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Everything posted by dizzygirl

  1. I like do not even wear makeup any more.. it causes me to get terribly itchie..( and I have tried many different brands).. and eye make up..(all of it) casues my eyes to get red and puffy and really watery/runny!!.. my face gets terribly red..I think that it is safe to say that I am allergic to make up!! so now I use no make up at all!! well..I use lip gloss to get a shiny look to my lips on rare occasions..it has been so long since I wore makeup that I cantrecall if I had trouble putting it on..LOL..
  2. might I recommend a few pointers ( i have diabetes) for when your sugar is low?? Um..you can get a gluco-meter at the pharmacy.. w/ that you would need to get test strips (the thing that you put the drop of blood on) and lancets (the thing you put in the thing that you prick the finger with).. also this works best.. either alcohol prep pad or some cotton balls and just like rubbing alcohol.. to cleanse the site with (typically the finger) a good gluco meter can be quite pricy..(mine was about 90$)do you have insurance coverage?? If you have insurance coverage.. you can talk to your doc about testing your for diabetes.. basic blood test.. then if you have elevated or low sugar levels they can order a test (also a blood test) to check the gluco levels over the past 2-3 months.. point being.. that maybe your doc can write you a script for gluco-meter.. and hopefully insurance will pick up all if not most of the cost.. so that you wouldnt have to shell out all tha money out of your pocket. Um if your sugar is low or you feel that it is low.. it is best to drink some Juice (be in apple-cranberry- or OJ).. or 4oz. of REGULAR soda pop.. not diet.. now it you can not tolerate pop/caffeine.. juice will have the same effect.. drinking juice is suppose to give you a more stable rise in glucose..verses eating a candy bar or some kind of sugary food.. as chocalate bars and cookies and things like that will give you a spike in sugar.. which will only be a temporary fix.. verse the Juice or actual fruit that will give you a more stable rise in sugar.. and also if you feel like you ar ahving sugar problems.. try and eat several small meals thru the day.. to keep a steady stream of "fuel" so to speak going thru your system.. I know when you arent feelingwell some times food is the last thing that you want to think of!! Just some thoughts on ways to help you feel better....these are things that I do to help maintain a stable sugar level.. these work for me.. maybe they will help you as well.. always good to talk to the doc about these issues.. and get checked to make sure its not your sugar causing you to feel poorly.. good lcuk and hagn int here dear!! Linda
  3. wow Nina bless you! your are a very strong person to go thru that for 4+ hours.. I dont know how you do it!! I'm so sorry that you missed you long awaited appointment..but am glad that you are able to get back in sooner the a 3 month wait.. take it easy tonight!
  4. hope that your Ok emily!! we miss you!!
  5. bald food to start with and work her way up to more normal foods SLOWLY would be my opion..I guess bland that is high in protein.. I'm not sure..(i'm in the boat of virtually no food these days.. so i can sympathize!!) i'm glad that she found a doctor to help her.. I hope that she starts feeling better soon.. sorry i cant be of more help..
  6. I just wanted to clarify that for my case I think that there are some cervical as well as other things going on that are contirbuting to my individual case...and everybody is different .. your spine issues could be unrelated to things or not unrelated.. but in any event finding a good doctor to really look into your MRI results would be a good thing.. good luck
  7. Julie that is a pretty neat video link!! I had abit of trouble w/ it loading.. but got to hear about 5 minutes of it.. Boy I so need to ungrade my computer!! LOL
  8. Hi.. Um do you have access to a pool?? your body is lighter and under less stress in a pool.. and maybe pool stuff. swimming or water aerobics of some kind could help you?? as always with pots.. and a pool have somebody with you incase you are having a potsy moment..or try some stretching stuff sitting or laying dwon first.. where are you stationed at?? my brother got discharged from the army ( he finished his tour of duty and such and time he signed up for) this past summer.. he was at the Fort campbell base..Airborne..screaming eagles.. good luck to you!
  9. Hi.. I have to agree that I think spinal issues can play a role into dysautonomia.. For me personally I have some things going on with my cervical spine.. and am in the process of making plans to going to the chiari institue.. where I am hoping that a neurologist will take me seriously!! SO yeah I think that the spine and stuff really plays a role in dysuatonomia...I hope that you can find a doc to help you sort thru all the test results... as far as resolving the issues..again agood doc is in order.. good luck to you hey I just saw that you are in Milwaulke.. there is a neurosurgeon there..(a doc thru John hopkins recommended that I go there as well as a few potsy pals) Dr. Heffez.. I see Julie brought him up too.... i have not seen him as of yet.. but I hear he is pretty good.. maybe he can be of help to you?? I have his contact infor around somewhere.. I will find it an PM it to soon hang in there!
  10. hi.. I still have some mild vibrating going on.. buy I think I muight know why i am ahving it.. I woke up this afternoon.. and my chest is very sore from my lungs up..I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest... and keeps jumping on it..and congested..(full of gunk)..I think I am getting bronchitus or something..woudlnt surpirse me!! I get it it every 2-3 months!! and it takes like 3 rounds of anti-biotic to get rid of it!!! GRRRRRR!! I just love it when i wake up..(though I must say that I slept very well.. for about 12 hours) and my chest hurts to breath.. (mnore then usual) and I can hear the rattling in my chest.. and ahve a fever.. try to lookat the number on the alarm clock and the dance all over the place!!. NOT!! I'm am going back to bed now.. where it is warm.. hugs to ya all:) dizz
  11. hi laura.. my heart rate is kinda all over the place its up and its feeling non-existant.. the vibrating had stopped for while in theheart.. but I could still feel a vibrating feeling in my chest. does that make sense?? Now the vibrating has come back in my heart again as well as my chest.. when i place my hand over my heart i feel the vibrating.. and when I actually feel a heart beat I feel the vibrating even more.. its a slow vibrating heartbeat. I can physically feel it.. and its making me feel quick sick feeling... But now my pulse is running low.. I cant quite tell waht it is only that it is way slow..I am having some nasty dizziness (worse then usual).. I feel like I am everything is moving.. and laying down is making the dizziness worse!! there's anew one! and hands and feet are so very cold.. I cant get warmed up.. I only took half my regular dose of BB tonight I thought about notaking it all.. But if I dont take my beta blocker it will cause a rebound tachycardia thing.. so I only took half the dose.. and I think I will hold my clonidine tonight as well.. and see how I feel in a few hours or the morning and go from there.. I really hate the ER.. but if it continues I will atleast call my cardio--or go to the ER.. right now my pulse is unfeelable in both wrists as well as my neck..I dont know.. I wonder if I am developing bradycardia as well as tachycardia... wouldnt surpirse me I guess dizzylinda
  12. hhahahaha!! Belinda you are a funny funny girl!! do you think that the dryer crawled inside my chest?? LOL.. te..hee!!
  13. Morgan.. your Hubby sounds like a real sweetie pie!! you lucky girl!! LOL
  14. UGH! I started feeling really sick about an hour ago.. and laid down hoping that that would stop the sick feeling.. WRONG!! the nasuea has hit me full force.. that general cruddy potsy feeling.. me feet and nose are ICE cold!! BRRRRRRRRR!! Well since I started feeling potsy..my heart and my chest feel like they are vibrating.. you know like if you put your hadn ontop of your dryer or something.. and you get that vibrating feeling??..well that is waht my chest and heart are doing.. and it is making me feel VERY SICK (nasuea.. vision stuff..kinda fuzzy in general) and I am so cold its unreal... but in my chest and stomach i feel a warm snesation thru that regions internally.. double yucky.. does anybofy experience this?? Or am I loosing my mind talking about my heart vibrating??? my pulse is abrely feelable and all i feel is the vibrating.. (((((((((( ))))))))))))))))))) dizz
  15. yeah my pulse tends to drop in any position as well.. during my first TTT my pulse went from 130 to 70 just like that then back up to the 130 just like that..sometimes big drops sometimes not so big drops but still profound in how it makes you feel.. YUCKY!!
  16. hey good to know.. (I mean not good that the site is having server problems...)..thans for letting us know.. I was wondering myself! linda
  17. Hi.. I came to click in to the forum and the thing ( i really am at a loss of words as what it is actually called!!) that runs down along the left side with all the stuff listed.. like forum and donate.. and myths and stuff like that IT IS GONE!! things fill the full screen// no side bar list of things anywhere.. Is this a goofy up on my end with the computer?? or is this oart of the new upgrade of the site?? If it is new upgrade on the site.. how do you get into the forum with out having to do an internet search on pots place forum? and if I am way out left field and I goofed up on the computer...(which ia very possible thing..) I am hidinh my egged face!!
  18. OMG!! Morgan I am so very sorry that the insurance compnay wont approve a power chair for you!! do they have any kind of PT eval you can go thru to get a powerchair to prove that a manula one wont quite work for you?? if you are paralsysing or fainting or just feeling like you do in general? For me I really had to fight to get mine.. it took me from June until the day after I had my EP study in November before I got my powerchiar..... I suggest PT eval.. and also if you have other docs tht have or are treating you w/ pots and are SUPPORTIVE of the POTS DX.. get them to write a letter for stating the nature of you illness and um..limitation involved..I had both cardiologist write letter for me.. along withthe doc who first sent the script for a chair..) But getting back to the PT eval.. if they will aloow a PT eval as proof of a need for a powerchair.. I would try that route.. I was very symptomatic the day and days prior to my EVAL and it worked in my favor.. and showed them that I can not physically handle a manual chair.. that my heart and body in general cant tolerate the exerzersion.. (sp??)..I had the crazy bp (150/0)and HR(dnacing in the 200 mark) to back up what I was telling them.. iw as so on the verge of passing out..like right there.. I know you have documentation to back up what you are saying.. I dont know how things work in your state in regard to things.. but I just thought I'd offer my 2 cents worht on the matter.. I know how irfurriating this process can be.. you have a need for a powerchair.. and I'd hate to see you go with out something that might really help make your life easier.. or atleast a bit mangeable... though manula chair isnt ideal (in my opinion) i guess it is better then nothing.. I'm so upset for you! hang in there morgan.. hugs linda
  19. hey very cool Melissa!! ANY sport or olympic is cool!!
  20. I am watching the figure skating tonight on tv.. and I thought I'd post a topic about "your Olympic dream" if you could do anything any sport in the olympics what would it be and why?? I would love to be able to do figure skating!! it is my absoulte favorite part of the olympics (that and the gymnastics) I would want to do figure skaiting b/c it amazes me how these young people/couples can move like!! it is so beautiful I think to watch.. and I cant imgaine how they can buzz around on ice skates when I can barely stand in my own 2 feet let alone put blades under them!! al thsoe jumps and spins.. I get dizzy/motionsickness watching them turn and spin!! but I if I could join the Olympic team for my country if would definately be the figure skating!! LOVE IT!!
  21. Nicole I can understand you sadness and fear/frustration.. but please know that you are not alone in this.. and that we here on the forum do understand what you are going thru.. I have been told many times by many different specialist in pots and in various medical docs that I have a very severe case of pots..the worst taht they have ever seen.. and some mysterious things going on.. that have yet to be figured out yet... sometmes I cry.. sometime I get angry..sometimes I ask god why are you doing this to me??.. then i wonder what purpose that my life is going to serve living in such a messed up body... but once i get over the "shock" so to speak.. Irealize that however bad it may be now or get in the future.. that right now at this moment.. this is the moment that I have to live in.. I have to live my life right now at t his moment to the best of my ability..and take small steps at times to gain something back that I have lost.. I grieve when I loose something or someone in my life b/c of pots.. and miraculously something else comes along to fill that "void" of what I have lost b/c of being sick.. and sometimes it is a better version of waht i lost or something new alltogether.. I have gained tremendous support for people on this forum.. and have made some good freinds thru here as well.. so hang on Nicole.. I know it is so very hard.. you go thru your grieving process cry scream be angry.. but know that something will come along one day that will put a smile on your face and bring some joy and happiness..weather it is faith in god.. new found friendships.. a surpirse in the mail.. a call from an old freind or someone that you havent spoekne with in along time..maybe even treatment that will help you even alittle bit .... something will come along to brighten the storm clouds away.. and when you are in the potsy hole.. know that somebody is probably down ther with you.. and when there are feeing better maybe they will pull you up along with them out of the potsy hole..once I can finally pull my way out.. I'll be there to help!! or if i'm donw here with you.. I'll cry with you or curse this potsy body to h@#l and back right along with you!! hang in there dear! I know its devastation blow to the mind body and spirit..but hang on!! love and hugs linda
  22. Amy-- I wish that there were something that I could do for you!! I just wanted you to know tht I understand what you are going thru.. and that i care..(i cried when Iread your post...i SOOOOOO UNderstand waht you are saying..and I care!!) and wish that you felt better...!! and taht were more availabkle to help all of us.. sorry.. I dont have an y real words of wisdom just wanted you to know that i'm here and I get it.. Please hang int here.. and if you feel worse please go to the ER.. I know that money is an issue. I understadn that too..if you cant wait till morning.. take care and god bless amy! BIG HUGS Linda
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