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Everything posted by dizzygirl

  1. Hi suzanne welcome!!.. I have had tubes in my ears twice.. once when I was 5 and then again when i was 9.. I have always gotten horrendous ear infection.. when i was 9. the tube in my left ear.. oh it was bad.. I got a severe ear infection.. and the tube got lodged in my ear (b/c of the infection).. and I had to go to an ENT.. and they had to surgically removed the tube from my ear.. while I was awake.. my mother said that i got so white that she thought I was going to pass out..it was painful.. I lost alot of me hearing then at 9.. they then a short while later put tubes in the old ears again.. and i reacted bad to the anestias (SP???).. But with the infections that i am getting nostopin the ears.. I'm willing to have tubes in again.. anyhting to get some relief.. and my the ENT who did the proceddures still is in town.. so I should call him! jacquie I hope that you feel better soon too!
  2. Protonix.. Uh i think that they gave that to me in the hospital to help things settle dwon.. i have tried all the liqui antiacids/ heartburn remdies.. pepto works allright.. can handle the thickness of other things.. makes me want to puke... as far as food goes.. i really dont eat all tha much.. I'm really lucky if i can get a smal meal in my daily.. me and food just dont get along!! And i LOVE to eat!! and cook!! I am a good cook I think so anyways.. Belinda you made me laugh.. !! my boyfreind has an antigravity table in the basement.. and if I can make it to the basement. I love to lay on it an hang UPSIDEDOWN.. it makes me feel better!! LOL..all the blood goes to my head!! and I'm not dizzy!! Ahh lord...
  3. I'm very sorry vanessa.. sending you Big Hugs!!
  4. Ok I am complaining again!! i had a rough night w/ pots.. and unrelenting nausea..once i finally fell asleep this morning (like 6:30 am).. and woke up I had some nasty heartburn!.. and as the day progresses.. the heartburn is getting more severe.. I feel that if you hold a 2-by-4 to my mouth and i breath on it.. that I will set it on fire!! The heartburn hurts! from the beginning of the espogaus clear dwon into my stomach.. i feel some lovely fire burning going on in my gut.. OUCH! sharp pains..I keep drinking milk.. as it gives me about a10 second relief from the burning.. SO I am looking for suggestion to keep the breahting fire dragon name dizzygirl at bay..(allready on a heartburn pill prevacid-- and I have gerd..) ok back to the milk drinking and pepto
  5. hey there folks.. well I had been feeling half ways decent last week.. with the pump up of IV fluids... and combo of antibiotics.. well Monday I started feeling sick again.. POTSY and otherwise.. I was like well that was nice while it lasted..to be mildly function for 5 days in a row!! what a treat!! Well low and behold tuesday my thorat starts huritng once again.. and my ears hurt so badly that I could scream!!! Went to the doc today.. and i have streph throat again!! and my ears are quite infected.. there is alot offluid in there.. the gladns in my neck are swollen.. and moving my head is a real treat.. let me tell ya! my PCP thinks that the aniobiotic I was on before just wasnt strong enough.. so she gave me a tronger antibiotic to hopefully knock it out of me for good.. as well as some mucinex.. mucinex works well for me.. took it when I had pneumonia and it worked well.. also might have to take a trip to an ENT again.. to see about possibly putting tubes in my ears once again.. b/c of all the fluid. my ears always hurt.. and there is always fluid behind my ear when I go to the doc.. never fails.. Also.. they are going to try and work it out so that i can get IV treatments at home --hopefully weekly atleast.. doc said its going to be diffuclut to get this done.. b/c on paper my levels dont show that i am "technically dehydrated" even though I am-- doc knows this too.. and said she is going to call dr.g on this one.. and too they are working on getting PT to come to the house.. I am hoping that i can get over this streph throat completely.. and that I start feeling better on that front.. the POTS is bad as it is.. infection doesnt make for a nice combo deal makes me dizzier then I allready am
  6. yeah I thinking it is the standing too.. I get really red in the face when i stand or sit up. and have to stay that way.. then once the Bp and stuff start to drop.. I turn white.. and my lips get kinda purple looking.. a pasty purple loking.. and in the normal I look an unhealthy color of pasty/pale.. and an unhealthy looking pink.. my boyfriend says that he can tell how I feel by loking at my face.."he said it san unhealthy sickly loking color of pinky and pale..
  7. Tha is way cool!! Congrats! and that you for sharing!!!
  8. I would have to say that this has been a problem forever! but has gotten way worse since I got Fullblown POTS..
  9. Oh em... I can totally relate to what you are saying...I have medicaid and medicare.. and I must say that with all the changes going that I am thuroughly confused!!.. I live in PA to.. so I know the struggles that you are ahving.. inregard to medicaid..did they automatically switch you to a medicaid plan?? I know that they automatically switched me to Amerihealth advantage.. and I am ahving great trouble with them noth covering meds.. and to top it off I am also fighting w/ Mdicare HMO medical plan.. OMG what a night mare!! I have yet ben able to get a real live person on the phone to talk to about meds!! I call the pharmacy line.. and they trnasfer me to another line.. where I am on hold for an hour then get disconnected!! AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGG!! I'm so sorry em.. I have yet to figure out the manuvering of the new medical coverage system and how to get my med covered yet either.. I am stressing about how I am going to pay for my meds here real soon! if I figure any pointers I will be sure to let you know..sorry i cant be of more help..just wanted you to know that you arent alone in this battle..
  10. stacy~~ sending you some prayers--good thoughts and lots of HUGS!! hope that you all will be allright.. HUGS linda
  11. yep can totally relate!! while I was in school..(working on medical transcrioption degree).. I had for obvious reasons hard to type in most all of my classes.. and I got t ot the point where I couldnt hadnle sitting at the computer for longer then about 15-20 minutes before my vision would start to go buggy.. I'd get to where i'd see alot of doubles.. and my vison would get very blurry and unfocused.. and the word would jumble.. it got to the point to where i'd do well on timed writing/speed typing then.. about 20 minutes into it..my speed writing would get to be all errors.. and i'd get majorly comfused on what I was reading.. and cincentration.. not goo dconsidering.. that that was the main point of a futre job typing!! my teachers where very good about working with though... Um I have not aofund much that helps w/ vision and the computer.. but I know that they make these screen things that you can put over the screen.. but it makes the screen darker..cutting dwon on the glare and such.. I did/do get dizzy..nausea..and headaches.. as well as muscle spasm in the neck and arms/hands.. just wanted you to know that you'r not alone on this one.. but I have never heard of Irlen syndrome. though.. hang in there
  12. Hi I am pretty much house/bedbound.. I really only leave the house to go to the docs or to make a weekly grocery trip... and that weekly gorcery trip.. I have to use a powerchair in the store... and I dread carrides thesedays.. b/c I cant handle carrides that are longer then about 10-15 minutes... and usually end up reclined in the seat of the car.. I also have a reclining wheelchair (power one) that I use.. but right now have no way to get it in and out of the house.. I feel for myself that I have gotten worse.. over the past year.. I also want to mention that I was relatively active (asa ctive as aposty could be) on a day to day basis.. December of 2004.. I was still able to go to school.. on apartime basis.. But now. here on January 24,2006.. I am lucky that I can stadnt o brush my teeth most days... its not that I dont want o be physically active.. and get out there and do all that I want to (this includes the babsics of life!!).. my body wont allow me!! even when I push I pay dearly for it... for me personally.. I havent found "what works for me" in regards to phusical activity.. I mean in 2004.. my pots was bad then.. but I was still able to force myself to walk for 30 minutes in the evening... and now I cant even tolerate or handle walking for even 2 minutes.. without bumping into the wall..I agree with Emily.. I too was never what you called real active (or healthy).. but I managed..somehow. But I too have had POTS most likely since birth.. and sometime its not bad.. and times like now.. its just rotten..and downright scaryat times. BAbamgirl~~ do what you can and take baby steps. and keep on fighting.. something is bound to come up that will you as well as the rest of us!! you are a smart cookie.. hang in there ok!!...
  13. YEAH CARMEN!! girl that is fabulous news!! I am so very happy for you!! that you have found something that helps you!! that is great!! Keep feeling well!!
  14. HI.. when I was on florinef.. I gained approx. 25lbs. I was only on florinef a short time.. and once I stopped taking the florinef.. 20lbs came off rather quickly and without a lot of effort.. all depends on how the med effects the person..goodlcuk with it.. I hope that it helps your daughter!!!!
  15. Well I would like a fairy godmother!! tho grant me 3 wishes!!! LOL ..... as i cant quite pick just one!! 1. syncope~~ adrenal surges---the fact that even though theysyncope) are fewer between.. when i do get them they are more severe in nature. and the surges are at times more then I can handle... 2. my extreme fatigue.. I'd love to be able to walk down the street again.. geez.. I'd be happy If I could take a shower (standing of course) with out getting plum tuckered out 3.my very high tachycardi-- ugh! sorry I got greed and stole a fairy godmother!! POOF be GONE!! as she waves her magic wand!!!
  16. hey thanks for the article poohbear! very interesting.. I know that my boyfreind and I have gone around and around debating on wheather or not to risk having children..... Thanks for the info.. its encouraging!
  17. thanks.. Um I get the colors even when my eyes are closed kinda freaky!... thank you for replying.. some times I think that I am going absolutely crazy with this POTSY stuff.. and would probably feel even more "freaked out" w/ these unusual symptoms if I ddint have all of you!!
  18. hey there folks! I am wondering I keep experiencing this realy weird feeling while i am laying down. I will be particularly potsy feeling.. i will be laying htere and i will start to feel somewhat dizzy.. and i will at first feel like i am moving (even though I am not).. then the couch or bed will feel like it is moving.. kinda like a swaying kinda feeling.. and then I will feel like i am falling down... when I actuallity I am not..my vision gets very weird during these "spells" .. that feeling of falling or sinking.. get very intense.. and I --my vision- will get like I am just fading away.. i get some pretty colorful colors going on in the sides of my vision.. and as "I am falling or sinking".. these colors kinda fade ..... I am wondering if is a new not so fun way for my body to get before I totally pass out.. b/c during these epsiodes.. I will feel semi-conscious. not totally with it.. so that is why i am wondering if its a new crazy for of syncope on the horizon... do i sound nuts? b/c i f I told people in the medical field that i feel like i am faling then sinking into nothingness... that it would be a straight shot to the looney bin for me!!! any input would be greatly appreciated! BTW.. these spells happen alot on the average of 1-5 times day...
  19. LOL.. I know that when i get real symptomactic.. that i want to stick my feet in the snow sometimes.. for relief.. or have somebody dump ice over my head... b/c I will feel so internally overheated that nothing cools me down! But eh constitriction of blood vessels is good! and the pool I think helps one being that you are in water. and you body is lighter in water.. casusing less strress on the body...
  20. Jan.. I will keep praying for you and jeff..! BIG HUGS TO YA! and very cool about the puzzles!
  21. Well I cant provide an answer about florinef.. I have taken it.. but felt so crummy I dont really remember what time of day that i took it.. though I'm thinking in the AM sound probable... About showers... Lord!.. I at one point got to where i passed out allmost evry morning after a shower.. even a cool one.. b/c 1. it was like 5 am..well morning! YUCKY! and I was always ina hurry o get out the door..2. it wassummer time.. and all the fans did was blow the hat air around even more!.. sometimes I had warning that I was going to pass out. and sometimes i did not..more nots then dids.. So I got to where if I could "skip a shower in the AM I would....I use one of the shower chair thingys all the time now.. and ahve found that a detachable shower head is also very helpful.. Oh passing out after a shower and stuff makes ense for a POTSY b/c while you are in the shower.. warm or hot.. it casues blood vessel and stuff in your legs to dialate... then the standing on top of that...not a good combo! So i now only take a shower at night.. I have a very small window of time between 11pm and about 1am.. where i can shower--eat-- maybe walk alittle-- w/ o getting really aymptomatic... so showers at nigth are a good thing!
  22. I can relate to the standing headaches.. this past summer I had a TTT done. and by the time they were done with the test..I had one heck of a headach going.. and I told the doc.. the headach was in the back of my head.. lots of pressure there! and in my eyeball.. he said well are you undre some kinda of stress? I'm like yeah it is called standing! standing longer then a few minutes "stresses" me out and I get a headach.. or if I sit up for longer then a few minutes too.. Hte stadning headaches I believe are from the blood pooling in my lower limbs (legs and such).. and the fact that there just isnt enough oxygen and blood going to my brain.. and HELLO!! you have a POTSY headach on board! there are no fun...
  23. belinda glad that you are home and that everything went allright.. rest up k hugs linda
  24. WOW!! morgan.. that really *****! I'm so sorry that your PCP is giving your the run around.. and I really hope that you dont have to wait 2-3 months to get in.. that is horrible! I know that it is going to take some wrangling with the insurance co> to get them to pay for the power chair.. but my god.. with everything that you are experiencing and going thru.. how can they deny you? with the way insurance co> reps act that they were paying for equipment out of there own pockets! Hang in there Morgan.. do you have a cardio that you can call about this?
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