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Dentist--mvp, And Antibiotics

Guest Julia59

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Guest Julia59

Hi folks---I hope today finds you feeling well.

Today I went to the dentist--and oh my goodness, for the first time in a long time it was really painful.

He had to do a filling under my crown. He made a window on the side of the crown, and it was so painful when he drilled and did the digging-----uggggggggggggg---really, really bad. He said he was near the meat, and a lot of nerves---I'm not sure what he meant by "meat"---but he said that is why it hurt a lot more then usual. I don't use anything to numb the area.

Of course I can't use epi----but I am also very sensitive to lidocaine. He said the roots looked good on the tooth, but I am very prone to decay, despite how well I take care of my teeth. I brush, floss, rinse with listerine, and also floride rinse. I also have special tools to use for all of my crown work, and something to thread under my bridge.

He said that he can't see on the other side of the crown where my tooth was filled, so hopefully there is no decay. I just want to pull all my molars out---i'm so sick of this.

Anyway, I'm told several years back----1982----and 1990 I have MVP. Then in 1992, 1994, 1999, 2001, 2003 that I do not have MVP. There were cardiac echos done all of those years. Two cardiologists said I have it several years ago, then about 4 or five cardiologists said no I don't from 1992 on. The most recent echo a couple weeks ago said "normal". But I noticed it said under mitral valve, tricuspid and pulmonary valves it said "trivial regurgitation?????? I asked my PCP about it, and she said the ECHOS are really sensitive and not to worry about it---it was normal.

Today I saw a lot of bleeding with the one filling that was done-----so it made me think about antibiotics----weather I should take them or not. I have been told I don't need them now. However, between 1982 and 1992 I used them before and after dental work.

Kind of scary to think what could happen if I do have a leaky valve--------- :)

I'm not sure what to do---any suggestions?

Tired of my messed up molars---- B)

Julie :0)

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hi Julia,

i used to do cardiac ultrasound, and Mvp's....in yonder years...earlier,i.e....were easy to manufacture...and give a false positive dx....OR MISS...AND GIVE A FALSE-NEGATIVE DX.

SO, could be case..when you got positive diagnosis....before.

today, i believe diagnosis' are more accurate....but again---depends on expertise of who is doing them, needlesstosay, as w/ everything:)

**my cardio--told me....mitral regurgitation......very minimal...on my ultrasound===WAS 'ARTIFACT'....and not real.

said artifacts in that realm show up on most ultrasounds.

anyways...sorry bout going thru that with your teeth...sounds horrific!

hope this helps....:)

best regards,


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While it sounds like you probably don't have MVP, if you are concerned talk with your doctor and/or dentist. An antibiotic should be safe for you to take if you need it for reassurance. In other words, it's not a dangerous mistake to take it if you don't need it but can be dangerous to not take it if you do need it. Good luck!


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I can tell you that my echos show suggestive of but not meeting strict criteria of mvp. Do I have it or not? I don't know... :) I take antibitotics before cleanings and dental work. I also show the same trace/trivial regurgitation on the same three valves. I've read those can be findings seen in normals.

It does not answer the question whether you should take antibiotics or not but I believe that depends on the dr. and how they read the echo. They say the odds of getting endocarditis is low with routine cleaning or work.

If you are very concerned call and ask for something just to be sure.

Feel better B)

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Your dentist probaby used the word "meat" to refer to the pulp at the center of the tooth, and the nerves that run through it. Can hurt like a bugger--you may recall that I had tooth resorbtion a few years ago, and my tooth actually broke into pieces, exposing the center. The resorbtion started at the gumline and went inward and upward, eventually invading my jaw bone. Can't numb bone--and I had months of aching while I went through two bone grafting procedures.

As for the mvp, that's really something to ask of your Cardio--and since you've seen Dr. G and his staff many times, you may want to see if they have you listed with a Dx of mvp--I wouldn't go with the older dx's if it were me.


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Julie, I hope you're recovering from your dental work, I know how stressful it is, even WITH pain relief. Why not let your dentist make the decision regarding antibiotics, just tell him what you told us. Or call your cardio and ask him to talk to your dentist. That way, you have one less thing to worry about. The less stress you have, the better for your body to recover.

Hopefully, you won't need anymore work done for a long time B) !

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