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Posts posted by pat57

  1. thanks again guys.

    Meg ,I have finally arrived at Menopause. I think it could be that. Peri-menopause periods are ungodly heavy and frequent. I have not had a period since January and the timing is there. I did also start a new position at work with is a real workout in itself. I probably started that about January too. Its fast paced and a lot of heavy lifting. Twice a week.

    Also, Meg,I think I get enough liquids, but I will take that reminder to heart. Thankyou.

    Flop, if you or the Dr. come up with a reason for your changes- let me know- please.


  2. Thanks for the replies but what I'm getting at is a consistent change. I used to be always low by definition. Below 100/70. Now it is always above. Normal by definition.

    I used to salt and water load to increase it, but I don't need to increase it anymore.

    Of course it would go low during an episode of NCS. ;)

  3. I'm on Norpace and (as you probably know) I can't function without it. I hesitant to recommend it because it does carry serious warnings. The EKG at 24 hours is

    an important factor for the Drs.

    I'm a little concerned tho because you need decongestants or no? Seems to me you have a lot of allergies? If you do take decongestants- run that by the Dr. - re the norpace. It carries a warning on use with Norpace. ANYWAY

    You might ask about a SPECT scan, or a PET scan. And lastly, like I said I can't function without the Norpace, so "I don't leave home without it".

    Randi, my EP Dr. does EKG at each visit.

  4. Well knock wood, I feel good. Two things are different. I haven't had a period since January and second I have been doing kitchen prep work a few months.

    I am stronger from it. For whatever reason my legs don't ache and cramp like they were and I have loads of energy.

    This prep work is a real workout. I move 50 pound boxes and bags. Its 2 or 3X a week 20 - 30 hours.

    I do think a sudden drop in hormones like you would experience is a different matter tho, Suzanne.

    Also my baseline BP has come up, perhaps it is my age (I'm 51) probably helping tho.

  5. Did they put you on anti seizure medicine? Did they give you a medicine to carry with you in case of emergency?

    Those type of seizures are an emergency.

    And lastly, did the Dr. say that status epileptic is only from epilepsy?

    I guess not or you wouldn't have asked the question.

    I did a brief search and read that there are a "number" of possible causes, hypoglycemia -was mentioned. Unfortunately that was the only thing specifically mentioned.

  6. Experts could know. Seizures from lack of oxygen present in a certain way. Throwing head forward then back and aching the body , arms and legs go out away from torso then in toward torso. The pattern does not increase or decrease in intensity for the duration.

    Get as many details as you can on the movements and sounds that occurred. Also how you felt before and after.

    Status epileptic is like 20 minutes long, isn't it? That alone might mean it was epileptic and not lack of oxygen.

    I have had 3 "bad" seizures and about 6 little ones. My grand mal type lasted 1 to 2 minutes. The others about 10 seconds. Mine are from lack of oxygen from NCS - bradycardia.

    This book.


    has details about seizures.

    Good luck.

  7. I may be cornfused but I want to be clear that I was DX with Costochondritis, took the Advil gel caps(anti-inflammatory) and it cleared up.

    If you don't know what your pain is, I would have to recommend seeing your doctor. On the other hand if you do try the gel caps, don't forget to take with food.

  8. Hi Kaye,

    I suggest you keep a journal of how much sleep you get and how you feel each day. A goods nights rest is essential for me to feel well.

    You could add various other details and be on the lookout for a pattern.

    The day before my period I was always wiped out.

    I didn't know POTSers got bradycardia. Do they? Or do you have NCS also?

  9. Have you had a Tilt table test?

    I was able to label my heart, "flutter" as junctional escape rhythm, my Palps as tachy and the "pounding" as Bradycardia. Thanks to the Drs. naming what I was feeling.

    Anyway it's a comfort to me that I can recognize these rhythms for what they are. I have a new one, its like a skip and causes me to inhale. That one scares me because I don't know what it is.

    My point is, its normal to be concerned, and you'll feel better if you can get clear feedback about it from your Dr.

    I have NCS so what works for me might not work for you, however, I feel best while being active. Worst, standing still or stairs.

    good luck.......

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