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No Safe Drugs For Me To Use !!!!!

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I got a call from my ebdocrin office just now. and they have been calling ma and asking me about different drugs to use.. and most of them I've not responded well too.. inregards to PCOS and diabetes... b/c of my pots!

she said that there is nothing else available for me to try..so right now i have nothing to treat my pcos... and things are really nutty there.. and as far as the diabetes goes.. we have to further discuss that..b/c they cant use some drugs b/c I'm staying at a certain level of dehydration all the time now.. and we all know what dehydration does to use... as far as diabetes meds go.. my sugar is really only going up after or right before passing out or paralysising...or when i'm really sick with pots...other then that my sugar levels are in normal range...most of the time

my endo was like when i saw her.. we cant put you on meds for like all the time use b/c you sugars in the morning s are running between 70-130. with ion normal range.. they where throwing the idea around of insulin shots...a low low dose of insulin for when my sugar spikes..

I'm really trying to fight the urge to start crying.. .. but i just feel defeated w/ my body and the fact taht things are going abslutely nuts!!!!!!!!!! my vitals are all over the place..i so want to have children down the road...i thought that if I was able to get all of the se medical things stable that maybe i could have children.. 10-15 yrs down the road.. be it my naturally or adoption or something

a weeping dizzygirl

***edited by dizz--sorry for the sad depressing pots yesterday folks!

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Hi Linda,

I understand completely about feeling defeated by POTS. Do you have a therapist or a counselor you could talk to about it?? I talk to a therapist once a week, usually to talk to her about me barely having friends left due to being sick, etc. If you don't already talk to a therapist, it might be a good idea to talk to one.

Is there any way for you to try and get your mind off things? I know it's impossible to ignore symptoms when there @ "full blast" but sometimes a comedy or some other type of movie (no scary ones!) takes my mind off of things. If your unable to get out to video store you could try something like NetFlix, etc. For $10/mo (their cheapest plan) you can order a movie and have it sent to your house, then when your done with it you mail it back and they send you your next selection.

For me finding something to occupy myself with keeps my mind off of things, even if just for a little while. If there's anything I can do feel free to let me know! :)


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thanks jacquie..

i was just thinking the other day about digning up for netflicks.. I'm a movvie buff..

I do try to do things to 'distract myself from how crappy reality is.. but symptoms are raging full speed ahead.. virtually non-stop these days...and i really feel like I'm well going to meet the allmighty himself-- i dont mean to be blunt or negative.. but its how i feel..

I enjoy watching funny movies.. so i keep stocked up on comedy movies.. and i like to watch the flip that house show and cartooms of course!!..

I just read thru my post.. and i think i should probably edit some of it.. and stick a reminder on my computer to not post posts.. when i am upset.. (like iwas this afternoon) I'm so sorry for my depressing post.. geesh!!!!!

My dad sent me an email tha really made me smile and laugh.. well 2 emails actually. one of a smiling kitty with yarn around its head.. tehe.. and then a pic of my stuffed dog that i have had since i was a little little girl.. that he gave me.. well old "blue" has been thru the ringer w/ me..and hospitalizations.. he even went thru a surgery or 2 with me as a kid.. they put him in a sterile bag and put him by my head so i wouldnt be scared when i woke up in recovery! oh and he ot a nam band as well.. and many moves too.. well I had to send him home w/ my mom last week b/c his leg was falling off again!.. well when his head was falling of a few yrs back my dad sewed his head back on with fishing line of allthings.. and then made him an ear (his ears have fallen off--lol)out of a red bandana (hhehehehe) and took the reat of the bandanna and sewed it to his head.. its just funny.. well today my dads ent me an email of blue after "surgery" this evening wearing his bandanna.. and now sunglasses!! hahaha!

i cracked up laughing when i saw that... dad sewed his leg back on with heavier fishing line .. lol

Oh yes.. I'm seeing a counselor.. have been for a while.. it helps me.. but tis hard to keep appointments.. she really works with me on this though.. we no longer schedule appointments in advance.. she calls me on a day that she has a cancellation in the later part of the afternoon.. which works out alot better then a regulrly scheduled thing.. but i havent been able to get there in several weeks b/c i keep having to go inf or IV fluids..

i also scheduled an appointment to see dr. davis in toledo for when i go out thre next month... b/c i am having a nincreasing time "dealing" and coping" with multiple illness reacking havoc on my body.. maybe he will have some pointers for me!

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I know I have def put up some depressing posts, but that's why this forum is here...for Support! Speaking of funny emails I have a joke to send to you, so I'm gonna go do that before I forget!!

If you ever need to talk by all means PM me,call me, etc ...:)

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thanks dear!!

i've been meaning to call.. you know how it goes.. i've been a bed (couch) bug this week! i'll be in touch soon..

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I'm sorry to hear you are going through such a rough time. I hope your doctors figure out something for you.

Someone suggested Netflix as something to do when we are feeling POTsy or down. I belong to Netflix and I highly suggest it. They have way more selections than the big chains like Blockbuster. I really like independent film and they have always seemed to have what I've wanted.

Could you talk with your therapist over the phone? I've done that in the past since driving isn't always a good idea for me and well, with POTS you never know how you are going to feel. I hate cancelling appointments.

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yeah i'm definatly going to check out netflix's... do they by chance have books on dvd there too??

No my counselor does not like to do over the phone sesssions.. she would rather do the face to face thing.. I go on days where i can mange an hour session and the trip there and back.. its only about 7 minutes away driving or by bus...that and it gets me out even if only for an hour an a half.. outings of any kinda are like few and far between.. though it si easier with my wheelchair.. i get out a "liitle" more now..

jacquie!! i got the joke it is very funny and cure.. i love the picture of the cat! I'm going to print it out and hang it on my frdge.. it cute!

i decided that i'm going to get a kitty in the near futrue.. give me something cute and furry to play with and love and spoil to pieces!! (or a big moose like spencer!! big baby he is) and to keepme company.. with me nearly homebound self!

my gramma thinks that i should get a dog.. but I though no b/c what if i cant get up on a given day and the dog need to pee or do its business.. and i cant get up to take him out.. i really would like a lab (bee like daisy!!) or agolden retriever.. or a german shepard or a miniture pincher!! mini pinchers are so incredibly energitic!! and spunky wow!

but yeah i think its time for a pet of some sort...

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i've got calls in and a few emails as well to some pots doctors... hopefully they will have some idea's for me!

but yeah they've evaled me to an exstent endocrin wise..

I'm trying to keep a positive out look on things.. sometimes that is a struggle though..

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I have a cat who is now 2 years old, Lucy Coco. She is def awesome to have around esp during the times it's hard for me to get out. Down the street from me we have an Animal Rescue League and for $105.00 you can get a kitten that is fixed and has its shots...not bad considering it cost us $170.00 bucks to get Lucy fixed. Also, if you get a cat it is $85.00 there.

Do you think you would want to have a cat instead of a kitten? Maybe a kitten would keep you busier though! :)

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Hi Linda,

Sorry it took me so long to respond to your post...I somehow missed it on the forum until today.

I'm also a member of Netflix and I highly reccomend it. We have a 3 movie plan which is great for really POTSy days. I also got a kitty when I was really sick and I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have a warm fuzzy to cuddle with during a bad crash. However, scooping the litter box makes me dizzy, but I only have to do it about once a week.

I do really hope you start feeling better. Know that you're in my thoughts and prayers!



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