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Miriam Poorman-Knox

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Everything posted by Miriam Poorman-Knox

  1. midrodine does that it took me about 6 mos, till mine was regulated. Do you get migranes?? This episode sounds just like an aura from a migrane,been ther had that.?/??? I don't know the difference between addisona and pots forgive my ignorance and laziness to look it up. I'd discuss the headache thing with an opthamo;ogist. Luck and blessings Miriam
  2. Olived are high sodium. What I do is get small chunks of sea salt (could put into grinder) and **** on that it helps. Who do you see here in the burgh? Take care. Miriam
  3. Julie, Thats what we are here for!!!1!\\ If you feel that you need to speak with someone tonight, why not. It certainly is not a failure. We need to know when to cry uncle and let someone else figure this out with us. You are not crazy unless I am too. I see a therapist almost every week, and he empowers me to focus on the most important next step and not to get lost in pots mental pause. You offer so much, please dont deprive us of that. We all learn from each other. Take care Biggggggg Huggggg1!!! Miriam
  4. I see a therapist psychologist reguarly. I did when in ICU see a shrink. He listened and read my records, amd said"I would be very concerned if someone your age and activity level WASN'T DEPRESSeD"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember there is depression and depression. As you said, thats not what keeps you from work. Good luck. Perhaps you could ask your therapist how to approach this?....MiriAM
  5. It would definately be interesting to read yourletter. Ans always keep your sources secret. Remember deepthroat. I hope you feel incredibly proud of how much you were able to accomplish today from sewer to first?second floor?????? Get some rest. You did good. Miriam
  6. Sadly if we don't need one before viting these specialists we do after!!!!!!! So, So sorry. So proud also. Remember I went to mayo and they did a tilt while I was fully medicated including for that day!!!!DUH Miriam
  7. Julia, I suggest you call the local medical society office. The hospital will give you the number. Then call and find out who is the president. Call him, might have to leave a message. When you speak to him ask if you can meet with him, if not tell him in detail what happenned. Leave out any of the extraneous # of years you have been told it was psychological, whats important now is what happenned today!!!!!!!! Focus on that. I think that filing a complaint with just the facts of this will help you much sooner and easier. As your doctor for a copy of his notes from this week, to read. The person you will talk to will help with a resolution. You can do this. You are articulate. If you feel better writting it. Send him a fax with your complaint etc, and do it that way. I have to check something and will e-mail you,if it works out. Good luck......I have faith.........Miriam We can fly persephone over and have her visit this man!!!!!!!!!
  8. My dermatologist recommends it. It does make some sleepy. Not us usually because of our high levels of adrenolin!!!! It's not a vasodilator so I don't think thats a problem. Again on the site it recommends stuff to take and benadryl is one. Even though it does not do a thing for me. I need a horses dose!!Miriam
  9. I think the reason pots ahppens is different for everyone!!! As for the mast cell's,I have been having whole bodt scratching. The problem is that this is at a cellular level--mast calls- so we have to take drugs that specifically attack that. I take Allegra. my doc tried to get me to only need it every other day, but no luck must take LA every day. Benadryl helps some also. On the site with explanations there is a site for the mastocytois. It is good. Also oatneal baths help. Its the piits but just another gem we get to deal with. Miriam
  10. Would you feel any different if the meds werefor Diabetes? I take so many also, but I have pill boxes 3 for a day morn,aft,nite and have my husband fill them. I also think about the things that I can do becuseI take them Miriam
  11. Thank you..You have made this much clearer...Miriam
  12. it will let you know if you have neuropathy. Loss of feeling in hands and feet, can be a result of pots. I have it. Miriam
  13. If thats her opinion then she is not the right atty for you, dear.
  14. Kitasha, I am going to copy that down. That is what my therapist has been trying to get me to do, in my brainfog I havn't clicked. Seaboardbc .As for other bad bad days................. I sing like roseanne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11I sing its a beautiful day in the neighborhood, poor Mr. Rogers, It aint easy bein green........ my husbqnd does seem to retreaT BUT i Actually feel better. We will, I BELIEVE have good lives. Different than we planned. But GOOd!!! blessings Miriam
  15. When I got mine it was set at a trial rate. I called the Dr. and they then told me how to adjust it gradually to help me better. Don't need it anymore. Luck Miriam
  16. I have to take allegra. Benadryl is also helpful. Oatmeal baths soothe. Bur our problem is that deep down inside we are allergic. Mastocytosis. I look for trees or hair brushes. Don't recommend. I see a dermatilogist for this, also had a biopsy since the rash started on my breast and needed to rule out breast cancer. Found zillions of mast cells. Keep up on fluids too. And stay cool. Room temp!!!! Miriam
  17. Actually that is what happens when we get dehydrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. As a sign of sisterhood I will read Wilder tonight and hope that you get through this annoying test. One thing that helped me was beathing in and counting to 4 or 5 and exhaling same. Be thinkin about you Miriam
  19. Born in Bellefonte Pa. Lives in Wi 10 years, Go Packers. New Mexico. and Back to Pittsburgh Pa.
  20. yes mine was Acute Respiratory Distress. No I was not sick before. It is secondary to pots due to the fact that my kidneys shut totally down. Its almost like God looked down and said your it!!!!! The reason it is 50-70% fatal is because its not diagnosed, I guess people don't feel sick till they are too sick to get help. Thanks Miriam
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