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Hi. I Miss You All. Have Some Questions.

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Hi, everyone.

I miss you all sooo much. My life has been so crazy lately. I'm now in the Cleveland Clinic pain management program. So far, nothing, but I've only had three days of it. Those weren't good days, either.

Anyway, the doc here put me on Effexor. I've noticed that my bp is all over the place, I have times when I feel so hot inside that I can't stand it (usually when my blood pressure is high). Is it normal to feel hot when your bp is high? I didn't think you could feel it when it's high. Anyway, I've lost even more weight (I've lost 13 pounds now and can't afford to lose anymore), have lost my appetite, etc.

The doc told me that I'm frustrating his staff because I refuse to take just any pill that he gives me. I'm wondering about the effexor now. Can anyone give me a good word about it? Will my bp regulate?

I tried to go back on my Zoloft, but my symptoms actually got worse. My anxiety is running at full tilt now, t the point that I feel like I am constantly choking, my chest muscles hurt and are tight, and feel like I can't breathe. I even feel like I have ear infections at times because my ears even hurt.

Oh, and when my bp is high, I have an even louder buzzing in my ears than I do at any other time. What is that?

I continue to fall apart, like I have been the past two months. Thank good ness my husband is here with me, or I would be a more nervous wreck than I already am.

Love to you all. I hope this finds you doing well.


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Guest tearose

Dear LindaJoy,

I am so sorry for all you are going through and for your pain and frustration...

I am glad your dear husband is there with you.

I wish I knew the "right" things to say...

I was feeling your anxiety as I read your post I had to catch my breath!

Here are my thoughts and suggestions from my heart and gut...

You must sit and catch your breath. Give yourself some time. Tell the doctor you need a day or two to think about your decision. If you can get yourself to a peaceful place you will be better able to make good decisions. If you don't you risk the decision being taken away from you and someone else will decide for you.

Talk with your husband and think about the negative side effects of medicines, the pros of taking them and then make an independent and educated decision.

good wishes, tearose

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Hi Linda,

I don't blame you for not taking just any med that's handed to you. I wish you were feeling better than you are right now. Hang in there, I wish I had more words of wisdom to offer you.....


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