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Offensive Odor


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I need to know if anyone else is having a very offensive odor coming from the vaginal area. I have had it for as long as I have known that I had Dysautonomia. I need to know if it is a possible symptom. I have not seen it on any of the symptoms list, for Lyme either. I have been to GYN, Urology and my Lyme doctor doesn't know. I am hoping someone can give me some suggestions. This is where I have gotten all my answers from in the past. I seem to be the only one that can smell it but it is very bad, like something died. I worry that it is my liver or something. I have no doubt there are probably other things wrong with me that have not been detected yet. I hope someone can lead me in the right direction. If no one on this forum has it than I know it is not from Dysautonomia. Thanks for your replies.

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You may want to try an endocrinologist?

I see one and have HORRIBLE B.O. under arms (he has never noticed and hasn't done a sniff test) but I am in PERI menopause aka PRE menopause.

The androgens (male hormones) can get out of balance with female hormones and cause odors.

They are usually more invetigative to hormones, even female stuff than many gynecologist. Good luck.

When I notice the stink, I break down and take low doses of spironolactone. But your doctor needs to check out your situation.

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Has your gyno tested you for BV??

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OMG, I never would have said anything, but I have the same problem! It's pretty embarassing, but whenever my symptoms get REALLY bad, the smell of that area changes. I don't know how else to explain it.

Last summer, when I first got sick, the smell was the first thing I noticed. It's not a "yeasty" smell, or a fishy smell for me, just really...pungent and strong. I had to change my undies twice a day just to keep the smell from becoming obvious.

I asked my endocrineologist about it when I was still seeing him, and he didn't have any ideas either. Now that I suspect I have lyme, I'm wondering if it's the bacteria that causes those changes...that's about the only thing I can think of. I've been tested for every feminine illness under the sun and nothing's wrong down there...just that weird smell!

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know you're not alone.

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Like y'all I never wanted to mention it and didn't really think that it was related, but, alas, maybe it is.

I'm a super clean person, in my home and with my own body (as I'm sure we all are) so imagine my surprise when I went the bathroom about 2 years ago and smelled like I had shoved an onion in my panties?? I don't even eat onion!!

I, however, was not the only person who could smell it. I went home (as I was working part time then) and I asked my husband to stand close to me and tell me what he smelled (I didn't want to sway his opinion) and he said "Wow, babe, did you have onion soup for lunch or what??" I cried.

I went and change my panties and pants and then we left to go to a Christmas Carnival that was outside. It was cold (obviously) so I thought that it would be fine, because I thought that it was the sweat that was so stinky. Again, was I wrong or what??? About a hour after being there, I could smell the onion smell again. Perfect.

I also get the rotting meat smell, but less often. And I've never kept a jounal to figure out it there's a link or any rhyme or reason for my stinkiness.

I've had a complete hysterectomy so it's not like pre-period or anything like that.

I wonder???? 1) Do none of us have a uterus? 2) Do we all have other adrenal symptoms? I know that I'm very susupicious of having the hyper-adregenic version of dysautonomia. How 'bout y'all??


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Well.... I have to shower absolutely EVERY day - as we all know, a shower is difficult to do. And sometimes I have to shower twice a day!

I had a hysterectomy - ovaries out and the whole nine yards..... I have found that Dial (Gold) soap seems to help as much as anything - and when I have tried the femenine hygeine sprays - it got worse! But then, my expectations were not too high there to begin with.... But, we always grasp for answers!

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Yeah, I've found that certain soaps help and others a big "no-no". That's trial and error I believe. But, no matter what, for me, it has to be an anti-bacterial type soap. So it makes me wonder if it's not some weird type of bacterial (???).

Hey, any of us find that your deoderant just quit working, too? I know I had used Secret forever, my whole life really and then one day, POOF it just quit working. I had to use Suave Raspberry only (I found that info on the Hyster Sister's website) for about 2 years. Then one day, POOF, that one quit working and then I went back to Secret, but it has to be the Platinum one. Crazy.............I've just about given up on trying to figure out my own body!!!


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I have the deodorant probs...I now use a men's deodorant, which seems to work better for me.


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Has your gyno tested you for BV??

Excuse my ignorance but what is bv?

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry to bring this subject up again but I thought I'd chime in.

I suspect that the offensive odor problem you are having will go away if you are put on a course of antibiotics. I'm not advocating this. I'm saying this because I'm suspecting that the BV (bacterial vaginosis) Dx is the correct one or if it is not that, it is something similar. There is no need to continue having this symptom without being helped.

I would definitely bring this up with a gynecologist.

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Guest sonotech

I have never experienced this problem before, but I do know that certain medications can cause your URINE to smell VERY strong and unusual!! Are you sure it isn't coming from your urine??

I would definately get it checked out by other docs because the odor is usually a sign of an infection or something going on!

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I think this could be caused by a B12 deficiency. Here is a website that talks about B-12. It doesn't go into the odor too much, but it is listed as a dificiency symptom. I had more about B-12 and odor on my other computer, but when it died I lost many files.


Anyway, B-12 couldn't hurt, so may be worth a try. I take B-12 shots a couple of times a week and it really helps me.

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