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Everything posted by dizzygirl

  1. hello my potsy pals! Well i came to Toledo for my app. (that was on tues)..and I hadnt been feeling good all weekend.. but decided to make the trip anyways.. long story short.. I feel that it was well worth the trip.... and feel that I have some direction to go into.. Well I was ahving a rough time in the waiting room... my vision was just like all goofy (megga floaters) and I felt so wiped out.. then the need to pee every few minutes kicked in.. but I couldnt bring myself to stand and walk down the hall!! so I sat there for a bit talking myself into standing up and making the journey! Just a very icky feeling potsy kinda of day anyhow.. they got me back into a room and I was able to lay while i waited.. so that helped.. But getting to my post..Monday I slept roughly 12-13 hours straight.. then slept some more tuesday.. but I was exhausted.. ifelt like I hadnt slept at all.....i fell asleep early last night and woke up at like 12:30am.. and I was having a nasty potsy surge...I was very overheated.. and I was sweating abdly.. my hair was soaked as where my PJ's.. and I was so dizzy and tachy.. and a million other things that I cant out into words.. and the need to pee had started once more.. i felt so dehydrated.....I made my way back to the bed.. and like instantly fell alseep. which was weird considering how i felt.. well folks that was only apreview for what came next! shortly after 2am...I remeerb dreaming that I was trapped inside of this car.. (this sounds weird.. but need to tell ti to go with whatelse i have to say) and this car was just going so fast.. and whipping around curves.. and in my dreams I am screamming stop stop! I'm going to puke!.. well I am waking up as i am saying this.. and there are these exsplosions (i dont know what else to call them) going off in my head and in front of my eyes.. of the brilliant vibrant colors.. colors that I like cant even begin to describe.. only that they were very bright.. and very clrorful...I was kinda out of it... I vaguely remerb saying turn out the lights.. over and over.. there were no light on in my hotel room.. it was pitch dark.. the lights were the ones in my head!.. well anywasy.. i'm not quite sure how I made it to the bathroom.. but I got real sick.. and I was shaking very badly.. and I was sweating so badly.. even worse then a few hours before.. i got violantly sick..meaning violent forcefull vomitting.. and I couldnt stop...it was that kind of vomitting that uh.. makes your chest and throat burn.. I dont know quite how to desribe it.. only that the forcefullness of the vomitting.. made it real hard to breath.. and i was gasping for air.. then that all to familiar feeling of electricity invading my body.. just jolting thru me.. lie somebody was zaping me with something.. and it made my insides hurt.. does that make sense? I do believe that I blacked out b/c things got very unclear and fuzzy after that.. couldnt tell you how I got back to bed.. only that that is where i woke up.. I remerb thinking when i first woke up with thsoe exsploding lights that i need to call 9-1-1... b/c something really scary was happening to me!..I have had real bad surges in the past but nothing like what I experienced last night.. and that scares me b/c my unexplained symptoms are getting wrose. and my potsy stuff is kicking my rump.. and nothing like is offering much relief..this mornign when I woke up I drank so much water and gratorade... that its a wonder that i ddint float home!.. and I ddint have to pee.. but one time during 6-7 hours! so that tels me that I was/am dehydrated... I got home tis afternoon and.. and the first thing that my boyfreind said to me was boy you look like "he**"! I'm geez.. I seem to be getting alot of that these dasy!.. he said you look like you havent slept it days.. when infact that is really all i have done...and wanted to do.. I called my family doc today and got an appointment for tomrrow afternoon... so hopefuly some antibiotics will be on board soon..my body is majorly stressed. between traveling. and I most of the time" can make it thru a trip and I dont crash till after i get home.. this was not coole crashing so badly befoe I even left Ohio! OMG!.. not doing so hot this evening..so Im signing off.. I apologize ina dvacne for the many typo's that i'm sure are here and for the length of my post... but I needed to share this with people who wont think that i am a nut case talking about bright lights exploding and electricty raging thru me... .. my boyfreind was liek what do you mean? you had electricty zipping thru you? Im was lie nevermind.. and just said I ddint feel good.. dizzyblah:(
  2. Lisa!!!! that is fabulous news!! good for you!!! LInda
  3. hey folks... Oh my I posted yesterday or was it friday? about feeling fluy... well my throat has been kinda scratchy and slighty soar for about a week or so now.. and my ears hurt badly... and my chest. OMG! feels so heavy.. and I'm wheezing up a storm.. hurts to breath in general... chills body aches.. pretty sure I have an actual fever...the thraot is so very sore.. it hurts!! cant swallow stuff.. OWWWWEEE!!! and the GI problems are full force ...OH JOY!! and I have almost completely lost my voice... I'm wondering.. I am using afrin nasal spray.. and these pescription earsdrops for my ear aches.. judging on how they feel.. I'm almost certain I have ear infections again.. ( 3 time since October!) and also pretty sure I 've got some bronchitus on board to.. as I have had that Mulitple time since september.. and the last bout I had was very bad..(in october...actually had to go to ER!!.. nto cool) anyways I'm using the only over the counter things that I'm aloud to use and can use actually.. any one have any suggestion for over the counter natural ways to clear up things? I'm leaving early tomorrow morning to go see Dr. grubb tuesday.. and I feel horrible now.. cant imagine what I will feel like come Tuesday morning...Hope I can still breath by then! UGH! that is going to be a long bus ride tomorrow... this fluy thing has kicked my pots up 100 notches.. YUcky!!.. I should call myself the toilet hugger or the wall bouncer.. ha! I have to lean against the wall to walk and I kinda bounce on and off the wall....
  4. Hi Lisa.. just wanted to say good luck to you.. i really hope that this helps you!! I pray that it helps... In Novemebr I was on a dose of prendisone... for a nasty reaction to medication.. and boy it made me feel quite good.. I was only on it for 4-5 days.. but I surely noticed the difference in how I felt.. hope this has good results for you.. let us know how its going for you when you feel up to it K?? Hugs LInda
  5. AMy--dear I feel for you.. sending you many hugs and warm wishes... and will be thinking and praying for you on your interview day!! I know that things are hard for you right now... we are here for you no matter what Ok!! HUGS Linda
  6. Hmichel.. wow! welcome to our group!.. I read your story.. and some of it is like you crawled in side my head!! you wrote it very well.. I'm glad that you finally have a DX.. I too have had pots since forever.. but didnt get DX until I was 20. I wish you well lovethatkid.. I too am glad that this young boy was able to get a dx.. maybe now they can find something that will help him feel better... god bless you both! Linda
  7. HI!!! Welcome to our POTSY world!! you will find great support here!! Linda
  8. yes.. i agree very helpfull!! thank you!
  9. Hello to all my potsy pals! I am wondering... since I was like a kid (9-10 yrs old) I would very often feel like I had the flu... chills-lovely internal to external body shakes.. nausea diarrhea.. body aches..feverish..oh! and the ever so lovely cold body! you know the usual... and accompaniing that would usually come streph throat or tonsilitus. or something.. or nothing but the symptoms.. docs constatnly would tell me you have the flu... now If you had the flu 7 times in one month.. wouldnt you second guess that DX!! and I always had streph or tonsilitus... on the average of 2-3 times a month.. I would go to bed fine and wake up with in the early hours of the morning.. and would want water so bad! but hurt so bad to swallow! I now wonder if it was normal to have these "infections" so often... LOL! funny story now.. (embarassement from adolescent yrs!!.)but not so funny at the time.. when I was in 8th grade.. and would miss school my mom would send note saying that I had the "flu".. during what I know call POTSY flares!.. so the kids somehow got wind of this.. and I got hte nickname all thru 8th grade of "FLU BUG"....isnt that nice! NOT! kids are horrible!! I was not amuzed (SP??) at the time... Now that I know most of my smptoms are pots realted.. I know pretty much that I dont have the FLU!! But is it normal to feel so fluy(like all the time?) aside from POTSy things? I mean like mild sore throats.. and such.. non stop ear aches..feeling like you have a blader infection.. but no bladder infection?? am I making any sense here?or am I babbling b/c i feel fluy today!! thanks for listening to me ramble.. I am having a hard time putting into words what I actually want to ask.. cant think clearly today! SORRY~!
  10. wow Julie! what day you had! I am sorry that it is indeed cancer.. but glad that it was contained. and will continue to pray that it did not spread to the lymphnodes... I know everybody had to love your brownies!!! YUmmY! just hang in there Julie. and get some rest.. take it easy! Hugs to you! Linda
  11. Julie sending you and you family lots of prayers and hugs.. I hope that all goes well for you and your family.. BIG HUGS TO you Julie... hang in there Linda
  12. Jan sending big prayers and hugs to you and your hubby..!!
  13. Pesre I 'm happy that you are feeling well and that you got to spend some time time w/ freinds and truly have a good time!! HUgs Linda
  14. Jan and Jeff... praying for you both toaday and hoping that all goes well.. Luv and hugs Linda
  15. Hi folks.. I have questionf for you.. tonight i was sitting up crochetting.. and all of a sudden I got alot of pressure in the right side of my head. and majorly in my ear and something in my head popped.. and during the popping I got terribly dizzy. and very nauseous.. and felt like my I was going to pass out.. I felt like my head was spinning.. and I do mean literally.. more like my brain was spinning.. and now I have been nauseous for the past few hours.. and feel YUCKY! and have a headach to boot I think its safe to say that this dizzy spell is vertigo realated... UGH! this dizziness was much different from the dizziness that I have every day.. WOW is all i have to say... just was wondering if any og you have exsperienced this.. and what you do for it... thanks linda
  16. Oh I am sorry for your UN-invited guest...!! How rude!! Hope they leave soon... and you can get some peace! ps. when i was in middle school.. we called our "freind" aunt flo.. LOL! not real conspicuous (sp)there huh?? LOL
  17. Hi julie.. so sorry that you are feeling so cruddy! I wish I had some words of wisdom for you... I totally understadn the back of the head and ears hurting...my neck gets going to the point that the back of my head feels like it is going to explode.. and the pressure UGH! .. behind my ears will hurt like the dickens..and there is alot of pressure in the old ears too.. I sometimes will find myself holding my ears and my head and rocking back and forth.. dont ask me why i do this.. but I do... I hope that you can find something to help you feel better soon HUGS Linda
  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACIE!!! HAppy birhday to you!! Happy Birthday toooooo Y-O-UUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! Happy birthday DEAR Gracie-7-8!!! H-A-P-P-Y B-IIIIR-TH-D-A-Y..... TO YOU!! Happy birthday! hope that the year to come brings you good health and happiness! Linda
  19. India hi.. is there anyway that you can get hooked up to some IV fluids before your trip??? to and from hawaii? I never have flown.. but have read by others that fluids either by mouth or IV help get them thru.. perhaps ask Lauren.. aka. dizzy dame.. she had a plane trip from hawaii across the US here not to long ago.. maybe she'd have some more pointers?? good luck and be well Linda.. and happy new year!!!
  20. LOL! melissa that si great about the 2 types of salt in the stocking!! YEAH!!
  21. Happy new YEAR MICHELE and NINa and Melissa!! thank-you guys for all you do!! and bringing us this forum!! hope you all are feeling human today! Melissa.. did santa bring you a new body and some salt for christmas?? LOL linda
  22. bamagirl.. hi! I'm so sorry that you feel so horrrible.. i just wanted to let you know that you are not alone.. i suffer from all the symptoms that you speak of.. some days are worse then others... Do you by chance take proamatine (midodrine??)??.. that medication can casue tingling and creepy crawly feeling...I had those feeling when I was on that med.. and experienced it mostly in my head face..neck.. and arms.. and once i stopped taking the proamatine it stopped (the meds wasnt helping me.. and I couldnt handle th side-effects..).. for some people.. there bodies handle the med.. and the tingling and stuff eventually will go away once your body gets used to the pill.. and for others it doesnt... I just want to re-assure you that you are not alone..I/WE really do understand what you are going thru and what you are feeling.. hang in there.. I know easier said then done..take things slow.. sometimes you just have to take things one second at a time... BIG HUGS linda
  23. bamagirl.. hi.. Ahh the watery eyes.. I get that alot right before i passout.. or when I'm feeling syncopal.. really dont have any idea why.. but I do.. sorry that I cant be of more help.. just wanted you to know that your not alone... Oh.. some of my watery eyes is from allergies.. but I use those allergy eye drops..(patanol) and they help w/ allergy related runny eyes... but there is potsy runny eyes tooo.. and that *****! linda
  24. hey good topic corina!! well i have alot to be thankful for this year....I got my power wheelchair. and am on a waiting list for a handicapped accessable apartment..I'm greatful for the docs that have stood by my and treid to help mew/ pots and everyhting else.. definatly greatful for Dr. grubb.. and am even great for the docs who were honest enough to tell me that. hey I'm sorry but there is nothing else we can do for you". b/c that gave me the kick in the pants to really start investigating diff. options available.. also I am so very greatful for the freinds and the support that i get from this forum.. w/o all of you I would be lost and very alone.. also for the the meet other program for people in PA. I learned a bigger lesson this yr. too.. kind of is involved in more aspects then just pots.. but in a nutshell..I found that people who barely know me.. are more willing to help me then family.. and that god has given me support when I truly need it..(and i never am truly alone..when you neeed it the most somebody will be there.. wheather it sosmebody you know or a complete stranger..) from people who do and dont suffer from POTS.... this particular lesson also taught me that the doubts that I had concerning weather I could live on my own again.. were resolved in november.. when I had my EP study done... as that support I was speaking of was truly godsent.. and when people in my life (like family and boyfriend) wouldnt help me.. god showed me that there still is kindness and generousity in other people... and that i do have the courage to leave the situation that I am in.. and that I'll make it some how..and that no matter hwo hard it gets or how horrible things are now in the present..that there is eventually a light at the end of the tunnel.. and that tomorrow might be better.. and that this too will pass.(even if It takes a long while) sorry bit of ramble there... but I hope i explained what i was trying to say w/o totally being off topic.. as that lesson was much more intertwind then just pots.. its one that come from deep with in the heart and soul of a person...nothing like some courage and strength to get you thru the day! I'm thankful that i can still read for a few minutes here and there.. there are lots of things that I'm greatful for this yr. but those are a few of them.. so greatful for all of you!! have a happy new year!! HUGS LInda P.s... i am also very happy and greatfull for my 3 1/2 yr old Goddaughter..kamille.. she is such a sweetheart! she understands in her own way that when aunt Linda's heart hurts.. that aunt linda doesnt feel good.. and she si extra good.. and will lay on the couch w/ me or will watch cartoons or play in the room w/ me... I dont get to see Kamille as often as i'd like too.. as we now live in different states... but when I do see her.. its extra special...as kamille was born right after I got very sick w/ pots.. and she is the little angle that kept me going... and always brought a smile to my face... nomatter how badly i felt!!
  25. Jan.. I will certainly be praying for you and your hubby.. god bless you both.. Linda
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