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Compression Tights And Problems


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I've tried compression hose of different strengths and I have found that I can't tolerate 20 strength and above. I don't mind the effort to get them on :lol: , but they make the flesh on my legs really sore and uncomfortable. It's almost like my legs are saying, 'please do not squeeze me so tight'. I am currently wearing what we here in the UK call flight socks they are knee high of 14-17 strength these I can tolerate really well, and they help to stop the terrible aching which I get in my legs.

I just wondered if anyone else found this, or if I am the only one. I do have EDS and so I wondered if it was a question of tissue fragility, but would be grateful for any advice.




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Guest sonotech


I cant wear them at all either. I have such terrible knee joint pain that anything touching them just kills me. Heck, I cant even wear regular pantyhose without causing severe pain!!!

I am sure you aren't alone on this one.


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I'm not an expert, I'm newly dx'd with EDS and trying to re-define my entire life in light of that. I have this pain problem with 20-30 waist-high compression hose and in addition: bruising at the knee and elsewhere from them. Since I have the bruising with it, I am assuming it's all an EDS thing, I have the same knee problems with one pair of stretch jeans I wear. I didn't have the problem with 30-40 knee-highs and felt I had no real help from them, either.

I have read that people with EDS do not like tight anything on their body, and I have to agree.

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Guest tearose

I live daily in my compression and the only times I have had discomfort in them has been;

1) when the size was too small :lol:

2) when I put them on twisted :lol:

3) when I was retaining too much fluid in my body overall :lol:

otherwise, once I get them on I'm good to go.

May I suggest you go to a surgical pharmacy and ask to be custom fitted...you are worth it.

best regards, tearose

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hmmm.. boy do i understand what you are saying!

I have hose.. but very raely can i tolerate wearing them.. i have some freaky pain in my legs like daily now. and I cant handle the compression...

that and they make me terrible symptomactic..(weird I know) but i get so very over heated.. and have passed out a few times while wearing them.. and I';ve tried a few different styles and compression types...

good luck to you

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