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Everything posted by dizzygirl

  1. hmm.. no i dont know of a med that help after meals for bp... wish i did though! before i realized taht i had pots. and before it got really bad .. I was the world biggest carboholic!!! Omg! I love pasta fixed any way of any kind.. and bread too.. holy moly!!!.. garlic bread to be exact.. and super soft italian bread.. BUT getting to my pont.. after alot of wondering why I would always feel so cruddy after eating my evening meal.. I started looking at waht i was eating.. and i begain noticing like really quickly.. that carbohydrates (and the large amounts i was scarfing down).. really did a number on me.. and would make me feel so sick for hours after eating.. I pretty much have cut al carbs like bread and pasta.. and potato's out of my daily diet.. and now if i eat bread or potato's.. its in very very small amounts I've found 2 kinds of bread that i can digest well that dont knoeck me thur a loop.. its called Nickle's low carb whole grain wheat bread (I've only found it at the super walmart stores).. and I've found that that flat wrap bread.. or pita's dont do near as much damage as regualr breads.. i like the tomoato basil kind) but yeah this stuff is like a treat to me.. brread.. if i do eat it like i said its small amount.. and it eat it with veggies and fruit and stuff that is high in protein.. and avaoid red meats as much as possible.. as i dont digest them well.. and they cause the same type of problems for me that carbs do. so maybe you could try really watching (writing down what you eat even smcks theu out the day oo) and if you get sick feeling off of what you ate that day.. amybe do a process of elimination.. and read the labels of food as well.. I'm always amazed at the amount junk that they add to food.. like msg/nitraites..they reek havoc on my body.. so i avoid them..(and they cause nasty migraines too!) the are in things like hot dogs-processed cheese's-processed meats and pre packeage foods sometimes you might have to go that far as to figuring out what is in foods that maybe doesnt sit well with you.. and avoid those products like they were poison or something.. I know it might sound like alot of work... but.. i know that i have done this.. and i used to have such a probelm after eating my evening and morning but not as much.. and i only get sick after eating (in a low bp stand point that is) once in a while..then i have to look back thru they da and figure waht maybe i ate to much of!! good luck dear and i hope that you begin feeling better soon from the after dinner blues!!
  2. i'm sorry that you are feeling sad.. and feeling so cruddy with pots symptoms... vent all you need to you'll feel better once you get it all out and off your chest! BIG HUGS dear dizzz
  3. alot of times they have told me that the IV is a just in case measure.. to administer medication or IV fluids if needed.. I've had an Iv with every ttt.. I think only dring the first ttt.. they ran fluids thru it.. and during the 3rd ttt... try to relax.. i know easier said then done.. if you do faint or something they wont let you go home until you fel stable enough to go.. is somebody going with you?? they typically tell you that you need somebody to drive you home after the test. good luck dear
  4. thank you poohbear....that helped answer my question!
  5. well.. my ttt i was in and out once i got back to the lab and an iv satrted in about an hour.. my 2nd ttt..that one took several hours b/c they could not get a line started.. now my 3rd ttt.. kind of hard to say..i was admitted to the hospital at about 6 am.. and taken back and prepped and all tha jazz.. and was in bed... some 5 hours later.. they took me down to the ep lab (i was suppose to have an ep study as well.. but ended up not having the ep after i had the ttt) but once i got down to the lab that one took maybe an hour and a half (they used meds).. my 3rd ttt.. i was there about 3 hours.. it took along time to get a line in then too.. so it can very.. good luck tomorrow.. let us know how thigns go when you can
  6. yes.. ling we really hope that you and the baby are allright.. please do let us know how you both are doing..
  7. i was told tha antibiotics 'can" make us potsy actually feel worse.. if you have a hard time on the antibiotic I would recommend talking to your doc.. b/c a straph injection doesnt sound good my dear!! take care and feel better hugs dizz
  8. hey Ok here's my question that i need clarification on.. as I'm loosing my memory a bit!!!!!!!!! BUT SVT.. is svt when you Hr is over 160? I'm asking b/c i'm alittle confused...svt is an arrythmia right? (duh linda obviously) point being that if your have a rate over 150-160 and higher is that considered svt? or just still sinus tachcyardia? only really fast? I ask b/c I have WAY too many strips that have readings of HR 170 and higher.. and some fo them say SVT..(amongst other things).. and other dont.. reason why I'm asking.. I'll save the rest of my questions for the great dr.g.. but i wanted to clarify the svt thing.. thanks folks! dizz
  9. do you know yet waht kind of material these are going to made from?.. reason being I'm wondering if I (we) should buy a size bigger the normal incase they shrink after the first washing?? I would need 2-3 2/3xl and anwomens large.. so I'm upping my order to atleast 4 right now.. maybe 2 more...deoending on cost and stuff like that
  10. stace.. boy can i realte to the leg pain.. I've had it severely for about 12 + yeaars.. my mom used tot ake me to the ER b/c i hurt so bad.. and they were clueless as to waht it is... they still are... i was told that in "my case" that my severe bone/leg pain is unrelated to my pots.. or fibromyalgia..b/c they typically dont suffer from the type of "intensity" of pain.. they still get pain.. but its different...my pots doc.. has tried some meds.. unfortunatly w/o much luck in the pain department.. But a few suggestion to get thru the cycle of pain...now if you are having pain to where your skin and hair on your legs actually hurts.. i would recommend to NOT wear your compression hose b/c that is going to make your pain worse.. when i get realy bad i cant not sand to have anything rubb or compress my skin.. as i just cant handle it.. also try and elevate your legs up high.. actually a bit above heart level.. and keep the room your in cool and dark and quiet....some time a strong dose of Ibuprophen or advil might help.. with a fever that you might have.. I have found that nothing really helps the pain go away.. it comes and goes on it own agenda... on very rare occasions if i catch the pain before it gets unbearable... a shot of a combo of torodol.. thru an Iv.. not pill form.. and some IV pukey medication.. canhelp lesson the blow of how bad it will get..i've found that my pain can last several days.. to the point that i'm crying and am about to rip my hair our...i get very restless when the apin is bad.. and i pace or sit and rock back and forth....and cry.. pahtedic i know.. but oh well.. sometime a good night slep used to help.. there are other pain meds that you can try.. I'm sorry that i dont have more to offer.. but i know that if you are feling what i feel.. that you've got to hurting.. I"m sorry!!!!!!!! takecare
  11. WOW yes willows!!! you hit the nail on the head!! that is waht its like too boy.. holy cow.. I had tubes in my ears twice when i was a child... the first time i had to have the one tube sergically removed.. b/c my ears where so badly infected.. and i lost alot of my hearing (temporarily) b/c of the infection and the tube.... the 2nd time.. i got tubes... i did get my hearing back.. they said that i would out growm my ear infections.. but here i am 24 and i still get them on the average of about 5 times a year.. the bad ones.. and these regular earaches i have just about daily.. I went to an ENT recently about 3 months ago.(same net wheo did my tubes as a child).. and he said that "thre is no reason" to put tubes in my ears.. that particular day there was no fluid behind my ear drum... which is crazy b/c just a few days before hand my pcp said there was a ton of fluid in bothe ars.. I dont know but when i get he "squeezing in my brain it seriously makes the back of my ears and down my neck hurt like the dickens. I also have ahd act scan and x-rays done of my sinuses.. no blockage or anyhting.. But I am going to talk to dr. grubb about this as well.. and see if he will venture to look in my achy ears... willows i normally referr to the pain in my eye..."its as if an elephant crawled in my "EYE" and kicked me a few thousand .. the eye socket bones actually hurt very badly.. as does the skin.. UGH!
  12. i was thinking that myself.. but i wwas at the docs not long ago (last week).. and i checked out fine in the sinus and ears and stuff.. but you never know.. something could be brewing up in there...my ears hurt all of the time.. but they arent inmfected.. yet they feel it.. and are full!.. I'm constantly saying what did you say?? or huh??? the headach in the nose seems to come along when i get the squeezing in my brain.. then after or towards the end of my spell of brain squeezing.. i get the messed up thing with my nose and eye! its werid
  13. well i would be needing at the very least 3..(possibly more after the design is settled upon.. and if its long or short sleeved option) I'd need 2 plus size women's and a mans XL...will there be an option for us not quite so twiggy sized gals??
  14. OK.. hopefully you all wont think I'm a loon.. but i have waht feel like a headach.. only its not in my per se-- but it is in my upper nose.. and runninginto my left eyeball... and my ears hurt like the dickens as well.. do any of your get nose aches?? its making me feel way pukey..and very short of breath and like i cant not breath.. but i dont not have a stuffy or runny nose.. its odd ..
  15. oh my gayla!! i did gillgel as i read you story of the adventures of the ham fiasco! my goodness dear.... I hope that hubby will now record some girly shows for you now!!.. though i dont have alot of room to talk b/c I love to watch the law and order marathons on tv!
  16. wow thanks sophia for posting this!! the article is very interesting!!.. boy.. I've been thru a lengthy work up on my stomach isues with no clue as to waht is going on!!.. i would like to have the oppertuity someday to do this test as.. it sounds acurate! thanks again for the info!
  17. wow linda that doc was wrong to tell you that you'd be healed if you jsut forgot about it! WHEW!!!!!!!!!! where on earth do hospitals come up with some of these docs?? about your sy ptoms... do you have a pots specialist to treat you? you could take your list of symptoms to an ans doc.. and might have more luck with them.. my goodness.. its a shame waht med professionals tell us. thank god we can think for ourselves and second guess there opinions..
  18. i'm very slowly recovering.. I'm sleeping alot.. but on a good note.. i can now move my arm w/ o a ton of pain.. unlike yesterday.. i could barely move my arm.. my glands under my arm pitt running into my right breast are swollen and they hurt like mad!!!!! hopefully tomorrow will hold more energy and less pain.. and i'll be able to eat! nothing sounds the least bit appealing to me...
  19. yeah julie i still get tachy on bb's (but you allready know that!! lol) Um I went in for an ep study in november.. cant say that i'd want to have another done.. for over3 years.. once i was even prepped for an ep study w/ possible ablation and was in the room.. and the doc changed his mind after seeing me on a ttt...that i had done right ebfore i was suppose to have the ep.. my bp dropped to the low 60's/like 40 something i think... also lois, i had to chuckle when i read tht your Hr got to 160 just brushing your teeth... not b/c it is funny.. but b/c it insane how fast our rates go just doing simple tasks. during a aprticular hospit admission my that watched my rate shoot to over 175.. in under a minute .. and you know waht i was doing?? brushing my teeth.. just standing and brushing my teeth.. its obserd... several docs have talked to me about a pacemaker... and that if I had an abaltion done that it could infat make me alot worse.. and for that reason.. I've opted to not go the ablation route.. I'm terrified of ending up with my pots being any more worse then it allready is.. but i sure would like to get rid of my 200+ heart rates... but i can see how getting rid of the tachy would be a priority.. as it really is rough and hard on the body... and bb's just dont always work well either!! my dear friend.. she has pots too, and she had an ablation in 2004?? i think .. and she no longer has the really high tachycardia.. but the poor dear faints daily.. and she is now getting tachycardia upon standing all the time now.. i mean more then she was getting.. her body is fighting hard to keep her conscious if she is upright.. its very sad.. good topic lois!
  20. Hi folks.. i was just wondering if any of you notice tht you drop a few pound after a particularly bad adrenaline surge? I nopticed that I was almost 5 pounds lighter last night after being so bad the night before.. not that I'm complaining about weight loss b/c I could shed some more pundage.. any one else get like this too?
  21. hi all i have an appointmen on Jully 11th at 2pm w/ dr.g.. i was wondering if anybody else wass cheduled this day as well!
  22. well ernie put it right.. dr grubb has been a godsent to me.. and others..he is only human.. but he does the best that he can to help us... and does not judge you or call you crazy.. no matter how insane your symptoms sound...
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