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Posts posted by pat57

  1. morgan,

    I need to spend more time on a reply but for now.

    Your Dr. has no plan for your wellness re the DX on conversion, what about the neuro? I may have missed something- I'm sorry.

    With a DX the patient gets a treatment plan. Yes?

    I have had addiction problems and depression I also have hepatitus C from IV drug use. Drs always had some kind of treatment plan

    for me, phone numbers etc......

    I'll be back, have to let my daughter on right now!


    sorry didn't mean to push your buttons. I can see how the topic would tho considering what your going through.

  2. Have Drs. tested you for conditions and illnesses? This is what my Dr. told me is done. First rule out (or confirm) through available tests for whatever it could be.

    That's very odd that the specialist working in his field is considered the arrogant one. And the one that makes the dx outside of his field is the considered brilliant one. The specialist is supposed to be deferred too. I thought.

    I don't think that is "good practice".

    I am really sorry you have gotten the short end of the stick.

    Is he offering you any guidance for the problem- as he sees it?

  3. Thanks for the replies. I think I get your point Ernie - that should have been obvious to me - silly me.

    I am a big believer in an interdependent relationship between the physical, emotional and spiritual attributes of man.

    I also think its one touch job to pinpoint causes of illness because of the huge number of possibilities.

  4. Dr. A Low, founder of Recovery inc- self help mental health- has noted that patients feel the stigma of a mental health DX.

    He is echoed by many.





    The facts about mental illness

    oThey are disorders of the brain that disrupt a person?? ?hinking, feeling, moods, and ability to relate to others. Just as diabetes is a disorder of the pancreas, mental illnesses are brain disorders that often result in a diminished capacity for coping with the ordinary demands of life.



    I do not fully understand why generally speaking a mental health DX is received so poorly. If whomever was told by a Dr. I think your thyroid is not functioning properly- would "whomever" receive this DX as negatively?

    In both cases it is the result of clinical appraisal , or appraisal of symptoms. Does it really matter if POTS presents like depression as opposed too- say-

    poor thyroid function? Is the one not as valid as the other?

    As for me, I don't think incorrect MH DXs are because of any lack on the Drs part, I think its more because it just fits.

    On the other hand a Dr. "should" use testing as a process of elimination when several DXs are possible. Med response can be diagnostically invaluable .

    Obviously not every condition has relevant diagnostic tests. And then obviously a mental health professional is part of the diagnostic system.

    Is he not? The point being to come to a correct DX and thereby effective treatment- if there is any.


    I feel like folks generally think a M H DX is rooted in the Dr. having a poorer opinion of the patient. I do not agree with this. I think it is rooted in the Dr. experience and is the opinion based on clinical appraisal , or appraisal of symptoms. And being sent to a psychiatrist is in the hope of proper treatment.

    I have - like others- received the MH Dx. Mine- pseudo seizures.

    Then again THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS, this is why I say "GENERALLY speaking a mental health DX is received so poorly."

  5. I was working 7- 1am for 5 years. Got to bed about 2am. Got up with daughter for school at 6:30 am.

    In august I saw my MD, major complaint- fatigue, second- moodiness.

    Dr, said, "your not getting 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, that can cause Fibromialgia and all sorts of problems, including depression and your depressed "

    Anyway, I have a new job 8 am -2pm. I am feeling great, comparatively speaking.

  6. I think your on the right track but suggest Enjoy.

    You can enjoy many things still, a breeze, a book, many things really. So enjoy what you can to the fullest.

    You are as important as any "other" ,it is time for you to give and do for yourself.

    I have 4 organs sagging and need surgery, so I understand the indignity also.

    I said to my Dr. I'm disgusting. Poor guy- he did feel bad for me. I don't want the surgery for fear of more neuropathy.

  7. I had a bout of it as a reaction to chemo drugs. It is debilitating, symmetrical, and involves all the joints ,head to toe.

    At least in my experience. Again that was my experience. To lazy to look it up right now.

    MOST THANKFULLY it hit me at the end of my treatment and disappeared shortly, although I do still test positive for it.

  8. tearose,

    if something gives you pleasure like ,"Great Aunt Bernie's fancy shmancy italian whatever it is dish" , it should be visible for you to enjoy. I have a wall of fame -2 shelves 3 hooks -with kids shoes and toys in the LR. More such items about the house. It does take time to arrange in a pleasing manor such strange items, but it can be done. The wall of fame- is one way. The wall going upstairs is dedicated to memorabilia. Since its the full wall it makes sense. I have 2 shelves high. About a ft and a half from the ceiling. Special treasures are safe up there and look special - out of reach. yOU CAN PONDER A SPACE AND lay it out in your mind- take your time look at mags or web sites. Its a joy to find a way to surround yourself with your favorite items.

    Each childs first pair of shoes are hanging. Bead Necklaces they made me. WHICH I wore to wrk and my boss asked my why I was wearing them (as a waitress) but it was OK to wear them - in that case. I have each childs hand prints framed in my kitchen. All my artwork is cherished.

    ANYWAY, ponder the items you love most - remove the items you don't. And its easier -say- if 2 of Aunt Bernie's things have a place of honor to give away the other 6, and pare down.

  9. http://www.hgtv.com/hgtv/ah_organizing_sto...TV_3142,00.html

    all kinds of help there.

    My boys have their own apts so I send lots of stuff their way. None of it favorites of mine, but it was easier to give it to them then to trash it! Number one son didn't want anything til I said- you can make a nice present for you brother and father (We'er divorced) (with pics and old cards) and so he agree to certain things. Son number 2 is poor and I said, you can make nice presents for your brother- sister and father. HA it worked! 15 lbs of cards and pics plus 15 photo albums. I mailed number 2 son's to him and so I can be pretty sure of the weight.

    I also give to the charity's that accept used clothes and toys.

    When a job is a bad one, I gather the stuff and dump in the living room, that way I either sort it or look at it. I have indeed looked at my pics - in the way- for about 7 years. And I did several times box it all up and hide it. But I did get it done FINALLY. I used ziplock bags to sort pics and cards into.

    It's easier to part with- I could wear this's- by telling myself if I do need something then I'll buy it. Which has never happened. My sister needed a black full slip, which I looked for to give her til finally gave up and figured I must have forgoten that I got rid of it.

    I do have a tendency to trash a room in my sorting fury. And it can take a long time to put it back together. The more you trip over something the more likely you are to be happy to get rid of it. And so in a strange way the eyesore helps. When I am unsure about something I store it in the basement. I am right now sorting that stored stuff and you can only walk in half the basement. Which I call a work in progress. ;)

    I make sure I have one clean room to retreat to- at least. And I know the job will get done so that helps. I also know I need to do it and it's worth doing so I press on at whatever pace I can.

    everyday I admire my work with the pics. Yea it took me 7 years. I am down to 6 ablums plus 3 school years albums and one photo storage box. But I have vacation pics here, christmas here, school here, pets, early years, halloween, easter,birthdays, and one for each child. All accessible - most in the LR which I can enjoy regularly. Company does also.

    The gift items, if I like em and want em I keep em. If not ,I get rid of them- no one has yet asked about a missing item, I do feel some angst over it and fear the giver asking questions!!!!!!! I will just have to face the music if it comes.

    OKKKKKKKKK, bottom line, put up with the chaos and plug along.

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