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Posts posted by pat57

  1. I did a search re cause of lesions. I thought it would be easy but it wasn't. I found only decortication and MS. Dr. Grubb has written that decortication occurs

    during some NCS events. It is removal of organ, such as removal of bark- from a tree. Searching for definition re brain , its is removal of (can't remember the word) but folds of gray matter from cortex. I has to be from lack of oxygen or blood.

    ANYWAY, hopefully drquest will stop in and decode this.


    As always...... just because this is what I found... that does not indication connection in your case.

    as always,

    good luck

  2. I feel like tearose, when she asks ,"You speak of being afraid of going out, of bad things happening, well, do they happen?"

    If you are pushing yourself into risky situations its appropriate to have anxiety.

    I have anxiety every time I stand still. I accept that ,and even find humor in it, but if I have anxiety when I stand still ,plus begin to lose mental clarity or feel sluggish then I start moving- sit or lay down. Standing still is a major trigger of NCS for me its no wonder it causes anxiety. And of course the anxiety may increase my HR which may kick in an NCS response. But in that case it is not a self fulfilling prophecy. Just to confuse things even further- I am not disputing the possibility of a self fulfilling prophecy. But it is a fact that emotions effect BP and HR. For me, what works is being realistic. Some days I need to accept that I should not do ................... Other days I can do it.

    Also if I had a little one I would certainly show more caution. That also seems appropriate to me.

    Take good care of yourself, tell your husband what you can do and what you can't do. He will respect your limitations if you respect them.

    And when you take good care of yourself you won't need his sympathy.

    Also you wrote "I don't tell them that sometimes I hope maybe one of these episodes would just kill me ." Don't minimize that. Find someone to tell that to, someone who knows where you live. A professional . Because I do think depression can open up under your feet and swallow you in an instant. THIS IS NOT TO SAY THAT IT WILL. This is to say BE SMART and have an escape route ready.

  3. http://www.eplabdigest.com/article/7165

    Medical treatment strategies are reviewed, from increasing salt and water intake, to beta blockers, disopyramide, fludrocortisones and the ?older medications? for neurocardiogenic syncope, to midodrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors, among others. As well, non-medical treatment strategies are addressed, and the basis for their use is explained; for example, tilt training, biofeedback and support stockings (with one of the easiest explanations I have read about the hydrostatic reasons for how they work) are addressed. Once again, this is an introduction to the subject, not a guide to treatment with specifics, doses and approaches tailored to a unique situation. For that, you will need to read further, probably starting with Grubb and Olshansky?s text on syncope. A meaningful wrap-up statement that is so characteristic of Grubb?s commitment to patient care and the glossary finalize the book.

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