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Everything posted by dizzygirl

  1. thank you guys for your suport.. Love ya all!! lauren it wouldnt surprise me if I'm allergic to my body!! I have to keep telling myself "I LVOE MY BODY" I LOVE MY BODY" ---when i really dont! I'm feeling abit better today.. I'm not quite so nauseated.. thank-god..I was up all-night keeping the toilet company.. ...a nd things finally settled down around 8:30 -ish enough for me to lay down and go to slep for a bit.. diana --i will do a search on that blood test.. at this point anything si worht looking into.. I'm calling my GI in the morning.. and am going to request to see the NP.. not the doctor...the NP was who I saw initailly and she was FANTASTIC!!.. so I think that seeing her at least till I can find a somebody else would be better then nothing at all.. she was more open to the ans relation of things and atleast looking into more then the basics.. so we'll see.. Nina girl I feel your pain.. literally I do! I have the problem with bowel incontinence .. regardless.. lovely addition to the stuff that is allready going on.. how humiliating!! But I'm so glad that the Zelnorm is helping you!! that is great!! anotquitesogreendizzygirl
  2. Hi folks... thank you for your support.. my docs know about the bleeding and vomitting and everything.. thaty can not find a cause for it.. so at the moment I'm kinda hanging in the lurch....I was having aproblem with bleeding yesterday.. and today isnt too bad.. but the pain in my guts is a big ouchie.. and the ER.. well my i've been there too.. and it does no good!! SO soebody kindly pointed out that maybe I need to start looking for a doc outside of the town I live shoot maybe even the state.. so I'm going to do some calling Monday... I'm tired of feeling like poo-poo..(punt intentded).. I'm hoping to get ahold fo dr. G or bev also on monday.. and pray that they have some insight.. I kinda feel lost at sea so to speak..and dont know where to turn for help... about the puking coffe grounds.. that happens periodically.. with no rhym or reason behind. just bad stomach pain.. and no set cycle behind it either.. it just happens.. and that is when I have the bulk of the projectile vomitting... quite digusting in fact.. but the truth.. well i'm off for now...as I am trying to type and the sentences are slanting and moving.. and the colors are getting dark..my vision is fading.. time to lay down.. again thak you guys linda
  3. Ok my fellow potsy pals.. I am apologizing in advance for a possibly whinny post!!..just forwarning.. i am putting at the begining now that 've finsihed typing my post.. its kinda long.. and i'm long winded today.. sorry.. so if your too potsy tor ead to the end I understand!! I am highly frustrated at the lack of knowledge of GI troubles that come along with ANS dysfunction.. I have a GI doc.. who after doing basic testing.. wont look any further.. into things that I feel would be beneficial looking into considering things.. like an emptying scan to check for gastroparesis.. whci I dont think is am unreasonable request consider my guts hurt all the time!! and for checking about the blood pooling in my stomach/guts whatever--you get the point.. but I dont think that that is out of line either.. !! they look at me like I am an alien from outerspace!! and say well we cant do blood pooling test here.. so referr me out to somebody who can!! its not that hard you know.. I'm certain that cleveland would do the test!! HELLO!! I'll make the stinkin appointment myself!! But Ok reason I actually am posting.. as some of you know I am having alot of "bowel" GI troubles..whci have gotten severe over the last yr or so....I jUly (05) I had TTT done.. and it knocked me thru a loop..(i told the doc doing the test that the TT gave me a headache..(the standing) and he asked me if I was stressed out.. I'm like yeah you just made me stand for 30 minutes.. you that would stress my crazy body out!! I was told that I had a tension headach.. well shoot went back to the hotel and the next morning the nasuea and SEVERE tummy pain woke from my sleep..(it was about 6am) and I was SOO sick and I havent been right since--I spent that week traveling and having tons of testing done "outpatient" about 4 1/2 hours away from home.. sorry.. rambling again.. well since then I have had alot of trouible..diarrhea.. nausea..vomitting (violent vomitting..like projectile vomitting.. YUCK!).. Severe and I do mean SEVERE stomach pain.. .. bloating.. almost complete and total loss appetite.. and when I do eat it isnt very much.. a few bites. and i'm full.. or I'll start eating.. I mean literally start eating will take 2 bites and the pain startsa gain.. and i'm off and running to the toilet with Severe diarrhea.. or vomitting or sometimes both..and this cycyle isnt even a cycle any more.. its more like a matter of being.. like it is just a daily part of living like blinking you eyes are...I have had instatnces were I've gone to the doc and I have had absolutely no bowl sounds.. yet my guts hurt SOO very badly.. and other times they will be very "HIGH pitched" and still hurt like mad... yet still there are even more concerns..I very OFTEN will have diarrhea that is like water.. and the toilet will be filled with blood.. and other times were there is blood on the toilet paper..... I have had my "stool" tested.. it negative.. I had a ct scan of my guts w/ that barium crud you have to drink.. that was negative of course! and I also had a tube dwon the thraot test.. checking for narrowing of my esophagus.. b/c of the swallowing problems i am hving too.. that was negatvie as well.. Now for my next concern.. as well as having bloody diarrhea.. I too have also puked up blood.. more thenonce.. and a few time I have had vomitting that looks like I am puking up coffe grounds...I had at one point thought that maybe it was red dye from the agatorade casuing my problems..of redness.. but have long since stopped drinking red gatorade or anyhting with red dye in it.. so its not that.. I am very frustated.. I have a feeling that something mroe is going on w/ my tummy..or that all of this is ANS related and they wont be able to do anything to help me.. what else is freakin' new... my stomach hurt so badly yesterday.. it was unreal.. I tried eating.. ddint go well.. I ventured out to walmart after midnight last night.. and wasnt in there.. had to get water a and few things... and I tell you what.. my guts acted up so badly.. the act of standing up for a litel bit was too much I had to run to the potty 2 times while being there..(well not run.. HA! I couldnt run ever!! more like shuffle my feet to the potty is more like it. ever try to do the shuffle fast?? hmmm.. doesnt work real well)..it infuriates me that I cant even stand for a few minutes.. or that instantly when I sit up or stand that the pain in my guts/tummy intensifys instantly..i do mean instatnly!! I'm just sick of this potsy full of pain life that I am living.. I go for days now where I cant eat or drink for that matter.. I have no desire to eat.. I try to drink fluids to keep from getting real dehydrated. but shoot.. Iam so nauseated.. that even small sips of fluid are too much.. they make the nasuea much much worse..god I feel like I had the flu.. or that flu-y like nausea w/ cross felling of motion sickness from the momemt I wake up (my eys arent even open yet!! to the moment I go to sleep.. when I do sleep!!.. its like an intense nausea.. that keeps you from nothing moving kinda thing.. and i'm tired of it.. I was poppiong Levsin all day yesterday and it ddint touch the problem.... not mention tha fact that my intestines will hurt so bad to the point that if clothing is rubbing on my skin on my guts that i cant stand it b/c the skin on the outside hurts too!! My GOD i must be loosing my mind.. I tell ya.. that si it potsy has offically stolen my sanity.. i cannot get ahold of my doc who treats me for pots. I have been trying for over a month now!!.. I'm at a loos of what to do.. I do what i'm suppose to.. and I'm not getting better.. I read some records yesterday that I got that say that my pots is very Refractory" menaing that it is not responding to numerous medical intervention treatment over the past 3 yrs.. that i continue to get severely debilitated.. depite the fact taht I am and have been seen by some of the tops docs in the country that handle POTS.. how depressing.. but true.. so very true... it upsets me w/ the GI doc.. tha apparently it must be allright for me to puke all the time and have diarrhea.. and for there to be so MUCH PAIN in my abdomen/tummy.. and you know the bleeding.. you know that is just normal too.. and the switching from constitaption to dirrhea just like that.. you know that's ok.. that is normal.. the fact that I canot eat or drinks ANYTHING for days at at time. and yet i GAIN weight.. you know that is ok too.. and if one more doc tells me that I am gainig weight b/c I am eating the wrong foods or b/c I am eating TOO MUCH I am going to freakin/SCREAM!!...I donteat yet I dont loose weight i gain weight .. you know that just takes the cake.. mmmm cake I wish i could eat some cake!! that would atelast make me happy for a moment!..despite the misery it would cause...and it one more PERSON (who doesnt know they are talking about) tells me that I go from one extreme to another in symptoms I will loose my mind!! you know ataff that works with people who are home bound realy should keep there darn opinions to them selves..b/c I certainly dont want to here ther worldly views on matter of dysautonomia.. when they have never heard let only treated a dysautonomia patient before ever!! Em being the first one that an agency has dealt with!!.. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR have tried some drinks. I tried the um instatn breakfast drinks.. while they taste decent.. I cant hadnle the milk or the mix or possibly both.. they casue bad pain.. I cant find any of the drinks...though I found boost breazersat one pharmacy. but they were OUT of them. and ahvent had any more back in.. and besdies that I couldnt afford to buy them every month.. not on the money that you get fromm SSDI.. what a joke.. though I can say that i taken a liking to gerber baby apple juice.. when I can drink something.. even water makes me wanna puke my brains out.. UGH.. I'm scheduled for a lovely colonoscopy next week.. Oh what ajoy.. But am seriously wondering how I am going to drink the prep kit when i cant even swaloow my oeon spit without wanting to or actually puking.. hmm the wonderment amazes me!! and not to mention the dehydration issues!! hello.. I see a syncope spell on board there.. geesh! i will stop now.. i'm sorry this is so long.. and if you cant read to the end of this I understand..b/c i really am on rant today.. and I dont feel good and am highly frustrated and fed up and jsut dont want to deal with crud anymore!! amajorlygreendizzygirl
  4. LuLu---girl I SOOOOO understadn what you are going thru!! w/ the IV stuff.. and the need for needing am IV...I right now amd going into round 10 fighting w/ the insurnace company mostly.. about my needing IV fluids at home.. as well I need my docs to understand thatI need this.. Dr. grubb supports the IV need...yet I'm still having problems!! GRRRRRRRRRR--the staff who have come to my home and to give me my one and only home IV infusion just could not understand why I needed fluids.. and couldnt drink enough to hydrate...and where full of snide remarks that got my blood boiling!!.. My bf actually went arond with them.. they were dumb enough to leave turniket on my arm for about 20 minutes and had an IV in and were wondering why it wasnt working.. I looked an notice it on my arm.. and I'm like I think that this is your culprit.. as I was laying there on the verge of fainting.. and having chest pain!! my bf was PO! sorry for my mini vent there.. But yes. can you speak with that Er doc who ordered the IV till you get in again?? I understand you frustration dear!! I hope tht you can get things worked out!! something so simple that offers so much relife should not have to be fought for like this!!its a crying shame!! I agree w/ Jenn about the whole drug verse. fluid thing.. oh so true!!
  5. Hi Jacquie I wanted to send you some cyber hugs and hope that you feel better soon!! linda
  6. lauren I'm so sorry that you are feeling so yucky today!! can you call your man to come home and tale you to the ER? here are some BIG CYBER HUGS for you coming from Dizzygirl in Erie!! take care dear.. and let us know how you are doing later on k?? hang in there love and hugs..do you feel those hugs yet?? LOL linda
  7. Name: Linda Michelle S. Birthplace: Jamestown Ny...I lived 3 houses up from the house that Lucille ball lived in in celeron NY!! Kids: no kids..i am a surrogant auntie to lots of kids though! Pets: a cat Favorite color: purple and blue Favorite flower: gerber daisy Kitchen theme: hmm.. dont really have one.. but would like to do sunflowers or something..flowery Favorite drink: used to Long island ice tea or a Rum and coke!! YUMMY Last TV show you watched: a gilmore gilrs rerun! Last movie you rented: Just Like Heaven Favorite food: spaghetti and pizza or a good piece of steak! Favorite TV show: 7th heaven-Gilmore girls-reba-and flip that house Red or Pink: pink Favorite ice cream:neopolitan Favorite crayon color: turquois Ever bungee jumped? nope.. too chicken too Eye color: blue most days.. they tend to change color from blue to grey to green Hair color: dirty blond Farthest you have ever been: I went to Massechusettes on my first vacation ever! 2 yrs ago.. and went to plymouth beach.. fun.. I stuck my toe in the atlantic ocean!! a dream of mine to see the ocean one day!! Siblings: 1 brother who is 21 and an older sister who is 24.. Last time you cried: just alittle while ago Favorite game: skip-O Black or White? black Rollingstones or The Beatles: un Nickleback! /ozzy--old stuff.. and rock n roll from the 80's Last food you ate: chicken nuggets Diamonds or sapphires: daimonds! Beach or the mountains: both.. i cant choose botha re beautiful Sweats or jeans: sweat pants of course! Ever went skinny dipping: uh nope cant say that i have!! LOL Married more than once: never married What book are you reading now: Open house Hobbies: crochetting-quilting-embroidery/needlepointing-ceramics-cooking baking-reading-crafty things--movie watching Favorite actor: tom hanks and mel gibson--what a hottie he is Favorite actress: reese witherspoon and drew berrymore Favorite candy bar: reese cups and 3 musketeer bars Ever toilet papered someones house: no Gatorade: gotta have it! fierce Favorite Fruit: strawberry's--mmmm coolwhip Men with facial hair? nope made my boyfriend shave it all off! Steak or lobster: steak! Gold or silver: silver Dream vacation: i'd loe to travel thru europe.. and I'd like to go to sweeden...and I'd LOVE to explore a real castle and check out the dungons too!! LOL favorite singer: Reba--hands down.. and I just copy and pasted your q's and filled in my own answers!! saved alot of time .. LOL this is fun!!
  8. Dr. grubb.. as i was told by my cardio.. is know wolrd wide for his treatment in POTS/dysautonomia.. he is I'd say one of the most sought out dysautomonia docs around.. there are a hand full of a few docs that specialize in treating dysautonomia..people come from all over the country to see him.. as well as from other countries to see him too..... alot of people go to dr. grubb he is very knowledable and also is very kind and compasionate..makes aworld of difference attitude wise to have dealt w/ docs who are so rude and insenstive.. then to go to dr. grubb.. and its like why cant all doc be like him!! he genuinely cares.. and it shows thru in his work and treatment.. I call dr.g the guru of dysautonomia.. and in my book he is the "ultimate" pots specialist.. that is my opinion anywasy for what it is worth...
  9. hmm well everyhting that LuLu said.. (well almost...i am not aman so its impossible for some things!! LOL)adn also the severe fatigue..and I think that funny way that my heart and chest feels AFTER taking my BB.. though I should complain about my rate being slow..right now my Hr runs between 40-(that being low) and about 170 at any given moment... maybe I have to get used to my rate being slower the 200 mark that it likes to be at.. So while the side effects are a real downer.. I guess I will deal with them. as I will have them despite being on a beta blocker.. only the BB does intesify some symptoms.. verse the alternative of having HR between 200-240.. that makes me feel like I am going to kick the bucket..that and when my Hr gets real slow.. it feels like it is stopping and that makes you feel rooten not to mention it is scary!! It took about 3 1/2 yrs before I found a BB that works well or half ways decent for me..(i'm 24 now.. and they have been playing with BB's since I was about 19-ish.. but I've had tachycardia since birth!!) and I tried ALOT of then believe me.. my biggest copmlaint with all of them is they just plain old dont work.. or they make me incredibly tired.. I mean like beyond my scope of being able to think straight or function kinda of tired..I dont need help in the fatigued department believe me!!
  10. lol.. gotta love the mdical community!! the insienstive ones are the greatest arent they!! NOT!!! i have a "few" docs who are fantastic!! but ddint find them right awayy..my PCP is a godsent I tell ya!! I'm going to miss her when she moves!! I have/had cardiodocs who are great too.. and then Dr. grubb/Bev couldnt ask to 2 greater people to add to the mix of treating docs!! so there I am lucky.. but totally can realte to my share of dingy docs.. i had anurse give me a scowl recently when I was asked my allergies.. and I handed her a sheet of meds a mile long that I cant take!!.. I know I have some good med books from school.. and had I been able to go into my pharmogoly classes I problem would know more about meds!! one day I will finish my schooling... Kudos to you on going to nursing school!! that is great!!
  11. (((((laughing!!!)))) yeah my boyfriend cant understadn why I need so many pillows upagainst the wall.. and the large amount of blankets that I have on the bed.. the pillows are so that i can prop my leg up on something when i am on my side.. and the blankets are for "comfort" as well as to keep me warm.. on the nights and days that i cant get warm... then the days taht i cant stand anyhting b/c I'm too hot.. they work good to Prop up the legs too...kinda funny..LOL I think my GI stuff is autonomic.. and possibly other things if a dco would really look outside there scope of thinking and thought process!!!.. oh well maybe one I will stand up and feel nothing!! like a normal person!! isnt that wishfull thinking
  12. LuLu.. ... insomnia bites.. I have had issues with insomnia since I was just a little kid.. like 6-7 yrs old.. but I have also had pots since forever (born)...goes hadn in hand.. Iused to tell my mom when I was a kid that I cant sleep at night.. and she would tell me to count until I got sleepy!! so I would count.. it never helped.. and I dont know th logic behind that!! LOL.. then as I got older.. and couldnt sleep my parents stopped making me stay in bed when I couldnt sleep.. and I'd sit up reading or watching tv till I got sleepy again.. It would be 3 am.. and everybody in my family would be zonked out but me! even th family kitty rocky would be sleeping by my feet ... such a good kitty he was!! But yeah.. I am working with someone of deep relaxation in hopes that it will help me sleep some.. shoot anyhting at this point is wroth a try!! YUP day time naps are good!! but I cant even sleep during the day much anymore..which is aggrivating..b/c it used to be tht if i couldnt sleep at night I knew that i could count on a nap or 3 duing the day.. Meditation sounds neat.. I try'd that once in 2002.. and i felt SOOOOOOO relaxed afterwards.. I'd never felt like that before!! LOL pillows down!!blankets up.. here's hoping that me and all my fellow insomniacs get some sleep soon!!
  13. well the sand man finally showed up (he was seriusly LATE!).. I fell asleep sometme around 7am.. and then I had some freaky nightmare just as I was drifting off to sleep.. so I had to get up and turn on a light..(so the boogey man in my dreams wouldnt goaway!! darm boogeyman.. ) but I slept like a rock till about 12pm.. when my boyfriend came in and asked me if I was ok...(i was having another nightmare..he says I dont remeber it) then back to sleep i went.. so I finally got a few ZZZ"s shoot I'll take whatver ZZ's I can get!! and I am going to talk to my pcp about a sleepy med..i see her next week.. so that'll be good.. I dont try and fight sleep..meaning I dont lay in bed all night tossing and turning..I get up and watch TV (the cooking or cartoon chaneel. nothing aggressive..Lilo and stitch is pretty funny at 5am!!) or try and stuff food in my mouth..(food??? what is that!!) normally green olives and some water.. does the salty need trick for me.. read..chrochet.. something. Janine as soon as the laundry fairy leaves my house I'll ship to yours!!.. as well as the cleaning and cooking fairy's!! Oh and the dream fairy also has to make morning visit to my house too.. and give me nice dreams that I dont remember instead of scary ones that I do!!
  14. yeah.. the pain is usuaully starting while i am laying down.. and like instantaniously it gets worse when my body goes upright..geesh! I often will find myself saying "I LOVE MY BODY" "I love my body".. and then think no I dont love my body it hurts!!" I too get horribly intense pain... and have severe nausea all the time.. I told my boyfriend the other day.. that if I ever got pregnant that I dont think I would know b/c I feel yucky all the time anyways.. so how would I tell the diference!! LOL I find that I lean forward and rock back and forth. when i get like tis.. I do it kinda automatically.. doesnt really do anything.. but oh well..
  15. hey thanks folks for the pointers!! I do keep busy when I take new meds.. last time I tok one before dinner..(my boyfriend was home that night) and during eating dinner I started to jave an allergic reaction.. and my boyfriend was there.. kinda scary b/c my throat and chest were tightening.. and I was getting tachy and amjorly flushed and itchie! thanks again!
  16. One more question.. I am wondering.. I have noticed that when I stand up or sit up.. that that will cause my stomach/guts to hurt way more then they do when I am laying down.. I kinda think that the tummy hurting more whn standing makes sense..b/c of ans issues.. and all that stress and what not..but it will hurt so badly.. and most times will cause me to be physically ill (be it vomitting..severe nausea.. or severe diarrhea.. ).. granted I experience these symptoms laying down as well.. but they typically arent as severe as they can get durng being vertical.. i was just wondering if any of you have thoughts on this? or experince or notice this?? I'm wondering if it is a blood pooling issue in my abdomon.. and if maybe a compression garment for the tummy would help?? I dont know i feel like I am trying to find a needle in a hay stack!! :) thanks averticallychallengeddizzygirl
  17. me again.. I am wondering if any of you have any pointer to over coming or coping better with anxiety or FEAR i should say.. that is more acurate.. concerning starting or taking new medications?? I'm having "issues" with needing to start a new med(S).. and I have some fear attached.. b/c I have severe allergic reaction to several meds..(<being anaphalatic reactions) and regualr allergic reactions to meds as well..(not as severe as ananphlactic reactions). to just about all meds I have tried.. and the meds that I have tried the side effects are more then I can bare.. I know I'm not being a looney bird on this. and I feel that I have goot reason to be "nervous" about taking mew meds..I know tha alot of you here have difficulties with meds sensitivity/allergic reactions as well. and I am looking for some suggestion about this.. I cant get ahold of any doc to talk to them about my "nervousness" and I am not all together sure that I even want o bring up tis topic b/c I dont want any thing that has to do with anxiety or anxiety related to be in my medical file.. so I say nothing.. but yet feel lik e moron.. b/c i dont try something new.. and mabye that something wil help me.. or throw me in to an other sever allergic reaction.. whci I dont want to have to go thru that ever again! I am really tempted to say forget the meds.wel most of them anywasy. only take my BB's.. and go from there.. I dont know.. sorry to vent and ramble.. dizz
  18. Hello folks it is like after 4:30 in the morning here in my corner of the world.. and I am still up!! I have been awake about 16 hours.. no naps today..and I cant sleep.. I didnt think that it was possible for my insomnia issues to get worse.. but they are and have.. tis past month especially..(february).. with all the fainting/paralysis spells.. after those are really the only time that I sleep and it si short lived there only about 2-4 hours.. other then that I cant really sleep what little sleep I do get is not very good or peaceful/restful..restorative sleep.. Hmm what is that!!! this no sleep is making for a very grouchy dizzygirl.. not to mention a very sick feeling dizzygirl..UGH! my body is in a constant state of pain.. lack of sleep doesnt help this either.. I'm afraid to take anyhting stronger pain med wise.. for fear of allergic reactions.. as I haeve tried a few new things lately for pain and wouldnt you know I've been allergic to them too!.. and what I can take...doesnt work!!!!!!!! and my docs arent going to upp the doses b/c my BP tends to go nuts on higher doses of pain meds.. dizzyness that makes me feel like the room is moving all the time or when i try to stand or walk or sit up.. I feel like I ma moving all over the place..which is making my allready BAD nausea a whole lot worse.. UGh. geesh.. sometimes I feel like giving up!! I'm so tired I cant slee straight.. is there every an end in sight?? here hoping that the sandman and my fairy godmother.. and a lepercan come visit me this morning.. sand man to knock me out.. fairy godmother to grant me wishes!! and the lepercan to bring me a HUGE pot of gold so that I can pay for a sleepytime med that will knock me into lalaland..see how medicaid doesnt want to pay for any drugs that work worth a darn!!
  19. LuLU.. that is great tht you re able to get IV's daily til you see your doc!! wow what a good ER doc you had!! I'm glad that it helps you and is getting you thru the your gruling schedule.. my nursing school.. that is alot of work for some one who isnt a potsy person!! WOW!! you go girl!!!
  20. Hi welcome to our potsy world!! I'm a big one to support IV hydration.. as it really makes a difference in how i feel.. that is alot of water that you are drinking dear!! though I so understand the need for drinking whne you can "quinch" that thirst!! last time I was in the hospital I drank about 100Oz of water plus they were giveing me bag after bag of liter saline.. I couldnt get enough water!! I do hope that you start feeling better soon!! and again welcome!!
  21. Corina.. I am so very sorry that the bone head that you had to deal with such ignorance!! GRRRRRRR!! just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and wishing there were something that I could do to help you!! take care dear love and hugs linda
  22. oh em.. you poor dear!! I am so sorry that you are feeling so bad.. I really wish there were something that somebody could do to help you!! Sending lots of hugs your way..
  23. Iwas just told a while back by my pots doc that prendisone is a steriod.. while it can make you feel better.. that you cant take prendisone like long term..meaning long stretches of time or as a permanent med..b/c it can casue bone damage.. I know I asked about prendisone.. b/c I had been on it a short time and it improved my sysptoms....i was told that it will make anybody "feel better" b/c its a steroid and gives your system a boost.. so do be careful about long term use of this med..people here have different experiecnes with prendisone.. so you should get some idea's from other
  24. WOW!! i kinda feel stupid suggesting testing on your finger!!..(sorry!! ) I did not know that pots patients done get accurate reading on the finger!! OMG!! so where do I test now?? WOW the numerous times I've been in the docs office to the hospital.. they always check w/ my finger!! learn something new every day!!
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