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Posts posted by pat57

  1. :huh:

    life is getting to be too much to handle.

    Mother died 3/3, the dog 4/1

    Daughter diagnosis ed with depression- recently. SO many appts, school, therapist, psychiatrist. I work full time. Middle child in jail 2 years for streaking at his HS graduation.

    Not kidding.


    I feel like I hate my husband and pretty much adore any other man that talks to me. Would not really be a good plan to

    bust the marriage up with my daughter in her condition. She is 12.

    Thanks for listening.

    Staying off the regular forum for awhile so I can help daughter get her stuff done!

  2. I have. I have neurocardiogenic syncope, which is indicated by your post also. I am also on Norpace. "We" (folks on Norpace) are a minority- that's for sure.

    99 out of 100 times the weakness starts with being in a daze or leg heaviness. However I have totally lost muscle tone (out of the blue)in my legs a few times- while maintaining cognitive functions at what I thought was normal.

    It is a strange thing.

    It has not happened since being on the Norpace (for me).

    Tell your daughter to get a few immediate release Norpace capsules as "rescue medicine" to be used in the event of taking a dose late. . Controlled release can take as long as 3 hours to be at full levels. Immediate release only 20 minutes- tops. Also have Dr. explain proper use for optimal blood levels.

    She needs to take the medicine religiously. That is -I do.

    Has she tried graduated compression stockings?

    I suggest also that she stamp her feet- in the sitting position before rising- it might help. I do this instinctively. If I was forced to guess at the problem for this occurrence MY GUESS would be

    lack of circulation in the legs

    leading to lack of oxygen to the muscles

    leading to profound lose of muscle tone.

    I find this very helpful also


  3. Are you wearing compression stockings? Can you?

    Dr. Grubb calls what you ask about, decortation of the brain. I take it to mean that the cerebral cortex (the highly convoluted external surface of the brain) is not getting 02. Decortation refers to the outer organ- like bark on a tree.

    I found this in a book he wrote for other Drs.


    you can "search inside the book" at amazon.

    You may find something helpful in there. I did.


    I was searching for info on presentation of seizures caused by lack of 02. And in fact I found the description in there.

    I had a few of those and my movements exactly match what he described. I had suffered acute lack of O2, but you apparently have it chronically

    and so I have no understanding of your particular issues.

    I wondered tho if you could be given oxygen. Have you tried that to see how you feel?

    good luck

  4. if you doctor can read English and you can afford this book. Buy it for her, she will be an expert.


    this one is less expense and for laymen.


    are you familiar with tilt table training? And salt and water loading?

    I suggest trying them. Doing the second only if your blood pressure is not high. You can google tilt table training.

    Sorry I need to rush through this. Others can perhaps answer questions if I have not been clear,

    good luck.

  5. these look like they might be heplful

    Causes of fever:

    1.infections caused by bacteria, ricketsia, chlamydia, viruses, and parasites

    2.immune reactions, including defects in collagen, immunological

    abnormalities and acquired immunodeficiency

    3.destruction of tissues, such as trauma, local necrosis (infarction),

    and inflammatory reaction in tissues and vessels (phlebitis,

    arteritis), pulmonary infarction, cerebral and myocardial infarction,

    and rhabdomyolysis

    4.specific inflammations (sarcoidosis, granulomatous hepatitis)

    5.inflammation of intestine and intra-abdominal inflammatory processes

    6.neoplastic processes with the participation of lymphoendothelial

    system and hematopoetic system, solid tumours (Grawitz tumour of the

    kidney, carcinoma of the pancreas, pulmonary and skeletal tumours,

    hepatoma) Fever is present in complications of solid tumours, usually

    in metastases that are associated with necrosis of the tumour,

    obstruction of ducts, or with infection

    7.acute metabolic failures such as arthritis urica, (sic)porfyria

    (porphyria), Addison's crisis, thyrotoxic crisis, and pheochromocytoma

    8.administration of some drugs

    9.dehydration or admistration of salts. That's why fever occurs

    together with diarrhea.

    10.administration of foreign proteins (e.g. globulinum

    antitetanicum-antitoxic fraction of horse serum) may be the reason of

    fever's origin.



    Pathogenesis of fever ( above link didn't post any)

    Homeostasis controls the ?fight or flight? response, blood pH, water

    potential ,O2 and Co2 concentrations in the blood, blood glucose,

    glucagon and insulin, and the one you were waiting for?..body

    temperature! All of these factors influence each other, and when one

    gets out of sync, the rest are affected. Many of these mechanisms rely

    on negative feedback: a rise or fall in any one, such as blood

    glucose, oxygen, or temperature is detected by receptors. These

    receptors then send the information to the hypothalamus, which reacts

    by returning to the original value, as a normal body temperature.

    Homeostasis keeps the body's internal temperature constant , at 98.6

    F (36.5oC), plus or minus 1 degree ?Humans maintain body temperature

    within 1oC of 98.6.? There is also a natural variation during the

    day. Body temperature is lower in the morning and highest on average

    in the afternoon. Morning temperatures might be as low as 96.0 .



  6. all I can offer is the instructions............


    How do I take Armpit Temperature?

    You could follow the procedures shown below:

    1. Wash the oral thermometer in soap and water and dry it.

    2. Shake the mercury down into the bulb.

    3. Wipe the armpit dry.

    4. Place the bulb next to the skin in the deepest part of the armpit.

    5. Hold the child's arm against the body to keep the thermometer in place.

    6. Remove it after 3 to 4 minutes.

    7. Read the temperature and add 0.5 degree celsius (to correct for the lower

    external body temperature).

  7. i AM ON nORPACE FOR NEUROCARDIOGENIC SYNCOPE. (oops sorry about the caps)

    I was functionally disabled till I got on it. I work full time now and if I make sure I get a full nights rest I am close to normal. I posted a thread titled "Norpace", not long ago, maybe you should have a look at it.

    Also you should try raising the head of the bed 2 inches, gradually increasing,some people have great results with that. It is similar ,in principle, to tilt table training- which you can search on the web.

    good luck!

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