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Posts posted by pat57

  1. Are you salt and water loading?

    I also have low BP and was given the BB as a vasoconstrictor along with florinf. I am off both meds now. The later raised my BP by double and gave me headaches, the former caused blotchy hands, red with white spots something about blood flow. I was on Norpace with those. I and currently doing well on St. Johns wort ,salt and water loading, Norpace and compression stockings.

    I don't have POTS, I have OH and NCS.

  2. Normal procedure is to have the Dr. treating the POTS write about any needs or concerns to the Dr. ordering the surgery.

    The Dr. ordering the surgery (or whatever it is) does know you have POTS, right? I would ask one or the other to make sure the anesthesiologist is aware regardless of any opinion they have on the matter. I feel certain its an important detail and anesthesiologists want "all" the details.

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