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Posts posted by pat57

  1. Hi,


    Yes that was me with the better work hours. I used to go to bed about 2am get up at 6:30 get my daughter to school and get more sleep after that. I never felt well, never.

    When I complained to my Dr. he said I needed 8 hours consecutive sleep. Huge difference. :) I love my current job. - most of the time!

    I'll send you a message re publishing.

    Thank you for the kind words about my success in communicating.

    Since you read all the posts- no wonder you are, shall we say- tuned in -to how long or short some are.

    Lastly, I think I'm guilty of pretty much any defect or shortcoming socially. I will say on relatively rare occasion tho. :) Anyway that helps me let things go too.

    Speaking of social issues here's something I still LOL over. Nina came in where I work. I said to her, "are you Nina" and while she was looking to see if she was wearing a name tag- OR WHAT, I gave her a hug. In the mean time she was receiving it from a perfect stranger. LOL, I realized after the fact what I had done.


  2. I did see that Sunfish, and took it that you meant "you looked well "generally, to others when wearing make-up.

    It was after my second post that MelissaReid replied even tho she quoted the first post that I thought make-up might mask the "white as a sheet" skin

    during an episode.

    Hope that splains it well enough. I am not a good communicator - generally speaking. Partly because typing is laborious for me. I enjoyed your "I'm never bored post" which I throw out there because I want you to know, I was at least trying to pay attention to what you wrote. I went and checked it out, and read the WHOLE thing. Now that is an example of some fine typing skills!

    Speaking of that post - and I said this to you when we first "met". You have a lot to offer the chronically ill- having walked a path others will and being able to

    express so much so well. I think your journaling should be seen by a publisher.

  3. 1. Name: Pat

    2. Age: 51

    3. Dx: first pseudo seizures, then epilepsy, then OH and NCS

    4. Age at dx. 41 with pseudo seizures - 45 -OH and NCS

    5. Where you live: PA

    6. Symptoms at worst: Dizzy unless laying down unable to stand safely ,that is ,without stumbling unable to sit without being dizzy - seizures

    7. Symptoms at best: I feel best going full tilt and have done "crazy" things like cut down big trees with a pruning saw. Also broke up and removed slab of concrete single handedly from driveway. Hundreds of bags worth. Took a while.... :) That was before Norpace. Such behavior is not necessary to feel ok now. I do still feel best in motion.

    8. Medications/treatments, etc. that didn't work for you: l

    epilepsy meds, BB, florinef

    9. Medications/treatments, etc., that do work for you: Norpace - must have it - compression stockings - water and salt loading - St. Johns wort

  4. When I feel faint, I do faint. Invariability the bystanders are more freaked out then I am. Also I get a lot of ,"you turned white as a sheet."

    People who haven't seen my act may tend to think I'm well, or exaggerating my struggle with the sensation of heavy legs. I no longer care what

    these people think, I tell them whatever is pertinent. I could care less if they believe me. However this indifference to others opinions is an acquired ability.

    Stemming mostly from the fact that I'm 51 and I refuse to let someone ruin my day. I will sooner write them off as a jerk then let it bother me. In the end I know what I'm talking about- they don't. And I do try to be nice but I will tell them flat out- I don't have the time the inclination or the energy to debate.

    It seems to me my attitude is really the most convincing factor. One thing I say often at work is, I can't stand still, it may cause me to faint which is way I wear these. (I point to compression stockings- at the ankle. ) There is no debate. I can see them thinking but there is never a reply. I state it clearly as fact. Everyone knows thaT i MANIPULATE MY bp THROUGH movement, my extended family seems to look askance at my difficulties sitting through a long meal. My immediate family have all seen my act. I don't need anyone elses support!

    I myself make judgments based on visual cues all the time. There is no doubt that I judge many an ill person as well. Starting with my own children when they want to stay home from school- sick. So I don't mind that others think I look well, but I do mind if they choose not to believe something I tell them.

  5. sometimes people do that (subconsciously) to test the others reaction. I can't say that's the case, but I have indeed heard that its normal at some time in a relationship to have one "pull away". "They" say further, it would be a mistake to pursue the person because they then- continue- to pull away.

    Whatever happens - it will get better.


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