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Normal Pots Symptom?

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Hi guys,

I ended up going out last night for my friends going away party, since he is going back to Iraq. I drank lots of water the whole night, took my Midodrine, and felt fine. I had a few sips of my friends beer, but that was about it. Anyhow, once I got home my heartrate shot way up and now this morning I feel sick to my stomach. I don't think a few sips of an alcoholic beverage would do that to me, right??? I wonder if all the standing was catching up with me.......

Any ideas are welcome, as to what might have caused this! Thanks!


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Jacquie.. I'm very glad that you where able to go out last night and have some fun!!

I've found that even a few sips of alcohol .. even that.. can set our ans systems off.. we are a "sensitive" bunch of folks! that last time I had even a few sips of a wine cooler.. it did me in and made me feel so yucky!... i think that that in combo with standing.. and maybe all the stimulation from the party... yeah that could very well have set you off into tachy mode. your body was probably in overdrive.

I'm sorry that you are feling yucky today.. but am glad that you where able to get out and have something fun to do!!

hang in there dear


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Thanks for the replies! :) I can't notice the difference between the re-entry tachy or the POTS tachy....Usually I can tell if I go to stand up and my heart rate jumps, its' the POTS, but other than that I can't really tell.

My cardio/EP thinks that my re-entry tachy is causing my heartrate issues at night and most like what I have been experiencing lately. I am supposed to be going in for a sleep study so they can hook my heart up to a bunch of monitors and so forth...Too bad I don't get to sleep until 3am, LOL. Anyhow, I am going to be seeing an endocrinologist at BMC then a neuro at that hospital, so I'll keep you guys updated!


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Hey Jacquie,

It sounds like you were paying the price for your good time. It might have had very little to do with the sips of beer and be more from the stimulation and sitting upright. That happens to me...trying to go out always catches up with me one way or another. Hope you can get some rest and feel better.

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I very rarely drink anymore due to this. I also have heartrate and dizziness problems after just one drink. I like to have a glass of wine now and then but I have made the connection just recently.

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