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Posts posted by pat57

  1. kkrylee,

    I'm very tired and wish I could take more time with this reply, BUT..

    I suspect the D means doppler would pick up the vitals. My TTT says "P" which means palpable.

    I put in your daughters symptoms on Pub Med and got this

    Spontaneous intracranial hypotension.

    Mokri B.

    Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905, USA.

    Spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) is typically manifested by orthostatic headaches that may be associated with one or more of several other symptoms, including pain or stiffness of the neck, nausea, emesis, horizontal diplopia, dizziness, change in hearing, visual blurring or visual field cuts, photophobia, interscapular pain, and occasionally face numbness or weakness or radicular upper-limb symptoms. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressures, by definition, are quite low. SIH almost invariably results from a spontaneous CSF leak. Only very infrequently is this leak at the skull base (cribriform plate). In the overwhelming majority of patients, the leak is at the level of the spine, particularly the thoracic spine and cervicothoracic junction. Sometimes, documented leaks and typical clinical and imaging findings of SIH are associated with CSF pressures that are consistently within limits of normal. Magnetic resonance imaging of the head typically shows diffuse pachymeningeal gadolinium enhancement, often with imaging evidence of sinking of the brain, and less frequently with subdural fluid collections, engorged cerebral venous sinuses, enlarged pituitary gland, or decreased size of the ventricles. Radioisotope cisternography typically shows absence of activity over the cerebral convexities, even at 24 or 48 hours, and early appearance of activity in the kidneys and urinary bladder, and may sometimes reveal the level of the leak. Although various treatment modalities have been implemented, epidural blood patch is probably the treatment of choice in patients who have failed an initial trial of conservative management. When adequate trials of epidural blood patches fail, surgery can offer encouraging results in selected cases in which the site of the leak has been identified. Some of the spontaneous CSF leaks are related to weakness of the meningeal sac, likely in connection with a connective tissue abnormality.

    Good luck!

  2. I have experienced various heart beat sensations. I was used to it and thought everybody felt their heart beating- like I did. :)

    HA. I was put on an anti arrhythmia med. It seems ironic that I thought it was normal and I was put on this med. I was once offered a pace maker too.

    Go figure.

  3. I found this.........

    Stasis DermatitisTreatment

    Getting signs and symptoms under control requires that the patient follow a comprehensive treatment plan that may involve:


    Elevating the legs above the heart. When sitting and sleeping, this can improve circulation in the legs and decrease swelling.


    Wearing a compression stocking while awake. Sometimes compression boots are prescribed. Both the stockings and the boots can improve circulation.


    Treating congestive heart failure. Treatment may involve taking a low-dose diuretic to treat congestive heart failure or high blood pressure.


    Applying a low-dose topical steroid. This can reduce inflammation.


    Applying a topical antibiotic. This is necessary if the skin becomes infected.


    Avoiding scratching. This is necessary to clear the skin.


    Taking an oral antibiotic if cellulitis develops. An oral antibiotic can help heal open sores and prevent tissue damage.


    Following wound-care instructions.


    Getting the recommended bedrest. Sometimes strict bedrest is necessary.

    Once the signs and symptoms have cleared, the patient may require lifelong preventive maintenance that includes:


    Taking regular walks


    Not standing for long periods


    Elevating the legs when sitting or sleeping


    Wearing compression stockings while awake


    Moisturizing the legs regularly, usually with petroleum jelly

  4. As far as I know EEGs only catch epileptic seizures. Mine are lack of oxygen. And like I said if your BP is not registering it makes me suspicious. I can tell you that I am very weak and feel a faint coming beforehand. But also I don't get weak-dizzy or faint while laying down. So that's a big difference.

    Tell anyone that might witness the event to "take notes" ,determine if you are aware or not, try to take pulse and time it. I did a search and potassium is linked with hypoxia + seizure and I have had low potassium. So you might want to take some. There is seizure+ Arrhythmia -mostly Arrhythmia FROM epileptic seizure. But I did find seizure FROM Arrhythmia .

    I did lose my drivers license for 4 years. ;)

    My concern here is ,if you are having seizures, you need to pursue the cause.


    My mother had neuropathy burning sensations. Ativian worked for that.

  5. I found this on Pub Meb

    Hypoglycemia as a possible factor in the induction of vasovagal syncope.

    Salins PC, Kuriakose M, Sharma SM, Tauro DP.

    A.B.S.M. Institute of Dental Science, University of Manglore, India.

    Glucose level was estimated in capillary blood of 16 patients, who had vasovagal syncope during exodontia with local anaesthesia. One consistent finding was the low blood sugar level in all patients during syncope, as compared with the level 1 hour after recovery. Hypoglycemia can be induced by parasympathetic activation; this may be the product of reflex conditioning. Modest lowering of blood sugar levels can also act in synergy with hypotension and hypocapnea to induce loss of consciousness. Psychogenic syncope may be mediated through a mechanism involving hypoglycemia. Reflex conditioning perhaps accounts for the small but consistent fraction of the adult population who have repeated fainting episodes.

    Med scape has some articles according to google, but I don't know how to access med scape.

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