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Ringing And Swooshing Ears


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for the past 2 days my ears have been ringing a high pitched ring.. and also they have been having a Heart beat in them.. but the heart beat is ..well a heartbeating sound.. that swooshes.. regardless of what position i am in..

Im am drinking extra water.....it does get worse when i stand so im trying not to do alot of that standing business...

any one know how to make the noise stop?? Its diving me mad.. :(

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lauren i really hope that it isnt another ear infection.. I ve had several in the past few months..YUCK is all i can say..

I do hope that it stops soon though...

and i hope that you start feeling better too lauren! and that those antibiotics help you in the long run..


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This time of year my ears scream louder than usual. It started with the beta blocker, but I have gotten used to the baseline ring. I finally figured out that when the barometer drops, the sound is much worse. It is like I can hear the storms approach a day beforehand. It has to do with oxygen density and fluid pressures in the middle ear.

I am sorry you are going through this. It can be very isolating.


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About the swooshing sound -- I sometimes get this thing where a rushing sound starts and gets louder until my heart beats, then it's silent for a moment, then it starts again. I end up with this steady whoop, whoop, whoop sound in my ears. Is that what you're hearing? (It would be so cool if someone else had that... :( )

I haven't found anything to do about the whooshing or ringing in my ears, but for me it usually only lasts a few hours. I hope you feel better soon.

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Ringing ears can mean hypovolemia or anemia.

When my ears ring the worst it's because my Hematocrit is low.

Since I've started using Epogen injections my ears usually only ring when my hematocrit drops below 40 (which is still in a normal reference range but not for me.)

I also have spasms in my ear which anyone else can hear too if they have a stethoscope.

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