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Try Going To Iraq With Pots

Guest dionna

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Guest dionna

To all the POTS patients that have served in the military. Thank you. I know the guts and dedication it takes to serve in the military. I know how tough it is. I am a Marine. USMC Ret anyway. I went through the toughest of the boot camps, combat training, MOS school, and the fleet with POTS and was even given orders to IRAQ because no one believed me! That was nothing though. I know a marine sniper who went to IRAQ with POTS because they didn't believe him. Yeah he passes out too. He went door to door searching everyday with his boys getting shot at all the time and eventually blown up. Can you imagine that and being a POTS patient? He did it. He passed out all over IRAQ. All that heat, limited water, eating nothing but MRE's. Taking shrapnel behind the eye, burned arm and hand with 4mm balls, knee surgeries, shrapnel to the legs and back. That is something to think about. Congratulations to all of you with the courage. God Bless You.

LCpl Sarah Dionna Price USMC Ret.

March 15 2004- March 31 2006

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oh yes most certainly god bless our troops!! i cant believe --well yes i can--that they sent him anyways.. my brother served in iraq for over a year.. he isnot potsy.. but it was hard on him in many ways... i cant even imagine a potay there god bless him and all the troops!

So do you have to go to Iraq?? when wiil you know? you would think that they wouls want people there who arent at risk of passing out cold at a any given moment.. sweet jesus.. my brother said hat it gets to like 120-130 over there in the desert.. add that heat to the amount of gear and cammo's they wear.. not to mention it they have to wear the chemical suites and stuff.. my god..talk about hero's

I thank god everyday that my brother came back alive...I hope that you freind comes home soon and can get some medical help and be taekn seriously about his pots.. do you have a pots specialist? who can help you on this one?

take care and godbless


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I can't imagine being in the military and even attempting the physical requirements, one standing alone, would be enough for me. Incredible strength you and your friend have. My brother-in-law was there as well and he is in his mid 50's and was thinking more of retirement than going back to war. He is a Vietnam vet as well. Anway, he had quite a time trying to stay hydrated with all the heat and he had many care packages sent from family, friends and church to give him extra nutrition as well. I really can't imagine how you would be able to function at a level of alertness even to serve there with POTS. You and your friend are making great sacrifices for us, just trying to serve with your health concerns.

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Guest dionna

i was unclear. i was sent to the national naval medical center in bethesda, md in august of 2005 and my orders to iraq were canced. NNMC bethesda is where all most all of the marine casualities are sent unless they are severly burned in which case they go to california. after i had been in hospital for 4 months he came back to the states after he was blown up. i think it was Dec 7th 2005 that he came to the hospital. so that is how i met him. at first i just thought that he was there because of his injuries, but when i told him why i was there he said that he was also a fainter but they sent him anyway because they needed a sniper. i was medically retired March 31, 2006 and he is still waiting to be retired. he has knee problems so he has to have his surgeries first. he hasn't been actually diagnosed yet, but we both know that he has POTS because all the symptoms, tilt-table test, eegs, and all that stuff. the cardiology doctor he goes to isn't familiar with POTS so he is going to get a new doctor but his neurologist agrees that it could be POTS. he is doing good now he just has scars on his face, arm, back, and a chunk of metal still in his leg. neither of us have to deal with going back to iraq again but i'm sure that there will be future POTS patients that will be sent to war. may God bless those as well.

i stopped complaining about POTS when i met the injured marines that lost various parts of their bodies.

i actually thank God now that he gave me POTS. if any of you read GLAMOUR magazine there is an aritcle about heroes and an attack on females in the military. its the one with Halle Berry on the front cover its all purple. maybe last months issue. well anyway. LCpl Libby that is in the article is the female that took my orders for me. her story- 7 ton blew up killing marines and sea bees. LCpl Libby was thrown from the vehicle and broke her neck and burned her hand. she was the least injured. most of the females were burn victims some still going through treatments. they were hit a year ago. i am a little bit smaller than Libby by about 15lbs. I weigh about 90 something. Yeah we are both little marines. maybe the blast would have killed me. she still has nightmares about watching them burn. watching her friends die.

not only did POTS possibly save my life but it also brought me to my friend above. actually he is the man i plan on spending the rest of my life with. POTS brought both of us together and i thank God for that as well. i know that POTS *****. all the pain that goes with it, all the loses, all the yucky stuff. but here i am thankful. i don't cry or complain about it any more. i know that things could be worse and if i had to go through the worst case of POTS just to meet my man, i would. i know that most of you look at POTS as the worst thing that could ever happen to you and i know that feeling. i use to have it but just not anymore. i think of it as a blessing. i accept the pain, the passing out, the weird sensations, all of it. i know that it hard for those of you who don't have someone to understand you. i'm lucky that i finally found someone who does and who knows exactly what i feel like and we help each other when we are symptomatic. the only problem is our bodies have sympathy for the others and we both are sick and passing out at the same time. bummer. but we understand and we go through it together. i do pray that all you find something to help you cope with all the problems that come with POTS. i know it is hard.


dionna :)

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