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Funny Brain Fog Word Jumbles


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i thought it would be funny to share our crazy word jumbles that come out of our mouths during brain fog..(ie.. we mean to say this but say something else in stead)


I meant to say

"I dont shovel snow"

instead i said...

"I dont shnuggle show"

tonight i said to my b/f.. who cracked up..

I wanted to say...

are you going to put the pizza in the oven while im in the shower?

Instead come out

"are you going to do that when i get in the oven?'

feel free to share you word blunders.. its funny..

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Guest sonotech

Those are funny! I have so many daily "blunders" that I don't know where to start! At least we "entertain" others with them (I know my husband and kids are ALWAYS laughing at me)!

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Was over at my friend Laura's on tuesday and when I got up to go I said "thanks for coming!"

she looked at me- "Err....you came to me!?"


I do this all the time, and I'm sure people here think I am really thick- I know my subject but I quite often can't get the right words or get them out in the right way- but because I normally have quite articulate diction, people don't realise. They must think I'm just dumb!

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LOL :P:):lol::lol: only reason that i remmber the snow one is b/c my b/f reminds me of that every time if snows.. and he has to shovel it alone..

and the oven one i just said.. laughed.. then forgot what i said.. my b/f again had to remind me...

that is almost as good as finding the butter in the baking cupboard.. the brick of cheese in the silver ware draw.. and the phone in the fridge!!

yes i did all those... :) hahahahaha

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I always call my kids by the wrong name. I have a boy Branden and a girl Anna. My son keeps telling me "I've been a boy since you had me 11 years ago, can't you get it right?". My daughter just laughs and lets it go. She's older and understands more. My husband thinks its funny and laughs along with me. I'll have to keep track for a couple of days and write down my other blundes and I know we have laughed at many.


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ok i can't remember any stupid things i say, cos i'm foggy when i say it. but i have been told of the stupid things i do. like putting all my shoes and socks in the freezer!!

i also put all my wet clothes in the freezer instead of the dryer.

cotton wool in the fridge, with my nail varnish remover.

my ex boyfriends sisters cat in the tumble dryer - i really don't remember this one and i didn't switch it on.

ham and butter in the cupboard, dirty plate and knife in the fridge, butter in the dishwasher! yeah my family love me visiting!

i'll ask others for more! beks x x x

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Sorry to wander off topic, but Becky got me going. The worst I've done (as opposed to have said) is thrown my complete outfit in the toilet after undressing at night. I thought it was the clothes hamper. :)


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So my roommates and I were playing cards last night and one of them started quoteing Darla from Finding nemo. My other roommate couldn't remember who she was, so i started to tell her and meant to say... Darla was fish killer.... and instead of that said " she was a kish filler". as soon as i said it my roommates cracked up and i turned soo red.

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Some brain fog blunders of mine:

"Greg came over to get the red stuff. You know...the red stuff. What's it called? It's red." ---I was talking about ketchup and for the life of me couldn't remember what it was called!!

Yesterday I called the vacuum cleaner a "trash can."

Usually my sentences come out something like this:

"Uh... they are in a drawer... a rubbermaid drawer in the bedroom.. uh.. the closet."

It's a good thing I can type on the forum. That way you don't hear the weird breaks in my sentences when I can't remember a few words!

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:lol::P ((((((((((laughing)))))))))))) too funny...

rachel.. i do that alot too.. i have wild hand gestures.. and facial expressions that go along with.. you knows.. and thingamajigg.. thingy ma bobber... you get the idea.. :lol:

i write lists.. and have to re write the same list 3 times b/c i cant remember where the first 2 are.. only to find the original list of on the back of the 3rd list i just wrote.. with items i forgot about !

or looking all over for my keys on to find that they are in my hand.. :ph34r: HHA

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Guest tearose

I plead the fifth and will not disclose who said this but the sentence was suppose to be:

" I am a part time, free-lance consultant"

but instead ...

" I am a fart time, pee-lance consultant"

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You all have me laughing! :ph34r: Glad we can share our brain fog funny moments!

DizzyGirl, I do the same thing with making multiple lists! I always forget where I put the shopping list, or list of people to write, or whatever. And I can never remember everything at once. So I have nearly a dozen partial lists all over the house!

Quiet_Spike, you reminded me of another one of my difficulties - I have a hard time turning on the right burner on the stove. I have to think and think and sometimes it still takes 2 or 3 tries to get the correct one! I don't cook anymore, though, so this isn't an issue usually. But sometimes I do still try to heat up the tea kettle on the stove. But my husband pours the water. I don't trust myself with a kettle of hot water.

Again, thanks everyone for the smiles. :lol:


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I've put the peanut butter jar in the frige before, my mom will tell me that while she's at work to put something in the crock pot...well, I always put it in, but either forget to turn it on or to plug it in. If I do manage to remember to plug it in, I plug in the wrong thing so by the time she gets home from work, supper's still cold and my mom's mad lol.

The other day my brother's cat who is VERY weird was bugging me while I was tring to eat. I meant to say, " Stop purring in my ear." What came out was, "Stop purring in my pur."

The other month I was helping my fiance make an email address. They put in the numbers 20105. I looked at them after a little bit and said, "what the heck do those numbers stand for?" Their reply, "uh, our dating anniversary!" I was SO embarrased! I seriously did not know what those numbers had stood for!

I've got many more, but of course forget them! :(

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This is great! If you don't come into dysautonomia with a sense of humour, you certainly gain one along the way! :o

I haven't a specific word or sentence jumble to enter at the moment (although I do it all the time!), but I did have a number of friends over the other day and ran into brain-foggy issues.

I was trying to tell them an amusing story about somthing that had happened to me the day before, which as it happens involved a car. Unfortunately, I was blanking on the word "car". So, as I always do with my family when this sort of situation arises, I started acting out the word; my sister is always really quick to guess the word and provide me with help. So there I was in the middle of my story, missing a key word, and without thinking, started into my charades routine.

I was making "vroom vroom" noises, pantomimed using the steering wheel & gas pedal, etc. They just looked at me for a second, probably wondering if I'd finally gone 'round the bend :huh: , then started in guessing. They got "car" right off (who says a dance education isn't worthwhile!) and I was able to continue my story. However, it was a true Brain Fog Day and I blanked on more words and started in on the charades again. We sounded like we were on a game show: noises and gestures and guesses and cries of "I got it!" By the time we finished the story, we'd all forgotten what the story was about in the first place. The way we got there was just so much more entertaining! ;)


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i said this one tonight right before i got discharge from the hospital..

"you really should have a bathroom in the toilet" :):)

"i meant to say there really should be a chair in the bathroom to sit on .. beside the toilet..haha...

needless to say i got a goofy look...lol

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