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Posts posted by pat57

  1. sorry to hear that.

    I hope tomorrow finds him improving.....

    I wanted to mention that I had something similar when I was very young. Unless they change his DX- that is. Anyway suggest to him that he sit up straight in armless chair, turn his upper body the the right and see if there is any relief, try again turning to the left. I think this shifts the ribs, it helped me.

    Also I think I was put on antibiotics. I had fallien about 2 stories, and 6 months later the pain started. Infected, inflamed ribs.

  2. doctorguest,

    Would you say that NCS may be triggered by anxiety ? Because if my BP rises from anxiety it may encourage the vaso vagal


    In general, emotions would effect the sympathetic or para sympathetic (don't know which) nerves...no? Which in turn efffect HR and BP.........

  3. As I said, these episodes are SO scary that I always end up crying after they are over, and literally thinking I do not want to keep living like this - I say this just so everyone understands how bad they are - and how can I tell myself - oh, pots is not life-threatening when my own body tells me I am in danger??????? sorry for the rant

    when you think to yourself "I do not want to keep living like this", you are sending a message that there is danger. You may not be aware that THAT message is one of mortal danger, so even tho I understand what you mean you must change that thought to something less fear inducing- like maybe, living this way is distressing but not dangerous.

    Secondly (and very important) it is the Dr. whose message is "POTS is not life threatening" you should be telling yourself. No offense but you are not the medical expert.

    Hope that helps......

  4. Gracefulprincess,

    I saw that you have, sciatica. Theres a post on the chit chat board about that, maybe you could offer that poster some info too.


    I also saw that nitroglycerin is one of your meds. Why was that ordered? I have not seen that for NCS or POTS before????

  5. thanks for the replies.

    I looked up Coreg and see that it is a beta blocker- Norpace is an anti arrhythmia med .


    I had a seizure because my BP was way to low. Lack of 02 to the brain. The Norpace prevents or lessens the bradycardia I get- from NCS events. The chances of me passing out are about 50% if I take the med late. I have been on it 6 1/2 years now.

    The prescribing Dr. an EP, has moved out of state, I do see another EP when needed, but it doesn't seem like I should ask the "new" Dr. why I am on this. I see them very rarely too. The Norpace works so well- I don't need to. Over time tho, I have seen its the Norpace that keeps me on my feet. Whenever I'm late , "I know it". The EP has me taking the generic brand every 11 hours. The Norpace brand would be "safe" every 12 hours. I have exhibited sensitivity to dropping levels - by which I mean, at 12 hours after the med it was profoundly weak- sometimes. Apparently generic brands are approved when a 10% or less discrepancy is found. For controlled release 10% is a little more then an hour.

    I hope I'm making sense. I am not a good communicator.

    My MD ordered me some "immediate release" Norpace. (after my seizure) The controlled release takes up to 3 hours for therapeutic levels, the immediate release takes 20 minutes at the most. I had taken my med late- which I frequently did when dosing meant interrupted sleep. Waited 20 minutes and went to work.

    To make a long story longer!!! I was 8 to 9 hours late taking it, which is bad, and may have been the only time I was that late. I had a bad seizure at work and scared everybody. Living in a cell phone world (as we do) The manager told me 13 ambulances showed up. I am sure that's an exaggeration to make her point, but I didn't ask, "How many really."

    ANYWAY, I'm glad I'm packing the immediate release med also, so there is no repeat of that!

    I have seen the Norpace warnings .


    Norpace and Norpace CR are indicated for the treatment of documented ventricular arrhythmias, such as sustained ventricular tachycardia, that, in the judgment of the physician, are life-threatening. "

    I do not know if I have ventricular arrhythmias or ventricular tachycardia, I was told "Norpace discourages the heart muscle from stretching". The drop in BP is caused by bradycardia and that is caused by heart muscle stretching. It is a way that the heart drops the BP. In my cause the brain is telling the heart to DROP THE BP, the heart is just obeying orders when it stretches.

    ANYWAY thanks for you interest. I appreciate it.

  6. I am increasing curious for an explanation of why I seem to be the only poster that takes Norpace. Also its all I take and when I was 8 hours late with my dose- I had a seizure.

    I have NCS, I know I get bradycardia during an event. Anyone else with bradycardia on Norpace- or tried Norpace? It works so will for me, I was not functioning without it.

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