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Tachycardia With Sensation To Cough


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Hi Everyone,

Just was wondering if anyone else gets this feeling... I was falling asleep last night and I suddenly got this sensation/pressure in my neck/throat like I needed to cough (not sick though) and at the same time my pulse raced really fast for about a minute or less and than it beated normal about three times and then again got the sensation like I needed to cough and again my heart raced (Like 3 beats a second so whatever that comes out to). Just freaked me out... I think I've had the sensation many times, but never realized what was happening until I decided to feel my pulse last night!



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I've been doing that for about the last 18 months or so. I kept thinking that I was getting a cold or bronchitis or something, but it would never evolve. I also get the random fever and sore throat, so combine all that and that's why I thought it was viral, but it only lasts for a day or even a few hours, then POOF, it's gone.

I wonder what it is??


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I've been getting this sensation recently as well. I find it really weird! For me it usually only lasts a couple of minutes or even seconds and then goes away.


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Thanks for the input. Glad to know I'm not the only one with this "minor" wierd symptom. I thought that maybe I should try not to cough when that happened.. but sounds like I should just let my body do what it wants to do. :)


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Wow, weird to see this post, because I thought I was the only person who had this thing....I only get it at night for the most part, but I was wondering what it was!

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I have had that sensation also. I get a tickle in my throat, notice my heart beating faster and cough. Coughing is the bodies respose to rhythm abnormalities. It's basically a glottal closure (Valsalva Maneuver). In cardiac rehab if anyone goes into a abnormal rhythm for example SVT (supraventricular tachycardia), PSVT (Paroxsymal Supravent. tachy) or AFib we tell them to perform a valsava maneuver (bearing down, squatting) for 15 seconds and it can help it go away. It basically increases ones thoracic pressure and helps to regulate the vaso-vagal response. This in no way means you are going into one of these rhythms its just examples. What morgan617 said was right it's a temporary thing to try to get it back to normal. Hope this helps.

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yeah in the er and docs office back before we nknew i had pots.. they would make me cough to try and break the svt and stuff like that.. for me it never really worked....

my pcp at the time told me that sometimes it can stop tachycardia or arrythmia's..

i also gett he urges to cough w/ tachy.. and i cough and cough at times.. though there is no cold or anything present.

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