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Everything posted by dizzygirl

  1. Hi.. yeah..Nina's explaination of hots baths is perfect!! My docs constantly tell to make sure that I dont take a hot shower or hot bath... b/c of dilation.. to take cool leukwarm baths... and hat if I do take a shower to use a shower chair.. I think that the shower is like one of the coolest things!! and I use a handheld shower head that detaches from the mount of the wall.. so that helps too... I too dont tkae a shower as often as I used to either.. b/c I get most of my syncope spells in the shower or right after I get out of the shower.. or while standing ther brishing my teeth.. .. so I even sit to brush my teeth now...
  2. YEAH you go girl! that is great that you were able to do that today!! I would have to say yeah the banging in the chest and head..are normal.. when i exzert my self.. I get the all over body hard pulsing.. my head... chest..butt.. and feet.. and behind my eyeballs.. and the top and back of my head.. somethimes just rolling over or standing up casues that!! Oh lordy!! Congrats on your Victory today!! Linda
  3. Hi Lisa.. I'm sorry that you are feeling so badly.. I was thinking do you think that one of your meds might be contributing to some dizziness?? reason why I ask is b/c I have been on some of the meds that you are on. and they cause my allready potsy dizziness to be worse.. like the klonopin (though excellent for sleep did cause some dizzyiness) and the dilaudid really casued me dizziness.. and a fw others.. are all thsoe meds safe to be taking all at once?? do any of them interact with each other?? I know that you arent feeling good.. I hope that you find something to help you.. and that you feel better soon! HUGS Linda
  4. I hope that you feel better soon!! BIG HUGS TO YOU!
  5. YEAH RITA!! congrats girl!! that is great news!
  6. Hi Jessica!! welcome to our potsy world!! you will find great support here!! LInda
  7. Persephone... Hi!! I just wanted to add after I thought about your post.. that I think that it is really great that despite how sick you are that you are plugging away with school.. and Oxford at that!! Please dont be hard on your self.. it doesnt matter how fast you get through your schooling.... just the fact taht you are going is in of itself a big accomplishment! But slow down on your class load if you need too! maybe take less classes at one time... pace yourself girl! I know its got to be awesome going to lectures.. and meeting all those interesting people...and like you said "handling a fifthtenth century manuscript of your favorite poem.. thsoe are expereinces of a life time for you!.. but those experience will be there wheather it is now or aayr from now.. what I am trying to say.. but am not doing so well at doing.. is it doesnt matter how fast you accomplish your dream your goal.. what matters is that you accomplish it... keep your chin up perse.. and take this week to get stable and back on your feet...I really admire those of you who plug away with schooling...I am amazed... and wonder how you do it!! You all got MAJOR KUDOS in my corner! HUgs Linda
  8. Persephone!! I'm so sorry that you are uh having such a rough time!! I hope that this week to recharge really helps you feel better!! HUgs to ya girl!! Linda
  9. I have never heard of hyperbaric medicine.. what is it??? is it used to treat pots and such???????
  10. Lisa.. good lcuk on your flight and test.. I hope that all works out well for you!! and that you can get your procrit!! HUGS Linda
  11. stacy your bear is super CUTE!! I hope that you and Julie feel better in spirit and body soon!! Big HUGS to you both!
  12. Nina I hope that you feel better soon and that you get a good nights sleep after your flexeril kicks in...hang in there Linda
  13. OH MORGAN!! that is fabulous that you doc is awesome!! I'm happy that you have this doctor on your side!!!! BIG Bear HUGS to ya ! LInda
  14. Hi. I too have blood pooling in my hands.. my hands get dark redish purple... and my fingers will get "big" and swoolen.. and they will feel skwooshie.... does anybody else have skwooshie feeling fingers? When i see Dr. Grubb next week I am going to ask him if there are compression things for the hands and arms... I for some reason am thinking that there are... I remmerb reading something about it some time ago... my hands and arms will feel really weird... and get cold or clammy and sweaty...
  15. Hey way to go Lauren!! that is way cool! Congrats!
  16. mom4cem.. wow.. i am glad to see that you are feeling better tonight then you where earlier in the day... My old cardiologist's nurse told me one time to NOT feel bad about paging the doc at ANYTIME..b/c that is what they are getting paid the big bucks to do!! I found that comment kinda well funny...dont ask me why but i did... but i know what you mena about paging the docs after hours or on the weekends.. but sometimes you just can thelp it.. and you need to.. besides if you have a decent doc.. they wont mind.. and might be upset that you didnt page them.. who knows!!! keep your chin up girl.. and here is a BIG HUG for you!! dizzygirl
  17. good to see you back poohbear!! I am glad that you had a good experience at vandy! any info that you want to share would be nice to hear... I am in the process of applying to vandy.. I am gathering up medical records.. and filling those forms out.. so I am hoping that in the next few weeks I can get the ball rolling w/ that... My question is.. what exactly do they do there? do they do testing on you? monitor you? How exactly does that work..?? and with meds How do they work that? do they try meds that you were on or have been on a t different doseages and med combo's?? Just curious..b/c the sites I have looked at dont quite explain what they will be doing... take time and recoop from your trip and stuff... HUgs to ya Linda
  18. Yeppers! Me too! I got mine yesterday too.. they are great! you did a wonderful job on them Michelle! i am going to hand them out to ever doc I go to... and possibly put some in christmas cards this yr! thanks again michelle!
  19. WOW! I really hope that you start to feel better... and that you can get your med covered by insurance asap.. good luck to you!
  20. Hi I think I know what you mean.. I got alot of visual jumps and stuff... like if I look at the alarm clock for one.. the numbers will "jump up" then down.. and be kinda quivery.. my problem with this mostly comes when I am trying to read or look at something w/ colored numbers (like digital numbers...like vcr..alarm clock..microwave).. and I also have trouble with compuitet screen.. as well as print in anyhting...i see alot of doubles. and the words like to "jump around on the page.. I actually do not know what it is... I have had long before I was ever diagnosed with pots.. My PCP.. when my pots is very bad.. and I am actually in her office.. and she makes me follow her finger w/ my eyes.. I actually have a hard time doing that..I usually end up blinking alot...not sure why.. it makes my eye hurt to move them like that... and she has also said that my eye quiver and shake when I try to move them from side to side... she said that it is consistent with some kind of neurological problem.. as I do this everytime I have to "follow the finger".. .. I find that I am very dizzt when this happens.. or more like it makes me dizzy I'm sorry that I can offer more help.. but just wanted to let you know.. that I kknow what you are talking about.. and your not alone!! it would surprise me if it were pots causing it though..
  21. Hi.. yeah iwas in the ER a few weekends ago.. and they have med a boat load of meds.. which i tokk and finished..the anti-biotic was a strong one.. as it is one of the few that work for me.. gave me a puffer 9inhaler) and vicodin +ear drops. I am going to call my doc Monday.. and if need be go to fast track tomorrow if not better... Inmay when I had pneumonia.. it took like 3 diferent rounds of antio-biotics before something worked... crazy...I was miserable for a good 6 weeks.. it started out as an upper respitory infectio.. then turned to walking pneumonia.. then broncitus... sorry I dont mean to sound like acomplainer.. I just get so frustrated at times!
  22. Hey folks... I am feeling slighty aggitated tonight... as I am getting sick once again.. I just got(i mean literally too! like not even 2 1/2 weeks) over having acute broncitus..w/sinus infection and ear infection...and last night my ears started to hurt like mad..and this afternoon I woke up w/ ear aches and sore throat.. and nasty coughing.. and my lord my chest hurts like H***!.. to breath have my shirt rub on it... UGH! and head congestion.. GGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR! chills.. body shakes.. muscles aches,, if its an ach..I'm sure I have it.. ANd so i layed back down to sleep some more..as I am having ahrd time getting upright..or staying upright....and I am like slumped forward or to the side.. and am having them friggin leg and feet cramps again.. AHHHHHHHHHH!! i hate this...its like its not even the dead of winter yet.. and I have been sick (aside from usuall potsy stuff) like non stop! I have had broncitus twice since september.. maybe them antibioticd arent getting rid of?? Hmmm which of course any illness are bug attaching you is going to mess with the pots big time... i woke up here alittle while ago.. and I was so dizzy that i didnt dare sit up.. and my eyes are swollen and puffy. and the eyeballs feel puffy and weird..(i know not possible to have puffy eyeballs but it feels like that) and I finally make it to the bathroom.. and my cheecks are bright red.. and around my mouth and my lips are white as can be.. looks very scary! I'd make a good halloween mask! LOL Sorry folks.. but i'm am so fed up with not feeling well...shoot if i ever felt "WELL" i might think that i was dying or something!! and would wonder what that "weird feeling"is.. anew one for me!!! well anyway whine (sp?) session is now over.. thanks for the vent...
  23. Uh well..Ok...I was curious about my above q's.... and I have not ever actually heard any good things about ablation in potsy folks.. Was just wondering...
  24. Nina.. I looked at your t-shirt..I really like it... You call your self Mighty Mouse...and it fits you well.. as you have incredible strength and courage... and weather you know it or not.. you have offered people alot of hope and inspiration..(me included!) when you announced about your signing up to run in a race.. WOW! if that isnt determination and pure willpower.. i dont know what is!! You go NINa.. your make it through the race one way or another.. :)Linda
  25. hey folks...i am wondering.. is there anybody on our board who has had a good outcome with an ablation? Were it has actually helped them w/ tachy.. and not messed there pots up more??
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