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Everything posted by dizzygirl

  1. On my 10th er visit the cardiologist said to me.. tachycardia is not a problem..!!!!!! even at a 193!! But there is nothing wrong with thee!!!!!!!
  2. MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! Wishing you all joy and happiness this holiday season... and the best wishes for a safe and happy new year.. may 2007 be your year for a miracle! love dizz
  3. I had a med injection once during a ttt... this particular ttt.. my bp droped from like 140/over something to like 60/?? they lowered me and gave me Isoprol (sp???).. OMG.. believe you dont "want" that injection.. my experience was not a nice one.. I seriously felt like i was going to crawl out of my skin.. and i shok uncontrollable.. my HR was racing like a bat out of you know what.. they never di tell me what my hr got to on the injection.. but it was horrible.. But i was laying down when they gave me the med... but i was given the best to see my response to hyperadrengic pots i guess..or something like that.. i had drop and spike both in my HR and BP... But i have a positive ttt with out with out meds.. and ive had 5 ttt's....
  4. totally have to 100% stay away from it.. even a few sips send me into autonomic meltdown...
  5. well i saw 20 years worth of specialists.. all telling me i was pretty much under "stress"" more docs then i can add up in my head.. however once i got diagnosed.. at age 20 ....that year i had been seen between ER visits and doc and specialists.. probably 15-20 as you can see in my signature i have alot more then just pots going on as well.. Im currently working with 3 cardiologist 2 being "POTS experts" Im going to see a neurologist and an neuro surgeon that are atleast familiar with pots.. as well as a gi and other docs.. I wish you luck in finding out what is going on
  6. ooh how cute!!! and funny!! thanks for the laugh!! he is SOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!!
  7. dizzy d i get what you are talking about ALoT!!!! i never mentioned it tho.. fdor fear of the mental health mumbo jumbo but yeah ive noticed that when i feel my crappiest.. i have some really wacked out visual disturbances,,, i hope that you feel better and get some relief!
  8. aww.. your hubbs sounds like a sweetie! its always such a boost to hear things like that..!! hugs to you too!
  9. Yeah i agree with spike your not resposible for her depression.. and sometimes even with the best theraphy in the world you may (your mom) need to ride it out.. I know for me .. that i ddint really really begin to heal until i found the RIGHT therapist for me... and i really had to walk thru the issues and walk thru the emotions that had been built up in me for alot fo years..before i could again really begin to heal.. Um maybe your mom could channel her depression into something.. for example...a good outlet for me becam art therapy...(i feel this is also good in dealing with pots as well!!)i know that with depression you have no get up and go.. or desire too.. but maybe suggest a few things.. that she might like.. yoga.. painting music.. anything.. But i work with an art therapist along with a counselor.. (i was not on anti depressants..) but art therapy was a great outlet for me.. i did painting and i learned how to quilt...I painted masks.. i think over all i did 3 masks and i found it was a great out let... i ve been depression free from the sever stuf for nearly 5 years... i do still see a counselor but it more of a coping mechanism with pots.. i go on the average of once every 4-8 weeks... and it helpful.. I know waht you mean about a cleaning fairy.. i was joking the ohter day with somebody that i have a cleaning fairy named vince.. i go to sleep and the kitchen or bathroom is in need of tiddying up.. and i wake up and its clean clean clean!!!! my cleaning "fairy"" does sucha good job! LOL good luck to you both!
  10. validate what she is feeling... I battle severe depression for about 5 years.. and the thing that made it worse for me was when people would tell me.. "just get over it" or buck up".. things like that.. made me feel like waht i was feeling was nothing at all.. also a good therapist is crucial I think in treating depression.. for yourself.. yes i would agree that remembering that you dont have to be super daughter....and that treating her depression YOURSELF is not your responsibilty.. you can be supportive... but that is why there are therapist!! I hope that you mom gets better.. depression is brutal.. and I hope that you make it thru the week!
  11. yup me too.. my fainting is worse during this time you can try salt/fluid loading more then usual during this time... and extra sleep.. only thing that i can think of that helps me a smidge anyways... feel better
  12. last year(2005) i was up to the max dose (if im thinking of the right med) but i was taking 90mg 4 times a day of propranolol..(360 mg a day) um the only side effect that really stands out for me at the moment is that it made me quite tired... when i first began taking it helped more then any bb that ive been on to that point.. hope that it helps you....good luck
  13. hey..all... those nutty beats stopped for the moment.. I did finally get to sleep around 8am.. and pretty much have slept since yesterday.. whatever was going on was quite scary... and i did considering going to er.. but... i waited it out.. my cardio allready knows they are happening.. so i gueess ill wait for the monitor... i hope that they can figure it out tho.. b/c this bites!
  14. lord i cant stand insurance companies and the likes of all that crud!! my mom once get injured pretty bad..(requiring like 43 stitches inside and out) and she was bleeeding very badly.. my dad carried into a hospital triage.. and they seen her bleeding.. first thing they asked her or my dad was if she had insurance.. well when they said no.. they flat out refused to treat my mmom!! next hospital.. they did treat her.. but it so inraging how "people" will put a dollar sign before before the health and welfare of a human being.. thanks for posting tis link sophia..im sure that it can help some folks.. about hospital asssitance.. GRRRRRRRRR.. i can think of one particular hospital that are greedy little gremlins...
  15. tonight i am dealing with some nasty arrythmia's... Im not exactly sure how to describe what they feel like.... all i know is it is not normal for me.. to have beats like this.. they make me feel so bad.. like you know that feeling that you get right before fainting?? that fuzz disconnected feeling before the light s go out?? alot with you heart feeling like it is or wants to break out into a bad tachycarida run? and the arrythmia's.. right before they start acting up i have the urge to start caughing.. sometimes i makes it not get going into a full blwon epsiode..it makes me feel like cant breath.. and extremely dizzy and just not a good feeling this particular flare started about 4 hours ago... and has gottne worse.. i tried laying down and that meks it worse.. and also once i took my night BB's that also made it worse... SO now i am sitting up in my wheelcahir.. and im afraid to lay back down... b/c my hr feels like it wants to stop or something.. and like i said laying donw makes it worse.. I saw my cardio last friday.. and of course my hrb was nice and normal and regular... he is ging to put me on an event monitor for a month i ve got to call them tomorrow afternoon to schedule it... i dont know what this is and it scares me.. b/c its so different from what im use to dealing with... and i dont normally get on hear and say im scared over strnge new symptoms.. but this time i am.... its like my HR gets into this irregular rythym.. where i can really really feel it.. it feels like its trying to jump start itself or something.. while at the same time.. trying to get going into tachycardia but cant.. does that make sense??? any one relate to what im talking about?? anyways to make it stop? dizz
  16. WOW that is fantastic!! congrats!!
  17. hey all.. i was wondering what you all do to treat your night sweats.. or maybe to cool down from them would be a better question.. for about 7 weeks now i have been having really bad night sweats.. more then my usuaul surging sweats.. and they are occuring allmost nightly.. and multiple times a night..I mean sweating to where my clothing and my hair is just wet.. I dont run the heat in my apartment.. b/c i think it too hot with out blowing all that hot air.. and i keep all the windows cracked open.. and run a fans and a humidifiers... and wear light weight summer jammies.. I dont know whats causing these night sweats to get so rowdy.. but idea;s on dealing or other wise with it are appreciated
  18. yeah i still get these alot.. Im going to go see a dco shortly and push for another sleep study.. im pretty certain that i have sleep paralysis or some s;leep disorder going on..b/c it hapens WAY TOO much for it to be a fluke.. like last night for instance... i had paralysis in my sleep.. and woke up in paralysised.. i vaguely remner trying to wiggle my fingers.. and i felt my pinky and it was like gumby had invaded by body or something.. then with in seconds i was out like alight again and ddint wake up till my cardio came in and woke me up at nearly 9am... some 6-7 hours laters.. i was out hard core too boy holy crud.. i hate it.. im really going to push for this doc that i will be seeing to do somethinglook into this sleep stuff b/c it bites the big one!
  19. i said this one tonight right before i got discharge from the hospital.. "you really should have a bathroom in the toilet" "i meant to say there really should be a chair in the bathroom to sit on .. beside the toilet..haha... needless to say i got a goofy look...lol
  20. wlecome home melissa.. glad that you are swimming in friendly waters again.... hugs dizz
  21. wow had trouble again that really bites... Um Ive been on one beta blocker or another now since i was 19.. so likeallmost 6 years.. the past 5 years with no break in between right from one to another..... good luck with a new bb girl....
  22. im sorry ernie potsy anniversaries are tough .. allow yourself to go thru wahtever you are feeling emotionally today.... you certainly have been thru alot! and that is an understatement... Im sorry that you dont have the life you had before all of this...I hope that you find your magic pill or pills soon ernie dear.. take care.. sending you some great big gigantoc bear cyber hugs! love dizz
  23. born with it.. I quite literally was born with tachycardia.. i had symptoms my entire life.. the dots where never connnected... got worse at 12.. got more worse at 19-20.. got diagnosed FINALLY!!!! at the age of 20.. Im now 24...
  24. yeah im exhausted afterwards as well.. and generally sleep several hours after a bad spells.. only to wake up and do it all over again.. then the pain level is so bad that i beyond exhausted.. and the pain is unreal...booooo
  25. mine get really purple deep red...looking.. my pooling goes all the way up to my hips and booty.. if i dont sit down when the pooling gets bad.. and my feet will get puffy and start to hurt
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