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I Hate Pots And Everything Related To It.

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Just a rant here. I know I am one of the most functioning POTSY people on this board, so I can't even imagine what some of you go through on a daily basis. I read some of these posts and just shake my head. Why can't you get help? The fainting, the pain, the fatigue. I could have it so much worse and here I sit feeling sorry for myself because I can't go running through life like I did 2 years ago.

I think I am falling into a depression...plus I have anxiety. I am an anxious person by nature. Depression and anxiety run in my family. I'm not taking meds for anything right now.

The hair loss is driving me into a downward spiral. I know some of you are probably thinking if you could live life relatively normal you would take the hair loss any day. But, I am not dealing well at all. I want to cry about it all the time. It is finally noticeable to my husband. You can see my scalp and my hair gets thinner by the day on top of my head. I used to have GREAT hair. It was my best feature - and, now I don't even have that. It is so not fair. At least if I'm sick, I could look good - right?

It turns out my ferritin and iron were low in June. I was on iron for 2 months and when my iron levels were normal to high they took me off the iron. So, now, I sit here with my hair falling out at the same rapid rate it was in June. I don't know what to do. I'm taking a multi-vitamin, trying to keep from stressing about it (it's not working) and praying. I don't want to leave my house anymore because I feel so horrible about myself.

I don't even know what I expect from this post. I guess I just needed to get this off my chest.

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You don't need to compare yourself to the others on this board and no matter where you are in this illness you still have all rights to vent. Everyone with POTS life is affected in some horrible way and I'm sorry to hear about your hair loss. I have gained weight since getting sick 2yrs ago and can't do much exercise so it's out of my hands like your hair loss. It's very frustrating.

To me appearance means diddly squat. It's who you are as a person that matters. Hang in there and I hope you start to feel more chippery soon.


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I agree with Dayna. Everyone has venting rights, no matter how the disease affects you. I sometimes have the same problem you do, though. I look at what other people are dealing with, and I just feel like a wuss for complaining.

And I'm sorry about your hair. You get to complain about that, too.

I hope getting it off your chest helps a little.


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I agree with both!

You have every right to feel the way you do. You might see others as being "worse" then you, but in the long run it doesn't matter because you feel the way you do regardless of how everyone else feels. It's happening to YOU and it still hurts. Don't underestimate your own feelings. You know, there will always be at least one person worse off in your eyes. But that person may look at you and think what they are going through is easy compared to what your dealing with.

Vent all you want.......I will listen. :rolleyes:

I'm very sorry your losing your hair. That would be very hard to deal with. Have you thought about a wig? I know it's not the same as your own, but it might make you feel more confident in public?

Take care,


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I feel so bad that you can't figure out the hair loss. And you definitely had your thyroid levels checked, right?

I had a lot of hair loss about a year postpartum, beyond the usual posptartum hair loss that I had at six months. I found that for me, it seemed to be stress-related. I don't know if this could be a possiblity for you or if you started getting the anxiety only recently, but have you tried meditation or guided imagery exercises? These have saved me from depression and from having POTS attacks for sure.

Again, you may definitely have a medical problem that would explain the hair loss, but it is also possible you don't. Which means I would try anything at this point to see if it helps. Jon Kabat-Zinn's "Wherever You Go, There You Are" CDs are what I use and I borrowed them from the library at no cost. This form of mindfulness meditation has been scientifically proven (even by the AMA and Western medicine) to work to lower BP, reduce heart disease rates and fix all other sorts of maladies.

I would also go out and buy some very interesting and neat scarves, headbands, etc. -- whatever makes you feel better and will help you get through this period.


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Thanks for the support. I am now on prenatal/postnatal vitamins. I *think* it might be due to stress. The hair loss has to be left over from the months of anemia and the stress of the past year. I've had all kinds of blood tests and no other illnesses are coming up (thyroid tested many times). I'm going to start yoga and see if that will help.

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HI Jennifer,

I can hear the sadness and frustration in your voice and my heart goes out to you. I have POTs and function fairly well too, so I understand about feeling how you may not have a right to be upset or complain. But living with dyautonomia in any form certainly takes its toll. I would talk to a qualified health practitioner about possible natural treatments or pharmaceutical treatments for your depression.

I think maybe once your hair comes back, then you can find your sense of self again and hopefully the depression will dissipate. Those with cancer who lose their hair go through similar emotions of losing their identity, feeling ugly, etc. and depression can easily set in.

YOu mentioned that all of your bloodwork came back fine. Did they test your thyroid, hormones, diabetes? There are many types of imbalances, including a vitamin/mineral deficiency possibly caused by stress that can be contributing to it. In fact you can find specific combinations of vitamin/minerals specifically formulated for hair and nails. I know my health food store carries these combination formulas, but I think even major chains like Wal-Mart and drug stores carry them too.

I've pasted a link here that talks about possible causes and treatments. http://altmedicine.about.com/cs/herbsvitam.../a/Alopecia.htm

this is a 2page article, so be sure to hit the number 2 at the bottom of the page on this link to read the rest of the article.

Hugs and best wishes,


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Unfortunately, I do not have much more to add to this because everyone has said it all already, but to hopefully make you laugh a little, I would love to give you some of my hair!!! My hair is sooo thick, I could use a little natural thinning! :) Sorry if that made you upset in any way, but basically, I understand, because even though my hair is so thick, if I were to start losing it, I'd feel the same way you do.

I know beauty is on the inside and all, but I'm very self-concious about the way I look...I went through too many years when I was younger thinking I was ugly when I wasn't (depression), so much that I would constantly fake sick to stay home from school on a bad hair/face day, and now that I am older, I am a lot more confident about my looks, but going through what you are going through would make me slide into depression just the same.

But hang in there, you will get it back if it is stress related, and I'm sure you look beautiful even with less hair!! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jennifer.. I'm sorry that you are feeling the way that you are feeling.. and never feel bad about anything you want to post about.. vent away girlfriend!..

It doesnt not matter what degree of functioning you are at.. fact of the matter is you have pots....and it sreally bites... and it affects you the same way that it affect a person who isnt as fuinctional...

Sending you big cyber hugs.. and hoping that you feel better soon..remember we are here to help eachother thru this.. if you need us we are here!! B) so vent away

take care


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