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Thank you everyone for the input!

I'm like Tearose - I'm EXTREMELY afraid of the cold/change of temperature when getting in and out of the pool. This is why I haven't tried it before. Jan's suggestion of getting PT was good, but frankly, that was why I wanted to try the YMCA pool in the first place - I just can't afford the PT, plus the first place I called made it clear that the did NOT want me as a client - they had no idea how to work with a person so deconditioned that they couldn't even stretch for ten minutes a day.

So friends, I have to decide whether to risk $36.00 (a lot of money to me) to join the Y and see if I can tolerate getting in and out of the water. Looks like I will also need a kickboard.

Flop, the washing your hair bit twice in a day got me concerned, also. A friend suggested that I go early in the day with dirty hair and just wash it afterwards! That's how I knew I was in trouble with fibro or something - not being able stand the muscle pain of washing my hair.

Let's face it - taking a shower is one of POTS' biggest problems. Flop, I wish I had a good suggestion for you. Add to the hassle - washing a bathing suit and extra towel, driving - Roselover, I have nobody to help me at all during the day - thank God for your daughter - gas, getting a lock for the locker and shaving constantly - anybody else get dizzy when trying to look to shave under their arms?

Probably I will try anyway - the pool is only open until 8:30 pm, but maybe my hubbie can go with me on nights he gets home by 7pm and eat afterwards (which screws up my stomach).

Thank you for any further encouragement from anyone and Flop, let us know how you deal with the hair issue.

with appreciation,


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Guest dionna

i have actually been told to avoid swimming. the reason is because i faint so often. during the summer i did try it anyway with others in the water with me. i got tired really quickly so i didn't stay in very long. i am too afraid of drowning to try it any time soon.

i am happy for you that you are doing so well with it!

dionna :rolleyes:

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I definitly don't wash my hair twice in one day - as it is dry I usually get away with having it washed every 10 days. If it starts to look a bit lank I put dry shampoo spray on it and brush through. It is hard enough to persuade people to help me dry it as it is. That is the disadvantage of swimming - doing my hair and exercising on the same day.

Other posts have reminded me how great the water can feel and the freedom. I will try to get to the pool some time in the next few weeks.


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I have taken to washing my hair every other day since getting POTS. There is no way I could shower twice in one day when my POTS is acting up, let along wash my hair twice. I have a hair dryer stand at home. It makes drying my hair so much easier, since I don't have to hold the hair dryer. Best $20 I ever spent!

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Yes, I am very lucky to have such a caring daughter. She also cuts my hair so that it's fast to wash and quick to dry... often don't even use a hair dryer..

There is no way I could drive after a little exercise.

You know what else I did? I bought a hand crochet hat that I wear when I need to be out of the house, but I don't have energy two wash my hair! Or other times I just throw on a baseball cap!

And I can't remember who mentioned this... but yes, I am thinking of asking mangement to put a sign or even write with a sharpie - for handicapped use only...


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