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Ethnicity And Pots, ? How Are Pots Pts Treated In Asia For Example, If They Have This Condition At All


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Hi, everybody,

Going through your posts I can not help but admire your strenght and bravery, I can not even believe that 9 months ago I was completely unware of POTS and its tragedy, I guess my main concern was how to look thin and sporty ha-ha-ha..What I was thinking today while reading the multiple side effects of the meds you are taking is :

- is thetre actually some or any benefit of taking the medications, my impression is that the treatment of POTS is still in tha dark area of experimenting

- how are POTS patients treated in Asia, or third world countries or even ex-Soviet Union and is POTS even existing there in such a horrible form

- I have a background in neuroscience and I can not help but think that may be there is some kind of immune inflammation of thebrain on some level caused by may be environmental or some other kind of toxin Therefore iot seems important to establish if there is any connection between this syndrome and geographical location. Is this syndrome a "privilige" to the highly developed countries and why?

Any info onthis will be greatly appreciayted ad may be beneficial for us all

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hmm you raise some very interesting questions.. none of which i have an answer to by the way.. :blink:

but my thought on third world countries.. and i really hope that i dont sound like i'm stereotyping here.. as i'm not intending too... but these countries are typically pretty poor and under developed... i would imagine that there are people there who have pots.. but unfortunatly are unable to get medical treatment..i know that there is medical aide and stuff like that... but look at how (still) uneducated a large majority of doctors are in the united states.. and we are a powerful country..

if would by my thought.. that these people in poorer countries are misdiagnosed or just simple not diagnosedat all... i think that there are alot more people thru the world with pots.. and not enough doctors to recgonize it..

and yeah i think there is an enviormental/chemical compentent to some cases as well..

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We had some members from Asia in the past--as I recall, finding treatment wasn't that easy, unless in a more forward-thinking and/or industrialized country that has good medical care, such as Japan. Some of the researchers into ANS issues are from Japan. We've also had members from all of Europe, eastern and western.

My understanding is that more women, as opposed to men, tend to present with ANS issues that meet the criteria for POTS. Some of this may have to do with hormonal differenences, or other less-well-understood issues.

Wether medications help is a highly individualized answer. They help for some people (I'm one of them). Also, what meds work and for whom would be somewhat dependent upon etiology of your disorder (how you acquired it).

As for how POTS is treated in Aisa, I don't think we've had enough input from our foriegn members to get a good sense of that--however, I can tell you that treatment in Europe hasn't been good for most who've participated here. It's possible, though, that we may have a skewed sample b/c those who are doing well aren't as likely to hunt on the internet for more options/information as those who are doing poorly.


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Not sure if this is relevant, but my husband is from China and as far as I can see from the imput from his family, into our ANS dysfunction the condition is well know but has other names. Much of traditional chinese medicine treats the body as a whole, most of the traditional med. Dr's i have spoken to belive that conventinal medicine tends to treat one problem at a time, and does not see the knock on effect of such treatment on the whole body. It is my understanding (I'm just a mum) that many Dr's in China treat patiants with symptoms akin to POTS and OI. I and my daughter have tried some herbal pills that are given to people to increse blood volume it is a combination of plant extrates that have been used for centries to treat dizzyness, fatigue and cold limbs. Mother inlaw sends them over to use from Hong kong I am a bit reluctent to tell her that they are not right for us as they play havoc on our EDS guts (too many ulcers) but many people say they are very helpful.

So I guess i am saying I think POTS etc. is world wide, but diffrent countries have their ways of dealing with it.

I do think that environmental issues do have a big part on world health as a whole, there are many reasons why people become ill and I am sure environmental changes play their part.

Bye for now,


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