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Dr's Opinion On Compression Hose


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My one dr. said that everyone he has ever known to try compression hose has not worn them very long (like just a couple weeks or so), and made it seem like there would not be enough of a benefit seen with them to even fuss with wearing them. He really wouldn't even consider the topic. He is my ANS dr. that sees POTS etc. type patients, so I figured he should know.

Anyways, it seems that many people on the board have found compression hose very helpful, so I was wondering if anyone thought that there was any truth to this or it is worth trying them out?

Has anyone found them intolerable or not useful?


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Guest tearose

Mayo and most ANS literature shows it does elevate blood pressure. In fact, my baroreceptor reflexes (those fibres that cause bp to rise)showed improvement in the sweat test after using compression.

When uncompressed my heartrate went to 180 bpm, compressed, I don't get near that.

I would not be able to manage without the compression!

Why don't you just ask him if anyone wore them faithfully?

It is one of those choices however that would not be bad to give it a try if you wanted to see how you respond.

best regards,


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I won't lie - at least for me they are a pain to deal with and can be uncomfortable at times. I go through phases where I wear them for a while and then get tired and give up. But I'm personally VERY glad to have them as a tool when needed. I remember a discussion on another forum where many people shared the same view as your doc. And he may not be wrong that people give up, but why would he be against trying them? It seems like there is a lot to gain and not much to lose, other than a few bucks. On the other hand, if your doc is helpful overall, I could see why you wouldn't want to push things...it's hard to find anyone decent who knows about autonomic stuff.

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i agree-- annoying but indispensable. If I try to tough it out without the stockings, I still bring them in my bag as back up. I like the toeless kind. I usually forget I have them on until it's time to use the restroom. and they can be a struggle to put on.

When I tale them off, my legs are white, instead of their usual pooling red. And i can usually FEEL my bp drop when I take them off.

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I love my thigh highs! OK, well I don't love them in the summer, but I still wear them. They make an enormous difference in the quality of my days. 30-40 compression.

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They are a struggle to get on, but for me, the difference in how I feel is worth it! My opinion is that it's worth a shot to at least try--a pair of stockings, over the year, are cheaper than meds for most of us over a year.


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