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Everything posted by dizzygirl

  1. oh my miss sunny fish~~!!! Do you want me to come out your way and kick that resident surgeons butt?? actually i dont think i could do it.. but my brother would be more then willing too!!.. he's an army dude(war vet.) who is 6'3".. and big!! muscle wise i mean@!!!! hahahaha lol.. he coul d bring some army guys to help him out.. just something to keep in mind tehe! (((laughing)))--atleast that pircky surgeon would think twice before not being on his best bed side manners! i'm sorry about the clots and the picc line stuff.... hang in there dear.. I hope that you are feling better soon and things get better for you.. your in my prayers.. take care hugs linda
  2. thanks for the update em.. i am sending her hugs and warm wishes -happy thoghts that she gets better soon!!
  3. hi.. Um yeah i have a latex and an adhesive allergy.. they have use ed no latex in any thing .. i asked them.. and they usually put a latex allert up on my door as well.. Um i have my fluid run in over 12 hours.. 1500cc's..and half way thru like clock work i get that squueezing! UGH but yeah.. i never thought of being allergic to the detergent/linens that they use at the hospital.. i should have b/c i' only have like on detergent that i canuse at home.. and one type of dryer sheets too! its a pain in the rear to be allegic to such odd ball things.. all i know is i want the brain sueezing to stop it really bites! thanks for the pointers....
  4. hey cool.. that is kinda freaky!! very neat! thanks for sharing
  5. Hi folks I'm wondering ... has any of you ever experienced "brain squeezing" due to severe allergies or allergic reactions to things??? i ask b/c i've noticed that the past 4-5 times i've gottne fluids ive had an allergic reaction to the detergent that is used to wash the linens at the hospital... only we didnt figure that out ntil recently.. well once i am in full rash itchie mode.. in short order the squeezing feeling in my brain starts.. and the pressure and squeezing tends to build.. even if the rash has gone away....any one deal with this or notice that this short of feeling happens after an allergy trigger or allergic reaction? it does happen though when i dont notice a reaction to anything as well.. maybe i am grasping at straws here,,, but my other thought goes to mca too... i dont know i just want it to stop!
  6. hmm.. well my dear i hope that you get some concrete answers! from those nasty tests!! good lcuk and please do let us know what you find out.. HUGS!!
  7. YEAH!! i got excited when i saw a starter post with lings name on it!! then saw that its an old one.. i do hope that she is allright.. i sent her a card several weeks ago and i havent heard back from her.. i hope she is well!
  8. oh my melissa.. i am glad that they caught that injection before it spread into your blood stream.. my goodness.. please take care and know that we are rrooting for ya!! get better soon hugs dizz
  9. hi lauren.. wel i went ot a new pcp this evening.. who is willing to treat me for normal illnesses.. but said that i've got soem very good docs working with me.. and if they are not able to help me and figure things.. that he was sorry but he ddint think that he would be able to offer much in regards to potsy stuff.. But i did find out that i have a nasty ear infection.. and that is what caused me to get so gosh darn sick this weekend.. OYE! it was bad!! everything was dancing to the right.. and the carpet was doing swirlie motion stuff.. and i could not stop puking it was so not cool.. about neurological shtuff.. i got my records mailed out now i am just waiting to here back from some places.. and hopefully i will be able to get some answers soon.. b/c this level of living is for the crows!! how ya doing dear? since being trapped in the elvator? did you make it thru that weekend with out to much havoc?? HUGS back at ya dear!
  10. WHEW!!!!!!!!!!! my goodness morgan! you take it easy and know that we are thinking of you and rooting for you as well.. and we understand ....!!! it is good to see you pop in and let us know how you are doing... hang in there morgan.. BIG HUGS dizz
  11. Jacquie hi! yeah i have been checked for anemia.. and i have seen several endocrinolgist... I havent really gottne anywhere.. other then getting a definative diagnosis of pcos... that they can not treat me for b/c of my pots! no safe treatment in my case.. i gave them my MRI with the pituitary stuff going on.. and they never even looked at it!! Um I have an appointment coming up in the next few months i believe with an endocrinologist at the cleveland clinic...I'm certainly hoping that i can get further at the clinic then i have gottne up until this point... I'm kind of like at this point i don know where to turn for pretty much everything !!!its very frustrating knowing something is wrong.. not only for me but for the doctors treating me as well.. and to not be able to find or figure out..(pinpoint) what exactly it is... I'll let ya know how the app goes at the clinic w/ the endo..
  12. lol.. yeah my grammi tells me often that i'm sleeping my life away.. i'm like i cant stay awake grammi!... i have now been dubbed "sleepyhead" by a few of my friends.....
  13. hmm i think i must have missed what would have made persephone so upset that she would leave the forum.. that is too bad.. i hope that she will come back and check in and let us know how she is doing. and morgan... i hope that you are allright dear.. i know thigns have been rough for you.. thinking of you!! big hugs!
  14. bec-- yeah beta blockers have made me feel like the devil himself crawled inside my body more then once.. and i knew that it wasnt my normal personality..(i;m typically pretty easy going and mild mannered).. but i was on a bb about 4 yrs back that was horrid..I couldnt believe the quick changes in my personality and the not so nice stuff that would fly out of my mouth after taking this med.. it was verapamill that i was on.. OOOOOOH bad med for me! and there are a few other.. but i cant wuite think of the nam,es of them... can you talk with your actually cardiologist and request maybe adifferent med? I kn ow that trying new meds is rough.. but then again you dont want to feel like you are the exorcist or something wacked out like that.... hang in there dear i really hope that you find a med that works well for you! hugs
  15. Hi lulu! a sleep camel huh?? (((((((((( laughing!!!))))))))))))))) that is funny.. maybe b/c i'm sure andother round of insomnia will kick me in the rear again some time.. oh how i dread those days or months or yrs!!! I have not had an IV's done in a few weeks about 3 i think.. when i went in last time.. while the fluids do raise my pressure.. I'm having nasty allergic reactions.. (break out from head to toe in a purplish red rash.. and its itchie!!.. and it seems to trigger that horrible brain squeezing thing that i i've been getting...) So in a nut shell I'm leary on going back in for an other IV.. but yet at the same time I really need some fluids.. last time i was in they thought i was aving an allergic reaction to the freakin detergent that they use on the hospital bedding! and that that is what is causing me to get so it scratchy and stuff.. they like bring i your own bedding next time and see if it makes a difference..(((chuckling)))) I'm like are you serious?? the nurse was like yeah try it.. i can see if now.. everybody in admitting and on about every floor of the hospital knows me by now.. I'm that interesting pots girl.. lol...me buzzing thru the hospital lugging alonf my own pillow sheets and blankets!! hahaha But Ok back to you q's... I'm going to call my pcp monday and get my electrolystes checked out... I woke up this afternoon feeling nice and potsy.... nothing like starting your day off puking... though the 3 pound weight loss in less then 24 hrs.. not complaining there..! extreme pots is right! and yes a new reality show would be a root! this weeks episode wh can stand the longest before fainting. or who can drink the most gatorwater in a day... I'm sending you a pm! sleepygirl
  16. i had a sleep study done in 2004. they said it was normal.. and i've actually am not sure if i've been testd for MG..
  17. I probably do need more potassium.. i've been chowing down on bannana's and green veggies.. like a mad women.... future hope--- its kind of a combonation of all of that.. it starts with getting an incredible feeling of being very tired/sleepy.. where my eyelids actually start to get heavy.. you know like youi get when you are about to drift off to sleep.. only (for example) my boyfriend has diarrhea of the mouth and he can ramble on and on about stupid stuff... and its keeping you some what awake.... well then i start to feel like u just can not hold my body up any more.. it begins to fel very weird..i mean very weird! like all fuzzy and tingly from te inside out.. and my neck and head will feel like they weigh about 20 ton.. and i jus cant hold my head up anymore. it is like my head and neck is made of silly putty or something.. then i try to fight this feeling and stay awake.. but when i fight i get more tired.. and more sick feeling (nausea-bad bad vision things.. the walls start looking pink and purlep and black..they are white.. . but ym vision gets squirelly..and on and on i couldngo) so i laty down and I feel my body turn to mush.. and fall sleep with in minutes of laying down.. then i usually start paralysiing left and right during the day time sleepyness... and that makes me even more whipped out then i was before so its like a double whammy! yes the same kind of thing happened to me this past march...i thought that i was pregnant back in march b/c of canges going on with in my body.. tha can not be summed up to pots.. i never heard of pots causes changes in your breast! and things.. well the same kind of thing is ahppening now.. only more profound and its not going away! they did a pg test last week and it was negative.. but i tell you what something is going.. and since the pgregnancy test(last week) was negative.. i asked them to check the estrogen and progesterone levels..b/c i uderstand that if those levels are inbalanced that they can cause some of the breast pain and changes of the breast. among other things!.. SORRY if i gave to much info.. this is part of what i was going to post about under chit chat of hormonla things but i'm sure you can get the jists of waht i'm talking about.. but I'm tired (punt un intentded) of feeling this way.. ontop of my pots things that i'm dealing with.. and i certainly hope that i get better results next week with the doc then i did last week i'll let ya folks know what i find out,,
  18. Hi.. nope it is not my thyroid they have tested that booger many many times... I dont know what is causing it.. I only know that it is profound and is kicking my butt.. ontop of the potsy stuff.. I'm actually wondering if it is a seperate issue all together from the pots. I am going to go see the actual OBGyn doc next thursday... and I'm going to give him the low down (i saw the pa last week.. adn her nurse was a witch!!!!!!!!) But thank you gals for the support.. I'll let you know if i find anything out.. I'm off to bed!
  19. yeah i get cramps in my head as well as my tummy.. Um have you tried really louding up on salt and fluids .. to see if that helps you? I know sometimes when i "feel" dehydrated or something.. that if i load up on salt and fluids that it once in a while helps with the cramps.. the cramps in your head.. do they feel like charlie horses? like you get in your legs and feet?? that is what mine feel like.. and it messed wit my vision as well.. hope that you feel better soon dear
  20. can you see fi you can take a bit more klonopin? and also if you are wakig up with night sweats and tachy cand things.. you can try sitting in the tub or shower and let the cool water run down on you.. I do that at times when i'm surging really bad.. sometimes it helps sometimes it does not... good luck i hope that you feel better
  21. Ola my potsy pals... For roughly about 6-7 wks.. I've been battling with fatigue that is unlike my fatigue on a usual basis.. even when it is at its absolute worst! I do not know what is up with me.. but i am so unbelievably tired that i can not function even at a minute level. I wake up after sleeping anywhere from 11-13 hours.. quite soundly most of the time.. with out waking up.. (which is great!!-- for those of your who rember the horrnedous time i had last year at this time with insomnia- no sleep at all!!) i shouldnt be complaining b/ i know alot of you are dealing with no sleep at all.. but it seems to be one extreme to the next.. and i wish that my body would elvel out so that i can function some what........ But i wake up and with in I'd say about 20-45 minutes later I'm having to lay back down to sleep again b/c i am straight up exhausted and i sleep an aditional 2-7 hours.. again its like i was knocked in a coma or something.. and i wake up feeling so not right in my body and head.. (serious brain fog going on).. I've tried seriously forcing myself to stay awake and it just isnt happening. when i force myself.. i get even more sicker feeling.. and even more what ever this is going on with me.. I dont even know how to describe waht i'm feeling.. only that it is not like my normal fatigue.. that i was used to... and just dealt with.. and i woudlnt post about it.. if it was the norm. but it isnt!!.. I have alot of freaky hormonal things ( i think) going on too --- to put it short and sweet...I contacted my obgy office and the got me in last week.. and i asked them to run some labs on my hormone levels.. specifiically my progesterone and estrogen levels... (b/c of whats going on.. I'll save this for another post.. as I'm still P'd off at the office visit!!).. well I wasnt taken very seriously.. I'm like something messed up is going..I'm so beyond fatigue... and i again asked them to check my hornmonal levels.. they tolds me that it was unnessecary to recheck my levels since i have allready been dx with pcos.... so to sum that crud up i've felt like i've been on full speed pms'ing(only its more then the typical feeling of pms does that make sense?) for about 6-7wks... and apparently that is OK!!!!!!!!!!! I was like I'm not even talking of the pcos.. i want you to check this stuff! i was told no...they only checked my blood count and did a pg test.. i'm wondering if hormonal inbalances are causing this unrelenting..crudd ... thanks for listening to me vent... i'm just very frustrated.. and tired of feeling 100000% beyond exhausted and sick!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Happy birthday Jacquie!! I"m very glad that you where able to enjoy yourself yesterday!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ok buggy mouse! the only kind of critter thst i like with four legs and furry better say Meow meow or woof!.. LOL.. I'm so totally freaked out by bugs.. here is why! In 2001.. i came home from work at like midnight.. and i flicked on my lights and i looked up and there was over 100 lady bugs on my ceiling and buzzing around my one room in my apartment!!! and they wherent the nice lady bugs.. they were the biting ones!!.. freaky little devils! any who.. i had the creepy crawlies for days!.. But having your pic used and published now that is very cool!! congrats buggy!!!
  24. i have a scar on my upper arm.. and in the summer or when i get really really hot.. it turns purple then it turns like bright pink... another scar that i have it looks like i have a tan thru it... and it turns purple as well
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