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Mri Results

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hey folks.. I got my MRI results today.. it shows taht i have a alrge disc herniation...(which i allready knew from 5 years ago.. but it was small then).. and bigger now.. and the disc is causing impingement on my spinal cord.. and it shows that i have stenosis as well...

I'm going to be sending recods now that i have everything off to TCI--

I'm wondering w/ multiple finding thru x-rays and mri.. if the spinal cord is being pinch off.. do you think that could cause paralysis.. and some of the brain squeezing i am expereincing?

does anybody else have these issues?

I'm hoping that TCI can shed some light in more depth on to things...

But i wanted to share with you all what i found out.. as you all have been listening to me complain up a storm about things over the past few months..

i'm sincerly hoping that the neuro's out at tci.. will be of some help... as i think there might be more invovled.. ya know?

Oh yes one more question.. does anyone have an article or articles on the spine affecting dysautonomia?

thanks a bunch


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I'm no doctor, but I'd venture a guess that if your spinal chord is being squeezed, it would cause some form of paralysis. I'm glad that they've (hopefully) gotten to the bottom of those symptoms...now if they can just DO something about it, you'll be cooking with gas!

Please keep us updated as you learn more. I'll be praying for you in the meantime :D



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thanks lauren!! I hope to be cooking with gas soon!!!!!!!!! LOL.. i rally hope that the "ball" does not get dropped like it has so many times in the past..things that are going on cant be ignored any longer!!

i'll keep ya all updated as i find stuff out and hopefully get some answers..

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Hi Linda,

Glad that you at least know one of the things that's wrong...I hope that you find some treatment options available to help..


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i had a traumatic herniation due to a fall (due to syncope). we tried conservative therapy but it got worse to the point that it was impinging on my spinal cord and eventually i had surgery. the surgery alleviated all of the numbness & pain i had (in neck, back, shoulder, arm, hand) but had no effect on my autonomic symptoms either way. my understanding too is that statistically surgery tends to be more effective more often for people traumatic herniations rather than degenerative problems....not in a black and white way but just that the odds are better.

hang in there...i know it's easier said than done...

:( melissa

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