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Can Blood Volume Lessen Even More?


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after you have been tested and found to have low blood volume can it go down even further? are there any signs or symptoms that would indicate your blood volume is going even further down without actually being tested again? i really think mine is going even lower, thanks for any input,


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Seems to me like this number would always be fluctuating, based on how much fluids you take in and how much you excrete or eliminate. There's probably no way to know without another test, but then, what treatment would you get if your volume is down? It's probably no different than how you're treated right now. Just thinking it might be an expensive test to find out info that may not help with treatment.


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I agree with Amy. Blood volume is as dynamic as POTS can be. A one-time test is a good indicator of POTS, but repeated test results may or may not signal a change in your condition, and may not be helpful as far as determining treatment.

Low blood volume is responsible for many POTS symptoms--tachycardia on standing, fatigue, dizziness, etc. If these symptoms are getting worse, then perhaps your blood volume is reduced further for now.

Are you seeing a specialist and have you described your symptoms? Are you on any treatments/medications? Can you talk to your doctor about whether your current regime should be changed to improve how you feel? See if your doctor feels further tests will be helpful in treatment.

Sorry you are feeling worse. :blink:


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thanks for letting me know that blood volume can go down even further than it was, and yes i am feeling worse especially eating is getting harder and harder, more hyper when i eat and more severe squeezing pressure headaches after even little food, i read that epinephrine is responsible for all this, in response to lack of blood going to brain, which would be true since blood goes to stomach when we eat, thanks for your replies, i cant get tested again now anyway, but i really think i have less blood, but where are we losing it?


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Blood consists of three basic components: water and salts, red blood cells, and proteins.

You lose the water and salt through your kidneys. The amount of water and salt that your kidneys excrete is regulated by the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (aldosterone is secreted by the adrenal glands). Florinef is a synthetic hormone that functions like aldosterone and is used in adrenal insufficiency and in POTS.

The kidneys are also responsible for sensing when you don't have enough red blood cells. If the system is working properly, the kidneys secrete a hormone (erythropoietin) that tells your bone marrow to make more red blood cells. A recombinant form of erythropoietin (Epogen or Procrit) is available. If you take Epogen or Procrit, you also need extra iron and other vitamins in order to make the new red blood cells.

The other part of the blood is blood plasma proteins, which are produced and consumed by the liver. Nobody can tell me how this is regulated.

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Just to add my two cents worth.....

Before I was disagnosed with POTS, I was undergoing and EDG (a scope that is used for looking down into the esophagus through the stomach). I've had too many to count. During this one, the doctor said that I had an arterio-venous malformation that had been causing some bleeding. He cauterized it.

So, on top of my POTS becoming worse, I was bleeding and didn't know it. I was also trying to work. Talk about dizzy.

I'm explaining this because, the GI tracts is one of the first places doctors look when there is unexpected blood loss. Of course, there is always the usual female stuff. That can cause much blood loss as well.

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