to go anywhere i am in my pj's! and if I take a shower I just put clean pj's on !!!!!! LOL HAHAHA! ((i reallly am not lazy!!) I love to crochet.. my grandmother taught me how to crochet when I was 12 yrs old.. and I love doing it! it is relaxing.. but i cant crochet for long periods of time..b/c it makes my neck and arm/wrist sore.. so I have to stop alot then start back up... another idea.. is quilting.. now quilting is ALOT of work..believe me... i made my little brother a quilt(he is 21 now..).. he served in Iraq for a year from 2003-2004. and I wanted to give him something to show him that I loved him and all that jazz.. well i started the quilt before he was deployed.. and it took me nearly the whole year to make too.. I sewed that entire quilt buy hand.. i kid you not! and did all the tying too.. well it turned out beautiful! It is big enough to cover a KIG size bed nicely.. weell when i gave my brother that quilt.. he was moved beyond words.. he just couldnt believe that I had done all that work by hand...just for him...it was a wonderful moment.. to give my own personal hero a gift from the heart that was full of my own tears and fears while he was away.. Mymymy went off on a ramble there...my point was.. that when my grandma had cancer she was often cold.. and lap blankets are often nice to cover up with.. again I realize that they are alot of work....
  3. well now this is an interesting topic.. emily I hope that this helps you feel better..
  4. hey thanks emily!! so crochetting and knitting are the "IN" thing huh? well golly I have been "in " since I was 12! LOL I will have to check out that website
  5. hey lauren that is great!! you have a great doc!! WAHOO!! awesome to hear good doctor stories!! Wish i lived close to some of you!! I'd love to get together for gatorade.. and lounge in a recliner talking and what not!! well here is to a cyber gatorade cheer!
  6. wow jan i really admire you strength and courage. your spirit really shines through even during tough times.. its encouraging.. also i wanted to mention that I have some much respect for those battling cancer.. as it is a very rough road..I am glad that your hubby's chemo is working.. god bless you both... also I really like your idea of crochetting skull caps for chemo patients.. for a few reasons.. one being that my grandma .. she died 3 yrs ago to cancer.. and I was fortunate enough to be with her when she passed.. she fought cancer for 2 yrs..but my point being that I have been wanting to do something for other cancer patients.. but I dont know what.. I think that that is just a wonderful idea... I love to crochet... and I dont think that it will be too hard to figure out how to do the caps.. so thanks for that wonderful idea...what a good way for me to "remember my grandma..' now I am all excited.. god bless you both! dizzygirl
  7. Oh wow Ernie!! I am so angry for you! iit really fry's my butt when I hear how people are treated when they clearly need help.. ARRRRHHHH!!!!!!! I rmeber how happy you were and sounded when you posted and said that you got your wheelchair and were able to go Out-N- about.. nobody absolutley nobdoy has the right to tkae that away from you.. or to insinuate that you dont really need a chair.. and to leave your chair outside!! HELLOO!!!!! Its electric powered whelchair right? if it rains or snows it will ruin that chair! not to mention a regular wheelchair could be damaged also and rust in the nasty wheather.. I am sorry that you are having such a rough time getting help w/ basic necesities..Nina's idea of agencys and churches and such.. is a good idea... I know what you mean about being to sick then not sick enough.. last year a social worker came to my house after a 6 day hospital stay and asked what I neeeded help w/ so I told her.. I got denied for a medical alert system and for home aides care (cooking-cleaning..ect.) they said that b/c I could still bathe myself that I dindt qualify for home services..! and more recently i found a service that could help me.. but PCP told me I am right on that fine line .. that I am very sick.. but not sick enough yet to waulify for hhc.. I feel for you ernie.. I wish that I had some suggestions for you.. hang in there.. and keeping trucking away..
  8. Melly.. I am so sorry about your situation.. that is just sad.. i admire those of you on this board who have significant others to love and support you.. no matter how hard it gets.. that is wonderful! Dancinglight said.... "The whole issue of sex and sexuality makes me feel very inadequate...like 'less of a woman.' It is a really tough one. Will somone even want to be with me? And how do I even begin dating again (if I'm ever NOT housebound!) and explain the sex stuff???? My friends are all getting married, having babies and having LOTS of sex! I feel so far apart from that..." wow does that really hit home with me.. I was just telling a friend of mine the other day.. after finding out that another friend was having a another baby.. that it really saddens me that I am not married and that I dont have any children.. and marriage is not in my future at least not any time soon anyways.. ..But anyways. I spoil all my friends kids to death.. and before I got really sick .. I always had a house full of little kids running around my house.. now I just get to talk to those little darlings on the phone every now and then.. its not the same.. sorry went off on a tangent there.. But I can understand and empathize with alot of what is being said on this post.. Too bad we cant like genetically engineer the perfect man.. to have all the qualities that we desire most.. I would like a man about 6' 3' 200lbs.. and Buff!! strong and muscular!! LOL who has more on him mind then a romp in the sack.. and can appreciate the finer moments in life.. ok i am rambling now... LOL
  9. Persephone.. as I have said before. you are a true inspiration.. I know that when my BP crashes to 57/33 that I am lucky if I can function.. I give you alot of credit! I'm glad that the TTT showed them the proof of what you have been feeling.. hope the meds work for you.. HUGS linda
  10. hi.. Um I wanted to reply to your topic.. I too have been too embarrassed to discuss "intamacy" issues and syncope w/my doc.. for obvious reasons... Um.. I dont know this is a hard one..I think that it is going to depend on you and what you can handle.. On a personal note..the intamacy department in my relatioship has gone down the crapper since I started getting really sick...and um.. when there is intamacy..I tend to pass out cold.. my system/body just sometimes cant handle all the excitement!! LOL its a real turn off.... Um since we are on this topic.. do any of you have labido problems? Lauren..I understand what you are going through.. I wish I had some magic answers.. I know that once illness stricks that it just causes problems all the way around.. and is very hard on relationships... maybe you can sit down w/ your other half and talk to him about your concerns.. you know keep the lines of communication open... if you want to talk more PM me Ok..
  11. hi morgan.. I am sending you lots of hugs!! WOW!! you know it should not surprise me anymore about these darn docs.. but it does.. and I am very soorry for all they have put you through emotionally and mentally.. when they should have been infact looking into all those abnormal labs! that alone indicates a problem somewhere.. wouldnt ya think? Not to mention the paralyse and everything else.. I hope morgan that you are able to find a dcotro to help you... take care.. and its good to see you back!! Linda
  12. i hopeful-girl (corina). I see that you are a newbi here.. Welcome!! I am sorry that you are sick too.. but glad that you found us for support! Its a wonderful cyber world that we have here... Well I did take some pain meds this afternoon.. and fell alseep for a while... the pain meds knocked my pain down a few pegs.. I can move alittle better without so much pain an ddicomfort.. and an over plus the swelling in my knee and foot as gone down too.. and my fever broke.. my grammi.. read me the riot act for not going to the doc today b/c I woke up sick.. I dindt tell her of the pain I was in..b/c she worries to much.. you know how grammi's can be I was finally able to drink some chicken broth..(campbells..hardly diluted.. LOL..I only use about 1/5th of the can w/ water in it.. as the stronger is is salt wise the bester it makes me feel.. but i just wanted to pop in real quick before bed and let you guys know that my pain is finally subsiding some.. thank god!!.. and if the ears and throat andchest arent better.. off to the doctor I go tomorrow.. HUGS to you all Linda
  13. Hi all.. thank-you so much for your support and kind words.. your all great.. I am still in a great deal of pain today.. sleep didnt relieve it.. unfortunately...and my "hair" still hurts to.. though I think that I now know the reason for such bad flare up.. I woke up this afternoon sick! My throat ..ears and chest hurt like crazy.. and I am majorly congested in my sinuses.. I feel feverish..and well miserable! I have some earache stuff being delivered from the pharmacy soon. so maybe my ears will start to feel better...it probably does not help that I got caught in a down pour yesterday (rain) and that I had to wait outside for an Hour for a cab... and it was COLD! COrina.. you are a dear!!.. crying jag.. Um what I meant was I started crying and just like could not stop..its an expression to express a crying outburst (??) Sorry.. I hope that makes sense.. I;m alitle off today.. I think that I may very well have fibromyalgia... I have had this kind of pain for along time now.. not just when I get sick..so I will be bring this subject up with my doc the next time I see her.. Ok well I am off to pop some pain pills and go back to sleep under my warm blanlets...and pray that my pain will go away... thanks again guys.. your the best!
  14. Hi folks... well after I got home this evening I started to crash....my pain level is just unreal... i hurt from head to toe..(and I do mean ..literally) here is my weird crazy question for when you guys are experiencing more severe pain.. and some pretty wicked fatigue.. along with all that potsy stuff.. does like you hair hurt?? On that note let me elaborate.. for the past few days now my pain level is HIGH!!! much more then usuall... well anyways ... w/ the severe pain.. I am finding that my hair closest to my head/scalp actually hurts.. my head itself hurts.. aside from the nasty headache.. ( there is so much pain and pressure in the back of my head it feels as if it is going to split in 2.. at the docs this morning my BP was 144/100..probably explains part of my headache.. ))I dont know I am not explaining this real well.. but it hurts to even try and brush my hair.. and pull it up.. and also my fingernails and toenails hurt as well.. they are very "sensitive".. to put it mildly...all of the bones in my body feel as if they are going to just shatter at any moment..toes.. fingers arm bones legs bone..everything.. I feell kinda stupid posting this topic... but i figured what do I have to loose? so sorry that I am asking silly questions... but my pain level is just way up there.. and tonight I had a emotional meltdown.. I went into a crying jag... and just bawled my eyes...partly because I am hurting so uch.. and other things... probably wasnt one of my finer moments... but hey a person can only take so much! apainriddleddizzygirl
  15. LOL.. really!! HAHAHAHA!! that is too funny.. I know a few computer "geeks".. but they get all technical in there exlainnations.. and totally loose me!!...and I'm not all that great at retaining large amounts of info at one time either!!
  16. hey sophia! where on earth do you get those cute little critters at the end of your postrs?? there are cute!!!!!
  17. wow sunfish.. I am sorry that you are feeling so bad.. I hope that you start feeling better soon! HUGS Linda
  18. Hey all.. how are you doing? Well I had a doctors appointment today.. and I finally feel that maybe I am starting to get somewhere... she listened as I listed the things that I am feling with my tummy.. and that fact that I cant eat.. she listened to my stomach.. and to have her touch my stomach just hurt too much... she said that by listening to my guts.. that they are very high pitched... and that they "sound like they hurt".. and my stomach is very distended... SO we talked about doing a Hida scan..to check the functioning of the galbladder.. and also a CT scan of my entire stomach and pelvic area.. my PCP feels that there is something serious going on w/my insides.. that we are missing something... but dont know what that something is.. so she ordered a HIDA scan. and CT scan. and set me up with a GI doc and also a gynegologist. SO I see the gyn/o friday.. have the HIDA scan monday.. GI doc thursday and CT on the 3rd.. so I feel that I am finally be taken seriously... and will hopefully start to get some answers. Also on Monday.. my local cardio called.. and I am being hooked up to a 24hr-holter monitor. then will get the results the following week. I know that this might sound bad... but I hope that I am having a bad day.. the day I wear the monitor.. I would like to get these crazy weird Heat beats on there and also that High High tachycardia..I dont mean to sound like I want a bad day. I just want them to see what I am feeling.. does that make sense? Oh my PCP.. finally gave me some pain meds too take for my leg pain.. thank god! so that was my day so far.. I feel that it was producitive..
  19. hmmmm... Julie.. did they by chance check your BP when this happened? maybe the position that you had to hold your head and mouth.. casued some pressure and stress on your allready fagile neck and stuff? I am not real sure.. but just wanted to add my sympathy.. and do hope that you are feeling better.. and god bless you for having dental work done with no nothing!! you are brave.. HUGS Linda
  20. hmmm.. yes if anybody finds these articles.. I would like to read them too..
  21. Lauren.. I am so glad that you had a great ER experience.. and to have not one but 2 docs w/wives w/ pots.. truly amazing!! I am sorry that you are having vision loss... but at the same time I am glad that you went to the ER on anight when this doc was working.. talk about miracles happening.. ina weird kinda way.. I am glad that you ddint have a TIA... and I hope that you are feeling better.. Keep your chin up...
  22. Hi Melissa.. I was on the 60's for a while.. and it helped me some in the beginning.. but then stopped working.. I then went to the 180 timespan once a day.. as the 60's 3 times a day would ware off before it was time for the next dose..the 180 daily.. didnt do a whole lot for me.. so then I was put on the 180 timespan twice a day.. and it was WAY to much mestinon.. it made very sick (GI tummy) so then the dose was monkey-d with again to 120 mg 3's a day.. and I seem to handle that better then the 180 2x's aday.. go figure same amount in mg's.. but less harsh on the tummy.. I find that mestinon does help to give me alittle more energy once I get past the GI issues for the day.. I start to perk up around 9-10 in the evening and have a few hours of functional time.. to do those basic things like take a shower.. maybe even eat if I'm Lucky!! Meds react to every body diffferently.. I hope that 180 works for you and helps you feel better!!
  23. I just wanted to add a me too to the mix.. and agree w/persephone.. it may very well be a potsy thing. it happens to me alot.. sometime multiple times aday.. and usually happens during a bad potsy spell or when I am on the verge of a bad migraine.. its always best to go to the doc.. and get checked out if it is something new for you htough... I hope that you feel better.
  24. Hi.. all.. thanks for the pointers..I have talked to my doc in the past about b/c to control regulate my periods.. and for reasons that I dont remeber.. she said that she couldnt put me on b/c.. I will talk to her again about it though.. I dont like this period crap!! and for 2 months now.. GGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRR!!
  25. Hey there folks... I have a question for you all..it just like dawned on me tonight..(I had a lightbulbs moment!).. as to the probable cause why i havent been feeling so spiffy latley. I have been having me period on and for for 2 months straight now... I have a light spotty flow then it stops and starts and stops and so on.. and the cramps are unrulely! UGH! I only stop spotting for a few days maybe 2-4 and then start back up again.. this explains some things.. I usualy go for a very long time w/o having a period 10-14 months... the only period that I really remeber more recetnly anyways.. is this past June.. when I was hospitalized.. and my pots went way crazy... I have had so many ultrasounds of my ovaries and stuff.. all they ever said was that my ovaries are undeveloped and that I have asmall cyst on the one ovarie.. that the cyst was nothing to worry about.. but that the undeveloped ovaries may cause fertility problems for me.. and what not.. Well then I was skipping again which isnt unusual for me.. but it is unusual for me to spot.. and that is pretty much what it is is spotting.. for almost 2 months.. I am just curious to thoughts on this.. gotta love these wacked out potsy bodies we have.. Shoot I cant even Ovulate right!! LOL I go see the doc wednesday and plan on talking to her about it.. among other things.. thanks for listening.. averycrampygrumpydizzygirl
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