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Anyone For New York Get Together?

Guest tearose

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Guest tearose

I was feeling all sad that I am so far from Ohio...

How about us New Englanders trying a summertime gathering in the New York area?

I am one hour north of New York City and figure a meeting in a City diner or restaurant would be fun one early Sunday morning.

any one have an interest?


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Guest tearose

Okay, so what are you thinking?

What if we did like a one day, mini-meeting?

I guess for those who are going to travel, there needs to be a good reason to make the trip.

We could have a guest speaker to address the latest findings and research in dysautonomia.

I'll do some research over the next few days and report back.

Do start giving feedback...just brainstorm with me...

thanks, tearose

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Hi Tearose,

I am from NY, on Long Island. I would be interested in meeting others, would be fun to put faces with cyber friends.:P

If it is too much for some to handle the city, maybe outside of the city, Queens perhaps. I guess seeing how many who are interested and where they are coming from would be a good start. I know one of the members I believe Stacie915 has a Dr. here who seem knowledgable in dysautonomia, perhaps he would speak. I was going to pm her to see how she is doing anyway and will ask her also.

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Count me in. I live in Manhattan and don't have a car, so I'd need to meet somewhere accessible by public transport. Things are pretty busy for me through July 4, but anytime after that would be great. I think there are a few folks in NJ too, so maybe they can join...

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Guest tearose

Great feedback!

I live in Northern Westchester. There is a doctor at a Greenwich, CT facility that may also be willing and interested in sponsoring our meeting. How do we feel about CT vs. NYC? I do think we have DINET family in New Jersey and I want them to be able to travel too. We'll see who responds. Maybe New York City is the best for all of us.

Rita, is this doctor at a facility that would be willing to let us meet in a conference room?

Can we write this on this thread or do we need to move to PMing for more specific discussion?


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Guest tearose

Absolutely we will post the final details!!!

I just want to honor the "rules" and not disclose any doctor name or institution name if it is not allowed. I have to brush up on the rules and forgive me but I am too tired to do so now.

I will get clarification from Nina.

more from me tomorrow.

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Guest tearose

Hi all.

Our fearless leader MightyMouse says we can talk and plan and name names as long as we don't say anything defamatory against a person or place...that is fine cause we only want to discuss the "good ones" anyway! :D

So, I'm gonna do my homework on Greenwich, CT and Rita, you are looking into NYC right?

anyone else?

best regards, tearose

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I live in Brooklyn. I can get to Long Island, but not CT. I would love to do somewhere in Manhattan. When were you thinking? I will be away June 3-20 and August 10-27. I am doing the Arthritis Walk on May 21, also my birthday. I know that is too early, but if anyone is interested in joining me, let me know (I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and sero-negative tentative (leaning towards definite) Lupus dx)




PS. I am partial to museum visits where we all get wheelchairs and have a dysautonomia parade! :-)

I would love a mini-meeting, of course, too. Just thought my first suggestion would be funnier. I love to eat too and I know of a few places that have gluten free menus. Let me know.

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Guest tearose

Rita what are you finding out? It does appear that NYC is the central place.

We can start focusing on the question of what weekend. It seems our window of opportunity is from July 5, to August 9. How are weekends for everyone? Would you rather a Saturday or a Sunday? This will help Rita too as she gets an idea of whether we have a speaker...

thanks, tearose

Leah, eating is always on the menu :D ! I mean agenda. And we'll have to try and find a place that will be good for all! You can be the chair of restaurant committee!

I am not sure how many will want to go to a museum but I have a feeling that once we get together and start talking...it will be hard to say goodbye and we'll go on to do some other fun stuff.

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I will be living in New England (boston) the second half of this year (aug 16-dec 25) so if you do it some time then let me know and i may be able to make it to NY one weekend. As i am from Australia i have no idea of the logistics though eek.

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Guest tearose

Well, focusing on the weekend now... and trying to accommodate as many requests as possible, this is for your consideration:

Saturday August 5, Sunday August 6.

How does this work for you?

If I don't hear back from the NYC hospital inquiries I have made, I have figured it is still important to just get together for this first meet and we can all talk about a mini-conference sometime in the future.

Is that okay for you?

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Guest tearose

Okay gang...how does Sunday August 6th sound?

Martha makes a good suggestion for a Sunday because of parking. Also, it should be easier to get restaurant seating on a Sunday morning.

Leah, now it is time for you to spring into action on the restaurant. (Feel free to pm me.)

I will have some literature to give out but this is going to be mostly just meeting, laughing and eating!!!

oh, and I'll bring cookies too!

Are we getting excited?

I am! tearose :angry:

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