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Surgery Over..

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Hey guys!! I wanted to check in and let you all know that I'm officially without my gallbladder! :o

The surgery went well...I stayed in the hospital over night just as a precaution. I've been decreasing my pain meds and today I'm starting to feel a bit more "normal". Last night I actually had a happy meal from McDonalds...It was AWESOME!! I've missed food soooo much!

I'm just so glad the operation is OVER...now I'm just focusing on recovering....I have my post op apt. with my doc. on Tues...not looking forward to the staples coming out but they say it doesn't hurt much :unsure: .

I wanted to thank all of you for your support during this ordeal...ya'll are the BEST!!

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Hi! I'm glad your surgery went well and you're feeling better already! I had my gallbladder out last November and I was in agony after surgery! Just curious, did you have the four little incisions or the old fashioned incision that's a lot larger? I had stitches but couldn't see them, and then they put bandaids on which we took off after a few days.

Hope you keep feeling better! :unsure:

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WE, it's really not painful to have the staples removed. Occasionally a bit stingy is all. It actually feels so much better to have them out, you will be amazed. I thought they hurt more in than the taking them out, because they pinch and pull. When they are out, you skin gets to be flexible again.

Glad you are doing well and hope you enjoyed your burger! I am SOOOO jealous.....morgan

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Guest tearose


Good that things went well and that you are back here already!

I remember about three weeks after my surgery I could actually handle the smell of fried foods without getting nausea.

Then I recall being so excited when I reported to my doctor that I actually ate french fries for the first time in years!

I wasn't ready for his response...it was kinda like he wasn't as enthusiastic about my choice but smiled with the fact it was something I was happy about. :D

I promised him it would not become a staple in my diet.

In fact, I can tolerate fried foods but they don't have a great appeal to me...it is just nice to not get sick with the smells!

Again, welcome back and don't overdo!

You are still healing on the inside and will for several more weeks.

best regards, tearose

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HOLY COW girl! If you feel this much improved this quickly, I think you may be feeling so much better after you heal up even more! As you know, my recovery was a disaster...and I am just so excited to hear that you can eat already and could log on to let us know you did well! Thank you so much for checking in with us! Please keep us posted! I didn't have staples either--just the little stitches that dissolve.

So glad you are already less green! :D

love, em

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YAY, I am so glad you made it through ok!!!! You give me hope for my tonsilectomy which i am putting off. I hope you feel better soon. I had my gallbladder out years ago and I am so much better off without it. The pain of gallstones is horrid.

Take Care Of Yourself


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