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Breathing Problems At Night

Guest CyberPixie

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Guest CyberPixie

I normally get this type of breathing problem in the day occasionally but I had it last night, where as I started to drop off to sleep and naturally your breathing slows down and becomes more shallow, it felt odd like on the out breath the lower part of my lungs were stuck together with glue so it felt a bit tight (took my asthma inhaler and it didnt work so knew it was POTS). Also, on the out breath I woke up out of my halfway sleep because I felt my breathing would stop, I had to take deeper breaths and I felt a bit breathless.

I had to sit up till 2am and I was sooooooooo tired! I eventually dropped off but only had about 5hrs sleep so very tired and absolutely no energy/stamina today.

Anyone else get this?

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Guest sonotech

I ALSO have this happen to me, but it seems to come on when I have tachycardia spells. Do you feel like your hrt rate may be a little faster at these times?

My doc says its POTS related and is not anything to do about it. That stinks, I know.

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I have all sorts of breathing issues (worst during the day, when sitting or standing, but also at night) as a result of POTS. Hope for you, this is a transient symptom.


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I often feel like I can't take a breath that is deep enough. It is not a good feeling. I do get it when I am trying to fall asleep. I sleep on three pillows which seems to help.

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Guest CyberPixie

I tried changing position but it didn't do anything. Thankfully it was just that night. I have felt my breathing's been a bit worse for a few days but then I've got a lot of stress at the moment, so I'm not surprised. :)

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i have experiecned what you are going thru... though not so much with the glue feeling.. I get more of a feeling of extreme heaviness.. and lung congestion.. when it gets really bad i can not even barely take short small breaths.. and i feel like the air is being sucked from my lungs by a very powerful vaccum..

I've found under no cercumstance can i sleep or lay flat b/c i get that feeling.. have you tried sleeping somewaht elevated? with your head elevated? I know that here we have this rehab store a few blocks from where i live.. they sell these triangle wedge pillows.. that you can lay on.. i like them to put under my head and legs at night or during a nap.. they sell different size wedge pillows...

I read an article a few months back about dysautonomia.. and that there are a hadnfull of patients that expereicne the feeling of glue in there lungs.. and that it can be pots related.. I will see if i can find the article..(bee.. do you still by chance have it??) and PM it to you...

I'm sorry that you are feeling this.. hopefully it will not be a regular occurance...

take care

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Guest dionna

i know that i am breathing but it just isn't refreshing and feels so odd. i wish i had an answer for all of us with the problem. good luck and i hope it eases up on you. take care.

dionna ;)

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Guest CyberPixie

I get all sorts of different breathing problems at different times. It's been ok since so think it was a one off due to the stress. I do think I should have a sleep study but try telling that to a Dr, they just don't give a hoot about me ;)

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