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What Causes Set-backs?


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This is my first post, but I've been using the board for awhile now - mostly to confirm that other people have had whatever issue is bothering me at the time.

I had been doing a good bit better (able to do some school work, a little exercise, etc.) but then hit a bad spell. Started getting pretty bad headaches at the back of the head and nauseau, neither of which I had had before. They aren't nearly so bad now, but still come back at times - I've noticed that mental exertion will bring them on, I think standing has, and yesterday I was fine until I laid down for a nap (but shouldn't that have the reverse effects of standing?).

At the same time, several of my older symptoms came back: lightheaded on standing more often, more noticeable pooling in feet, muscles get sore very easily, trouble staying asleep, and sometimes a burning sensation in skin, usually on my back.

Since it looks like plenty of dysautonomics get the headaches and nauseau and since the other blood flow related issues came back at the same time, it seems safe to say that the blood pressure stuff is the cause of the new symptoms too (too little blood to the head, I assume. too little to the gut?). But it's discouraging to get the old symptoms, much more so with these newer, more bothersome ones. So my question is what might have made the blood flow worse? I did a bit more school work during my good phase than I probably should have, but could that have so thrown my system out of whack that it caused all this for 2 weeks now? Or is there something else that might have done it? Or is this kind of worsening common and unexplainable?

thanks alot,


Oh, in case meds matter: taking Nasonex and Singulair for allergies (which I never had - or noticed - before the dysautonomia, I think I'll have to post about that too ;) and adderall. I did up the adderall to 20 mg around when this setback began, but on days that I go back to 10 I don't notice any difference in symptoms.

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I think it is difficult to know sometimes what triggers a setback. At other times, it's obvious. One thing you can know for sure is that things change.

"I was fine until I laid down for a nap (but shouldn't that have the reverse effects of standing?)."

Nope. One can feel really bad after a nap. The ANS seems to malfunction under any circumstances. We just notice the effects more upon standing (or napping ;) ).

Concerning the nap and sleeping:

I've come up with a theory of my own. I think that there is an ideal amount of sleep my body needs. I was told that for me this is eight hours. My sleep doctor figured this out by looking at my two month sleep log.

Yet, due to my ANS issues, I often have low blood pressure and I know I have blood pooling which I believe get worse the longer I am in bed. Because of the way my body is, I FEEL like I need more rest and more sleep when in reality, it's just a reaction to some stressor or my low blood pressure.

In other words, 8 hours of sleep is all I need but that is NOT how I feel. Consequently, I'll stay in bed longer than eight hours, or I'll take a nap, both of which make me feel WORSE.

It's really tough to stay on a schedule and not get "too much sleep". I know. I'm in the middle of a battle with myself right now. The intense heat we have outside here in Baltimore makes me feel more lethargic.

But there is no question in my mind that if I stay closer to the amount of sleep my body really needs as opposed to what I FEEL I need, then my POTS symptoms decrease.

What to do? Recline but do not sleep when the "tired" episodes hit me. And get up at the same time each day with no longer than 8 hours in bed total. Easier said than done.

I hope your setback goes away soon. Try not to get too down about this since thing will change.

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Welcome to the forum.

Stress can make POTS symptoms worse for alot of us...Also, I know for me that sometimes I feel good and other times, for no apparent reason, I feel worse, I think it is just how POTS is....not really any rhyme or reason why some days we feel fine and others we feel worse. Just remember to keep yourself hydrated and you also might want to check out the section on the Main Dinet page that says "What Helps"....


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Hi, I find that the more I do the more intese the symptoms are. I know for myslef 'brain' work is very difficult, and makes me very sick afterwards. As does physical.. Try not to over do it- I know its tuff- and you wanna do stuff- but I found that do light stuff and spreading it out helps- instead of doing a 1/2 hr straight. Good luck!

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Thanks for the feedback.

The idea of doing less than 1/2 of mental work is pretty discouraging (I'm supposed to be writing a dissertation!), but in general and especially before this latest stretch I've been pretty fortunate in terms of not having toooo bad of symptoms, so hopefully I'll get back there shortly.

Best of luck, and thanks again.

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Just wanted to drop a line and say welcome. Also I am sorry to hear about your set back. I Know mine come from stress, when I don't get enogh rest, and heat it the big one for me! I hope things start getting better for you soon!

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a set back can be caused by anthing that your body deems as over doing it at any time.. even simple little things that you wouldnt think would cause a crash do..

good luck to you i hope that you start feeling better soon!

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